Spider-Man 3 DVD sales are 'disappointing'

i got my two pack from wal mart the day it was released so i find that article hard to believe
i'm not buying that crap when a 3.1 edition is bound to come out...

it still won't hide the fact the film was off but it'll probably have more scenes in to fill the looping holes left in the film, hopefully with a re-shot resolved ending with sandman handing himself into the police and spidey doing something for his daughter
Does it have anything to do with the fact that Spider-man 3 was 'disappointing'.
i got my two pack from wal mart the day it was released so i find that article hard to believe

Why? Tons of people saw the movie, yes, but it doesn't mean a whole lot of them were disappointed.
That article probably doesn´t account that the full trilogy pack of the SM series had excellent sales, a lot of people probably bought 3 along with the other 2.
I'll buy it when it hits the $9.99 bargain bin at Target. Until then, my memories shall suffice. God, that movie was a letdown...
It is strange, it seemed they were selling well to me.
I'm not buying that crap. I'm pretty sure the DVD's are still being sold left & right, considering the money it made at the box office. I'm sure more than half of those people that liked the movie when it was at the theater has picked up the DVD as well.
I'm not buying that crap. I'm pretty sure the DVD's are still being sold left & right, considering the money it made at the box office. I'm sure more than half of those people that liked the movie when it was at the theater has picked up the DVD as well.

Well, I would certainly take your opinion over expert analysis...
IMBD = Expert analysis? Hell no.

Don't quit your day job, noob.

Wow, is noob an offense now?

They were actually quoting an independent expert. Any other childish attacks in your arsenal?

Edit - that comment becomes particularly amusing when you look at our respective join dates.
hopefully with a re-shot resolved ending with sandman handing himself into the police and spidey doing something for his daughter
Heh, so with the retribution and punishment all the way, the forgiveness message is thrown right out the window, I guess. :oldrazz:

Wow, is noob an offense now?
They were actually quoting an independent expert. Any other childish attacks in your arsenal?
Edit - that comment becomes particularly amusing when you look at our respective join dates.
You’re the childish one ‘hatebox’ by starting a thread with nothing but a link and no comment of your own and expecting people to take it seriously.
not really, spidey shows his forgiveness by striking a unseen deal with clint to provide raise funds for his daughter (under his spidey guise) to see him go back to jail.

clint now also is told the power responsibility line and realises he can't run away from his past and has to accept what happened and pay his time.

Since the only reason he is out is to help his daughter, he has no more reason to commit crimes or want spidey out.

two birds killed with one stone and everything is tied up in a nice lil bow.
That article probably doesn´t account that the full trilogy pack of the SM series had excellent sales, a lot of people probably bought 3 along with the other 2.

Bingo. Spider-Man 3 is split between seven different SKUs, which would skewer the numbers depending on what IMDB is using as a point of reference.
not really, spidey shows his forgiveness by striking a unseen deal with clint to provide raise funds for his daughter (under his spidey guise) to see him go back to jail.
But I don't see the necessity for him to go to jail.
He is penitent. His daughter will die. Isn’t that punishment and learned lesson enough?
I'm not buying that crap. I'm pretty sure the DVD's are still being sold left & right, considering the money it made at the box office. I'm sure more than half of those people that liked the movie when it was at the theater has picked up the DVD as well.

Fail :o
please tell me you're joking

Are you advocating for criminals who break out of jail to remain free if they 'say' they are 'sorry' for their original crime?

Even after assaulting countless police officers and aiding in a hostage situation?
ON topic, i guess the term dissapointing is only relative to its box office sucess which they may have thought would also be reflected in record breaking dvd sales.
please tell me you're joking
Are you advocating for criminals who break out of jail to remain free if they 'say' they are 'sorry' for their original crime?
Even after assaulting countless police officers and aiding in a hostage situation?
Sure, nobody died, and if they have the power to break free and never bother anyone ever again, why not? It's not about what you've done; it's about what we can do to patch those mistakes.
And for the record - we know Flint didn't just 'say' he's sorry, he is genuinely sorry.
And just to come back to you're previous post:
two birds killed with one stone and everything is tied up in a nice lil bow.
Well, basically real life lessons are about that it's not always 'tied up in a nice lil bow'. Most of the time you have to learn to live either with your grudge or guilt stones, and there are many packing up throughout your life. You just have to move on. The more movies would reflect that the better.

Peace and forgiveness man! :heart:
You’re the childish one ‘hatebox’ by starting a thread with nothing but a link and no comment of your own and expecting people to take it seriously.

What an odd thing to say. What would you have me write, that I'm devastated by the news? It's simply a link to a valid article that hopefully fuels discussion.

I must say I'm amused by some of the replies so far.
What an odd thing to say. What would you have me write, that I'm devastated by the news? It's simply a link to a valid article that hopefully fuels discussion.
I must say I'm amused by some of the replies so far.
Indeed what an odd thing to say and expect when you contributed nothing to the topic yourself.
Yes, you are just amused and critiquing people who disagree with the linked statement. That's all you do. That's not called ‘discussing’. That's called ‘trolling’. :oldrazz:
Sure, nobody died, and if they have the power to break free and never bother anyone ever again, why not? It's not about what you've done; it's about what we can do to patch those mistakes.
And for the record - we know Flint didn't just 'say' he's sorry, he is genuinely sorry.
And just to come back to you're previous post:

Well, basically real life lessons are about that it's not always 'tied up in a nice lil bow'. Most of the time you have to learn to live either with your grudge or guilt stones, and there are many packing up throughout your life. You just have to move on. The more movies would reflect that the better.

Peace and forgiveness man! :heart:
Well congratulations, you're officially the only person who watched that film that enjoyed the way that scene was resolved.


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