Spider-man: Animated (Voices needed)


Lord of Demons
Jul 2, 2007
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I and some others are making a Spidey animated show. Yes we are also the people from Hysteria.We are right now writing the episodes.After that designs and then animating. All your favourite villains are in.

We will try hard to make this good. Don't expect animation like offcial cartoons.This show will have cheek style designs(I have someone in mind).Updates will be put on. Season 1 will be having 12 episodes. Every episode is different in lengths. Thank you. We will not give up.

Thank you for your time. I hope you guys like them.Episodes will be downloadable I hope.I am head of this project by the way.

Anyone wanna try out for voices!

Spider-man/Peter Parker-
Flash Thompson-
Aunt May-
Gwen Stacy-
Mary Jane-
Doc Conners-
Otto Octavius-
Harry Osborn-
Norman Osborn-
Adrian Toomes-
Eddie Brock-
Gwen Stacy-
Random Guy 1&2-

Others later.

Early Drafts:

Episode 1: Chameleon

Peter is on his last year of high school and he also fights crime as Spider-man! But when a villain named Chameleon arrives. Trouble for him. With Chameleon firming Spidey city starts to hate. Now he has to clear his name

Special Appearances: Doctor Conners, Norman Osborn, Otto Octavius

Episode 2: Deadly Skies

After Adrian Toomes gets fired from all the dangerous experiments he made. He decides to steal a suit with wings giving him the power to fly. He starts to cause chaos and now Spidey has to stop him.

Special Appearances: Quentin Beck, Doctor Conners, Otto Octavius, Norman Osborn

Episode 3: Mind Games

After getting fired and arrested by Spidey(in episode 2) he starts to use his special effects talent by becoming Mysterio. Spidey has to defeat him once and for all.

Special Appearances: Flint Marko.

Episode 4:Sands of Darkness

Flint gets tired getting caught by Spider-man all the time, so finally after getting tested on a Oscorp experiment, it turns him into Sandman. With the monster he became and not able to run human he goes after Norman. Now Spidey faces his strongest foe yet!

Special Appearances: Doctor Conners,

Episode 5: Metamorphism(1)

Peter starts to notice that Doc Conners starts to act strange. but soon as he returns to Bugle, J.J starts to tell him to go and take photos of this giant Lizard.Peter at first doesn't believe him but its true. Now He has to fight a giant Lizard who is stronger than him.

Special Appearances:Liz Allen.Betty Brant.

Episode 6:Survival(2)

After getting beaten up by a giant Lizard, he soons finds out that , the giant Lizard is Doc Conners. Now he has to find out a cure for him.

Special Appearances:Norman Osborn

Episode 7:Horn of a Rhino

*No description*

Episode 8:Enforcers

*No descriptions*

Episode 9:Blackout

*no description*

Episode 10: Armed and Dangerous

*no description*

Episode 11:Shadow of a Goblin(1)

*no description*

Episode 12:Rage of the Goblin(2)


Please try to help us. Thanks again.





Thanks and early drafts of episodes are up.
I've done voice-work for some film projects in my college major. I would love to play Norman Osborne/Green Goblin or any other villain.
sounds cool, i would love to know more on what u are doing please pm me.
I've done voice-work for some film projects in my college major. I would love to play Norman Osborne/Green Goblin or any other villain.

Okay. Show me what you can do.

For now I can't give away things.
Why don't you go on You Tube and write RTaco and search it. He has fast cartoony animation.
I'm only lending my voice for one person, who's not even a mamby-pamby Spider-man character anyway.
Okay. Thanks!
First post updated,
Can you like pm them to me? Or upload them somewhere then pm me it?
Can you like pm them to me? Or upload them somewhere then pm me it?

Sure, no problem. Have you guys already done designs and preliminary sketches for what the characters will look like? I mean I see you've wrote up some plots which is good.
Hmm... Actually, I'd be willing to try out Eddie as well as NinjaTurtleFan, but not Venom. Eddie.
Sure, no problem. Have you guys already done designs and preliminary sketches for what the characters will look like? I mean I see you've wrote up some plots which is good.

Not yet. But we do have an idea how they will look. Just show me what you got.:cwink:
First post edited.
BUMP! Voice for Spidey/Peter and Animater REALLY needed.
hmm... maybe i'll try for Spidey/Peter. people tell me i sound like him a little.
pm me some lines or whatever and i'll send them to you in a few days.
I kinda want to try this but I dont' have a mike...
If you ever do, try. Also check pm Supes.
All episode titles of season 1 are in the first post.
Very sorry but more designs at first post!

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