Spidey costume changes

Orko Is King

Jun 29, 2000
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Looking at the set pics, it seems that the red is richer than the previous movies and the blue is more or less black like it was in the early comic days and in Marvels. Has anyone else noticed any changes?
Orko Is King said:
Looking at the set pics, it seems that the red is richer than the previous movies and the blue is more or less black like it was in the early comic days and in Marvels. Has anyone else noticed any changes?

i, along with everyone else notice the changes of the suite from spidey 1 to 2. the suite was great in 1, even better in 2. but to tell you the truth, i haven't notice any much of change in his costume yet from the pictures we have. i guess i'll need to see better pictures, which will come out eventually, and hopefully soon :)
to me the blue looks less black and it looks smoother and shinier.
Yeah I think the blue is a bit brighter too
It doesn't look like much has changed from the SM2 suit. Little tweaks here and there I'm sure, but nothing as drastic as the changes from the SM1 to the SM2 suit. Which is fine, since I think the SM2 costume was absolutely perfect. The colors do look a little different here, but I think that's just the result of different types of cameras being used to take the pics and different lighting conditions. I'm willing to bet it's gonna look exactly it did in SM2 once all the editing and color corrections are done. I personally love the dark midnight blue (almost black) look over the vibrant blue.
It is not the exact same. I already posted on this before (not in this thread)

The Changes in suit from spidey 2 to 3
The reds are richer. The bricks in the red are not as dominanant (as well as the muscle shading)

The blues are truer.

The back spider now has bricks. (it didn't in spidey 2)

The webs spiders, and lenses are 'slightly' lighter in color.

I'll say it again. The spidey 2 and 3 suits are almost exactly the same minus these extremely minimal changes.
All the patterns, method of entry , the shape and sizes of the spiders and the pattern of the webs and bricks on the suit are all the same.
the spider on the front looks slightly larger and lighter in color along with the webbing.

red looks brighter, the spider on the back's 2 pairs of front legs look tilted higher than the 2nd costume.

The lenses are different, look more defined, pointier?? and darker in color around the lense.
Lighter blue and red perhaps, but basically it's the same as from Spidey 2 :up:
I saw the fake movie teaser for spidey 3.......looks alot like "SPAWN" from the "SPAWN" movie....ddduuhhhh????????
to tell you guys the truth I didnt see much difference from the 1st and 2nd, so i doubt Ill be seing any difference from the 2nd and the 3rd, but I do see color differences in the symbiote costume and the normal one, lol
cdude2k6 said:
to tell you guys the truth I didnt see much difference from the 1st and 2nd, so i doubt Ill be seing any difference from the 2nd and the 3rd, but I do see color differences in the symbiote costume and the normal one, lol

whoa, you didn't see a difference in the costume from 1 to 2:eek: there were major differences, and not just coloring, but the webbing on the palms of his hands, the scales were more noticable, the spiders on the front and back were bigger and stood out more.

now i don't see anything different with 3, but if someone could post the best pic we have so far of spidey from 3, that would be great.
There was most definitely changes from the first suit to the second suit (the lenses, the design of the back spider, the color, etc.) So far, in these initial set pics, I don't see anything different that my eyes pick up.

I was going over some of the NY set pics from SM2, and did some side-by-side comparisons with the photos with the SM3 set pics from Cleveland, and I didn't notice anything of significance.
cmill216 said:
There was most definitely changes from the first suit to the second suit (the lenses, the design of the back spider, the color, etc.) So far, in these initial set pics, I don't see anything different that my eyes pick up.

I was going over some of the NY set pics from SM2, and did some side-by-side comparisons with the photos with the SM3 set pics from Cleveland, and I didn't notice anything of significance.

in watching the second disk of the second spidey, they said they made over 100 changes to the costume from spidey 1 to 2.

they most likely won't change much with it for 3. i'm satisfied with the costume. plus everyone's focus isn't really on his red and blue costume, its on his black symbiote costume.
The only change I noticed was that the "brick" pattern is on the back spider now.

#2 spidey's back
there are many changes as i mentioned aboved ^
just look at both costumes, you have to see it, its impossible not to. and if you have it, look at the 2nd disk of spidey 2, and they show you the many many changes they've done from spidey 1 to 2.

#3's back, the spiders legs are spaced out differently? very slightly? or am i blind?
well, after close examination, the spider looks the same, no change to me. but the spidey 3 pic is at an angle where as the spidey 2 pic is a straight shot, so its hard to really be sure. but the legs look the same to me.
The back spider IS the same. Except for the fact that it now has bricks on it.
Is that a zipper on the back left side of Spidey's suit?

But I don't see much of a difference in the suits. Not even the spider legs on back-- No... Wait, wait... You're RIGHT!! The top legs stretch out farther on the Spidey2 suit. They're pulled closer in on the Spidey3 suit.

One more thing, doesn't the dude in the cowboy hat look like the guy in Office Space who invented that stupid whatchucallit? That got into the horrible accident?
Orlando Spider said:
The back spider IS the same. Except for the fact that it now has bricks on it.

hmmm, didn't see the bricks. but yea, spider same.
TrueBeliever said:
Is that a zipper on the back left side of Spidey's suit?

But I don't see much of a difference in the suits. Not even the spider legs on back-- No... Wait, wait... You're RIGHT!! The top legs stretch out farther on the Spidey2 suit. They're pulled closer in on the Spidey3 suit.

One more thing, doesn't the dude in the cowboy hat look like the guy in Office Space who invented that stupid whatchucallit? That got into the horrible accident?

listen i said this up in another post ^ , the spidey 3 pic is at an angle. the legs LOOK closer due to the angle, but they aren't. look closely, the legs extend over the same back portion as they do in the spidey 2 pic.

as for the zipper thing, in both pics its on 2 different sides. i couldn't tell you what they are but i noticed them too.

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