1. The Spectacular Spider-Man-This show really has taken a ton of stuff from the comics and has incoprated them into the show, even when it's not exactly taken from the comics. It's a combination with things from the films, comics and other things and I really think this is the greatest Spidey show ever. This show is also very fluid.
2. Spider-Man:TAS-This show is still awesome even though it's not my #1 favorite anymore. It just had alot of things that I loved about Spidey and it was just so awesome watching this show.
3. Spider-Man 1960's animated series-This show was so awesome to watch. Personally, it's a show that you could watch all day without getting tired of it. It ran alot of episodes and I wasn't born back then, but I bought the full DVD box set back in 2004 and it truly was an awesome experiment.
4. Spider-Man 1980's animated series-I saw a few episodeso f this show and I really enjoyed them. It was also so awesome to see Black Cat in the show.
5. Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends-very fun and exciting show! Personally, I could watch this show all day and still not get board. I loved all the episodes such as the Dracula episode and such.
6. MTV Spider-Man Animated series-This series wasn't really that good, IMO. It just was boring and had poor stories. The animation was okay, but even that wasn't satisfying.
7. Spider-Man: Unlimited-This show really was bad. I mean, I loved the voice of Peter Parker/Spider-Man, but other than that the show was a faliure.