star wars episode 7,8,9 rumor


Jun 25, 2002
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Star Wars: Episodes 7-9: Rumours of George Lucas following up his original trilogy with another down the track have been around for years - some were solid information, most were just wishful thinking. As a result unless something solid comes through on them I'm not touching speculation on the topic with a ten foot pole. Well today came word which whilst not solid, is from an insider source whose regularly provided totally accurate intel so far for over two years on a variety of projects so I tend to take his word for it. If true, its also good news for fans let down by the prequels: "One of my pals at ILM told me a few days back that another trilogy 'might' happen. This is the sequel trilogy that Lucas said he'd never do. It's very very early days yet, but apparently there is some talk, even to the point of Mr Spielberg - who was interested in doing 'Clones' at one point - stepping in for Lucas, who may want to write, but probably won't want to direct. If Lucas doesn't they'll probably work out a deal for say Frank Darabont to pen (ala the current "Indiana Jones IV" arrangement). This one would be the three films following Return of the Jedi, Han Solo, Skywalker, post-Darth etc. How hard of a time are they going to have on their hands getting some of those original players! ha ha! finally a fitting use for CGI hey? The deal is everyone wants the sequels, except Lucas, who is apparently exhausted [Personally I'd say studio pressure]. If Spielberg directs, it could be ok. Better than those terrible prequel movies". Thanks to 'Wookie Walker'.
Ii'd be cool if they did more SW movies IMO, but I think they should touch on other subjects rather than put an epilouge on a good 6-part series.
That would be cool, but he's right, they would have a hell of a time grabbing Hamil, Ford, and Fisher.

'Course last I heard Mark Hamil was only doing cartoon voices, and Carrie Fisher was just doing bit cameos. They may be a little easier to snag as opposed to Ford, who seems to be the only one who managed to keep a career after Star Wars.
That's one thing that would be kinda stupid, they'd all be old and s h i t.
Star Wars should stop after the trilogy. From what I've seen, most of the actors on the current one are glad its over. Mostly their complaints are about how boring it is because they have to act with a tennis ball, which is part of the reason why the acting is so wooden. Star Wars needs to stop.
heres how i see it if they made a trilogy
han and leiha(sp) get married and have 2 jedi twins one trains with her brother luke who is kinda the obi won type in this movie and the other one goes off and joins the dark side later on luke and and evil twin fight bla blah it could work

or i always wanted to see a movie based on shadows of the empire the book
Originally posted by iron_man7
It's very very early days yet, but apparently there is some talk, even to the point of Mr Spielberg - who was interested in doing 'Clones' at one point - stepping in for Lucas,
who may want to write,
but probably won't want to direct.

Ok, bring on Darabont. Whoever Darabont is.

As for this 'news', it's been rumour for the last 20 years and this installment doesn't look any more promising. You'll have to excuse me if I don't hold my breath. ;)
Originally posted by BlackSymbiote
That would be cool, but he's right, they would have a hell of a time grabbing Hamil, Ford, and Fisher.

'Course last I heard Mark Hamil was only doing cartoon voices, and Carrie Fisher was just doing bit cameos. They may be a little easier to snag as opposed to Ford, who seems to be the only one who managed to keep a career after Star Wars.

Hamil is actually doing a mock-umentary on comic books, and has had an extremly sucessfull voice acting career
I'd be all for it :) An average Star Wars movie is still 24549 times better than watching most of the crap released in theatres :D
But it would be nothing more than an epilogue.

Anakin's story ends with Return of the Jedi.

Personally, I think the franchise is finished. And I'm one of the few people here who actually likes and supports the prequels.

There is simply no reason to drag the saga out any further. We're on the verge of seeing the completion of a great, epic story arc that has been meticulously crafted over the course of 25 years. Let's let that be.
Originally posted by Transcended
But it would be nothing more than an epilogue.

Anakin's story ends with Return of the Jedi.

Personally, I think the franchise is finished. And I'm one of the few people here who actually likes and supports the prequels.

There is simply no reason to drag the saga out any further. We're on the verge of seeing the completion of a great, epic story arc that has been meticulously crafted over the course of 25 years. Let's let that be.

NO :mad:
I want a new Star Wars movie every 2 years for the next 20 years at least :)
If anything, I think Lucas will do the re-re-release of Episodes 4-6 with all the added scenes and CGI effects. And I'm already pissed enough about that.

They'll never do another 3 films. Ever.
If they were goint to do 7 8 and 9 they shoudl have done them in the 80 or 90's. Now I believe that they shoudl have made 4 5 and 6 and then shot Lucas in the head.
Originally posted by Transcended
But it would be nothing more than an epilogue.

Anakin's story ends with Return of the Jedi.

Personally, I think the franchise is finished. And I'm one of the few people here who actually likes and supports the prequels.

There is simply no reason to drag the saga out any further. We're on the verge of seeing the completion of a great, epic story arc that has been meticulously crafted over the course of 25 years. Let's let that be.

Yep this is not going to happen. Lucas had plans back ine 70s to make 7, 8, 9 but the story he was going to use was crammed together in Return Of The Jedi. The Emperor was not going to show up until 9 and 7 and 8 were going to be about Luke looking for his sister who was not going to be Leia. All that was put in ROTJ.

7, 8 and 9 are just not going to happen because there is no story to them, Star Wars ends with Anakin fulfilling the prophecy by destroying the Emperor and returning balance to the force. That`s the story of Star Wars, the rise, fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker.
Originally posted by el brujo138
Yep this is not going to happen. Lucas had plans back ine 70s to make 7, 8, 9 but the story he was going to use was crammed together in Return Of The Jedi. The Emperor was not going to show up until 9 and 7 and 8 were going to be about Luke looking for his sister who was not going to be Leia. All that was put in ROTJ.

7, 8 and 9 are just not going to happen because there is no story to them, Star Wars ends with Anakin fulfilling the prophecy by destroying the Emperor and returning balance to the force. That`s the story of Star Wars, the rise, fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker.


All this is fan wish-forfillment.
Originally posted by iron_man7
except Lucas, who is apparently exhausted [Personally I'd say studio pressure]. If Spielberg directs, it could be ok. Better than those terrible prequel movies". Thanks to 'Wookie Walker'.

Exhausted? Yes, I imagine it does take quite the effort in rupturing your anus by producing such festering crap one after the other. Studio pressure? HAHAHA! The guy owns star wars and everything worth of note pertaining to it, what are the studio's going to do? Stop giving him money? What money, he could burn Fox's money and have their company heads shot. Merchandising alone could continue producing those abominations. And spielberg, that guy has gone downhill with every movie for quite some time now. The ET stint alone makes him almost as bad as that hack Lucas. Looking back at his career, most of it was contempary cookie-cutter nonsense playing to a fad at the time. I never was a spielberg fan though.

Since when was it about Anakin, George keeps making stuff up about what was 'meant' to be... contradicting himself every other sentance. The greedo shooting first incident alone makes his word about as reliable as a piss-stained hooker dripping opium. The movies could follow the books, although that would probably end up worse than the sequels... hard to imagine. I would of supported any star wars foray but with Lucas still in charge after the gauntlet to the face that are so far the prequels... never. Wait until he kicks the bucket or someone steals the rights from him before making another.

All in all, a bad idea IMHO.
Everone that has decided that the Star Wars saga was always just supposed to be Anakin's was not the original plan at all. Read all the early treatments and scriptments for Star is nothing like it is now. It wasn't even called A New Hope until after Empire was named episode 5. It was Gary Kurtz and George Lucas who decided after the fact to make them the middle of the story. George Lucas' orginal ideas really don't even see any screen time till this abominable prequel Trilogy, and only then are small bits used...such as names and locations. If you loved the characters from the original trilogy, then thank everyone else involved with Star Wars, other than George Lucas. None of his original character ideas made it into the final film. Ralph McQuarie had a lot more imput on the characters than people really seem to grasp and Gary Kurtz supplied much of the final story as well. Gary Kurtz to this day refuses to work with the hack, film equivilant of Bill Gate's known as George Lucas. He got where he is by stealing ideas, pirating new technology, and buying out the competition. ILM may be the best in the business...but only because they operate like a mafia.
Sometimes I think it would be better for everyone if Star Wars had never been made, lol....

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