Spider-man Facts

I already knew most of that stuff. But it's nice to see it all in one place.
dang it ! spider man :no more would of been a good title , i was looking forward to a "amazing spiderman " or "spectacular spiderman" title myself.
Wow! Most of that I..........already knew. :oldrazz:
I already knew most of that, but I'm glad it was posted because the stuff I didn't know was interesting.
And anyone else think Eliza Dushku would have made a better Mary Jane in the long run?
I already knew most of that, but I'm glad it was posted because the stuff I didn't know was interesting.
And anyone else think Eliza Dushku would have made a better Mary Jane in the long run?

And in the short run :oldrazz:
12 At one point, "Spider-Man 2" was considering a number of different titles including: "Spider-Man: No More," "Spider-Man Lives" and "Spider-Man: UNMASKED."'

Tee hee.

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