Stand-Alone Movies Stand Alone & Spin-Off Star Wars movies...what would you like to see get made?


Jan 31, 2013
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Stand Alone & Spin-Off Star Wars movies...what would you like to see get made?

One thing that has occurred to me is if they make a movie outside the saga storyline, and it's very well received, it would spawn it's own sequels, making for tons of Possibilities...

One thing I'd like to see is a Vader/Empire Story taking place between the 3 & 4 time period...All Vader, All the time!
Does this really need to be in the Episode VII section?
Ya this should be in the "sequels" section for the most part.
Just PM a mod. They can do it.
I'd like to see an adaptation of either:

The Force Unleashed
Knights of the Old Republic
Dark Forces
Obi-Wan Kenobi, set between ROTS and ANH :woot:
Hmmm I would not be against Obi-Wan stories, but I'd rather have some others first. Though I really do want to see some stuff in between Episode III and IV, and I would not mind interquels either. The Boba one has me excited if it was in between ANH and ESB.

I'm not for The Force Unleashed because it revolves too much around Vader, we've seen enough of him. I don't mind if there are some small appearances, but I guess I just never liked The Force Unleashed story, or the games themselves.

As for Dark Forces? Hell ya, loved the first two especially, they had superb stories, The Valley of the Jedi, Dark Troopers ect ect. Katarn would be a great character to introduce to the GA.

As for Knights of the Old Republic a resounding yes....but I don't know if I want it as a "spin-off" I'd rather them make that the new trilogy after VII, VIII, and IX. I think there is so much there one film would not do it justice.
Jedi Knight/Dark Forces w/ a Jedi Academy spin-off LOL...

...honestly, something Jedi Acadmey-ish could be great for Disney if done right...

KOTOR needs to happen.
Obi-Wan and Han Solo spinoffs.

I think having a few movies set between ROTS and ANH could help with that huge gap of nothing. I think it's like 17 years between movies? Not sure if there's any books about it?

I think the Obi-Wan movie would be about him watching over Luke, while the Han Solo movie could tell about how he became a smuggler and have Chewy, Jaba and Lando in it.
Obi-Wan and Han Solo spinoffs.

I think having a few movies set between ROTS and ANH could help with that huge gap of nothing. I think it's like 17 years between movies? Not sure if there's any books about it?

I think the Obi-Wan movie would be about him watching over Luke, while the Han Solo movie could tell about how he became a smuggler and have Chewy, Jaba and Lando in it.
There are a lot of comics, novels and video games covering almost every time in the SW universe, expecially those closer to the movies.
I want a Ponda Baba movie! He is the most misunderstood character of the franchise!

I'm sincerelly turned off by the idea of a Yoda or Han Solo film, for the same reason i wouldn't be interested in a Ron Weasly film
You should be slapped for even mentioning Han in the same breath as Ron Weasly.
Stand Alone & Spin-Off Star Wars movies...what would you like to see get made?

Honestly, nothing. Keep the films in the "Official Skywalker Saga" and anything outside of that in live action form as a television series. Only a matter of time before we get a TV show.

I don't like the idea of Marvel-izing Star Wars. Marvel was all about solo superheroes all building up to one big mega-event. Star Wars is a big mega-event all to its own.
Y'know, normally I'd agrer with the abovr opinion, but the EU books like the Han Solo trilogy or Rogue Squardron really convinced thst Star Wars can have extremely successful offshoots that seem just as enthrawling, epic and meaningful as the Skywalkers' saga.
Well, we've already had some spin-off movies. Yeah, that's right... the Ewok films. Sure, they were TV movies in the states but they were released theatrically in Europe. So Star Wars has already branched out with spin-offs.

I think a young Han Solo movie would be neat. I'm not interested in Yoda or Boba Fett. I wouldn't mind an Obi-Wan spinoff if done right.
The problem of spin-offs is that we know where the characters are going next, and when they're set before the events of the main films there are bound to be continuity errors
I'd like a story about the early ideas for force unleashed where Darth Vader sends Starkiller on a quest to find the late Darth Plagueis. Then at the end it's revealed he sought him out in an attempt to resurrect Padme. However I don't want any of that crap where "Starkiller created the rebellion" no thats stupid, the rebellion was created because Palpatine was Space Hitler.
The problem of spin-offs is that we know where the characters are going next, and when they're set before the events of the main films there are bound to be continuity errors

Not in a universe as big as Star Wars. The problem only arrises when they decide a movie called "Han Solo" needs to include a bunch of Jedi and the Rebels and people that have no place in his story. Theres the underworld aspect of Star Wars like Black Sun, the Hutt Clan, the Bounty Hunters, the Spice Traders. You could easily make a movie about Han, Chewie, and Lando trying to make it in the criminal underworld, while being chased by the Empire.

The same can be said about Boba Fett.

As long as the movie doesn't feel Obi-Wan needs to be in it somehow, or Vader needs to meet Han Solo, then theres no cause for concern, especially with the EU dubbed irrelevant.
I think a Boba Fett solo would work better than an Han Solo one.
As I've said before, a movie about Clone Troopers could have some potential.
As I've said before, a movie about Clone Troopers could have some potential.

Order 66 kind of ruins that, even durring the clone wars episodes about the clones (usually the better ones of the series) all i can think about is how irrelevant this all become in Episode III.
Grievous movie that shows his tragic past and follow up with some hunting Jedi action. That is all I ask.

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