Star Wars: The RPG ~ Episode VII: Dawn of the New Republic OOC Thread

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Dark Lord of the RPG's
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score

Special Thanks to Shlee for the Pics :up:

Gamemaster: Wiegeabo
Assistant Gamemaster: Nitemare Shape

  • You may choose either a pre-existing character that fits the time period of the game, or create a SW character of your own.
  • Created characters must make sense and be original. Any character that is found to be too much like an existing character will NOT be approved.
  • If you are playing an alien, stay true to the mindset and general culture of that race. So do you're homework before selecting an alien race to play as.
  • Unnamed, faceless NPC's may be killed, provided it's not random and has some purpose behind it. PC character deaths must be more than just some random death, and must have meaning behind it other than shock. Major NPC characters are off limits.
  • Constructive criticism of posts can be given, but don't be an ******* about it and openly criticize another's work. We're not all as gifted a storyteller as George Lucas, or as skilled a writer as Timothy Zahn.
  • Communication is the one word to live by for the RPGs. Good communication between players not only helps the flow of the arc and increases the enjoyment of the storytelling process, but it also helps create new twists and ideas that can make for some memorable stories.
  • You can reside on any world in the Star Wars Universe and go anywhere within the galaxy that you desire, including the Unknown Regions.
  • You are your character, so act like it. Talk like them, use their dialouge. Do not exaggerate your abilities, or mannerisms. BE Your character.
  • Several stories can be going at once, and you have the freedom to interact with other characters.
  • You must post at least once every two weeks, though it is preferred that you post more. If you go two weeks without a post without prior notice, your character is up for grabs.
  • Know your weaknesses and strengths of your character, and your craft (a smuggler is not going to win a straight fight against a Jedi, and a X-Wing isn't going to do much against an Imperial Star Destroyer).
  • The Gamemasters have the final say in matters in the RPG. You may not always like their judgement, but that's life. Arguing about it is not only pointless, but does absolutely nothing to help your cause. Just man the **** up and move on.
  • There should be minimal cursing and swearing in posts.
  • There will be NO bypassing of the Hype! censor. This is a Hype! rule and no exceptions will be made.
  • People who disobey these rules, some more major than others, will get booted from the RPG by the Gamemasters. Further problems will cause the Hype! Mods to get involved and lead to bannings and possibly worse.

For Information on Planets, Places, and Potential Characters, look no further than Wookieepedia for all your SW needs.

For those interested, here is a star map of the entire Galaxy, complete with trade routes (compliments of Affliction)

Galactic Star Map


Star Wars: The RPG Character Application

Screen Name:

Character you wish to play:

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc):

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc):

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!):

Character Class (choose one):

Scoundrel (all smugglers, cutthroats, outlaws, and general rogues)

Soldier (stormtroopers, Moffs, tribal warriors, New Republic commandos, fighter pilots, and all other warriors and soldiers)

Force Sensitive (Jedi, Sith, Witches of Dothamir, Emperor's Hands, and all other Force Users)

Bounty Hunter (strictly Bounty Hunters, whether a member of the Guild or not)

Beaurocrat (all Senators, Governors, representatives, and general diplomats)

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech:

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc):

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc):

Character Alignment (Choose one): Good, Nuetral, Evil

Why have you chosen this character, and what are your plans for them:

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG:

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG:

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype:
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Heroes of the Republic

Boolon Chonota (Force Sensitive, Ithorian High Priest)
(Rain Dog)

Han Solo (Scoundrel, Smuggler, New Republic General, and Galactic Hero)
(Byrd Man)

Huc Vondar (Force Sensitive, Jedi Apprentice of the New Jedi Order)

Joren Kel (Force Sensitive, Wayward Son of a Jedi)
(Nitemare Shape)

Luke Skywalker (Force Sensitive, Jedi Master and Galactic Hero)

Leia Organa (Force Sensitive, New Republic Counselor and Galactic Hero)
(NitemareS Shape)

Joren Kel (Force Sensitive, Wayward Son of a Jedi)
(Nitemare Shape)

Wedge Antilles (Leader of Rogue Squadron)

Walking the Thin Red Line

Rotta Desilijic Tiure (Scoundrel, Son of Jabba the Hutt and Rightful Heir to his Empire)
(Rain Dog)

Scourges of the Galaxy

Lieutenant Commander Bastion Renn (Imperial Soldier)

Grand Admiral Thrawn (Imperial Soldier, Leader of the Imperial Remnant)

Warlord Zsinj (Imperial Soldier, warlord of Imperial splinter faction)
(Nitemare Shape)

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Here's a list of pre-existing Star Wars characters still available to be played.

Star Wars Characters

4-LOM (Bounty Hunter, former protocol droid)

R2-D2 "Artoo" (Droid, Loyal Companion of Luke Skywalker and Bold Hero)

Lt. Bastion Renn (Soldier, Imperial Storm Commando Leader)

Bib Fortuna (Scoundrel, Successor to Jabba's Throne)

Boba Fett (Bounty Hunter, Most Feared Hunter in the Galaxy)

Booster Terrik (Scoundrel, Smuggler and an Imposing Gundark of a Human)

Borsk Fey'lya (Beaurocrat, Influential New Republic Council Member)

Carnor Jax (Force Sensitive, Imperial Royal Guardsman)

Chewbacca (Scoundrel, Copilot of the Millenium Falcon, Smuggler, and Galactic Hero)

Crix Madine (Soldier, New Republic General)

Dash Rendar (Scoundrel, Mercenary, Smuggler, and Hero)

Dengar (Bounty Hunter, Imperial Assassin)

Durga the Hutt (Scoundrel, Hutt Crime Boss)

Garm Bel Iblis (Beaurocrat, Co-Founder of the Rebellion and Military Leader)

Gilad Pellaeon (Soldier, Imperial Fleet Captain)

Guri (Scoundrel, Human Replica Droid Assassin and former member of the Black Sun)

IG-88 (Bounty Hunter, Assassin Droid and Droid Revolutionary Leader)

Kir Kanos (Soldier, Imperial Royal Guardsman)

Kyp Durron (Force Sensitive, Imperial Prisoner in the Spice Mines of Kessel)

Lando Calrissian (Scoundrel, Gambler, Con Artist, and "Repsectable" Businessman)

Leia Organa (Beaurocrat, New Republic Minister of State and Alderaanian Princess)

Lumiya (Force Sensitive, Emperor's Hand)

Mara Jade (Force Sensitive, Former Emperor's Hand)

Maximillian Veers (Soldier, Imperial Major General)

Sintas Vel (Bounty Hunter, Former Wife of Boba Fett)

Soontir Fel (Soldier, Imperial Fighter Pilot and Baron of the Empire)

Talon Karrde (Scoundrel, Smuggler)

Grand Admiral Thrawn (Soldier, Imperial Grand Admiral and Tactical Genius)

Tycho Celchu (Soldier, Rogue Squadron Second-In-Command)

Wedge Antilles (Soldier, Rogue Squadron Commander and Starfighter Ace)

Wes Janson (Soldier, Rogue Squadron member)

Winter (Soldier, Former Alliance Intelligence Officer)

Ysanne Isard (Soldier, Director of Imperial Intelligence and would-be Warlord)

Zuckuss (Bounty Hunter, Force Sensitive Findsman)
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To start off, only one character per person. That way the core characters can get evenly distributed.

Once the main people are taken, then I'll allow a second character to be played.
Screen Name: Johnny Blaze

Character you wish to play: Boba Fett

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc): Mandalorian

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): None

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!): A Mandalorian warrior and notorious bounty hunter, Boba Fett is the clone of the imfamous Jango Fett. Taking up his father's armor after his death at Geonosis, Boba quickly gained noteriety as a bounty hunter. When the Empire was founded, Fett entered his prime, quickly becoming the most feared hunter in the galaxy. Taking many missions for the Empire, Fett even had the honor to work with Vader on a few occassions.
Most famously is his successful claim of the Imperial bounty, as well as Jaba the Hutt's, for Han Solo.

Fett fought in the Skirmish at Carkoon, in which he was knocked into the mouth of the Sarlacc pit by a revived, yet still blind, Solo.
But Boba Fett has an iron will, and he did what no other man has ever done. Thanks to his weapons and Mandalorian armor, which helped him survive the blast of the thermal detonator that killed the beast, Fett escaped from the belly of the Sarlacc. After healing from his wounds, Fett has once more returned to the life of a Hunter. But the formation of a new Bounty Hunter's Guild might pose trouble...

Character Class (choose one):
Bounty Hunter

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech: Blue, Impact

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc): Too many to list. For a list of what Fett's got and what it can do, go here: Boba Fett's Equipment

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): To many, Fett is a cold blooded killer, but that is not so.
Boba Fett is a man with his own sense of honor and beliefs, who only takes bounties he agrees with. And, when he takes a bounty, it receives his full attention as Fett will stop at nothing to complete his tasks, his Mandalorian willpower and determination fueling him.

Boba Fett is a cunning adversary, and possesses a quick and sharp wit. He is brutally effecient and equally ferocious in his proffession, having an acute attention to detail, being an expert planner and battle strategist, as well as being one of the best martial fighters in the known galaxy. Fett is a quick thinker, and able to keep his cool in even the most dire of situations. A Mandalorian does not fear death, after all.

Because of what happened on Geonosis, Fett has a deep-seeded hatred for Jedi, and goes out of his way to make their lives a living Hell.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Nuetral

Why have you chosen this character, and what are your plans for them: He's one of my favorite characters in the SW mythos, and easily one of the most badass. My plans are simple, and will explore Fett's character more as well as the new Bounty Hunter Guild and how it deals with solo Hunters..

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG: Experience in RPing and a kick ass character.

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG: As many as need be, life permitting.

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):
The meet was going down.


He had been waiting for over two days hidden in the jungles of Baroonda for the bounty to arrive. And here he was...Mirko Dresdeen. A second rate smuggler with delusions of grandeur.
For most of his life Mirko had been content to stick with the Spice trade and the occasional weapon cache, but now his ambition had finally done him in. He had stolen information from the Black Sun. Information he was planning on selling to the crime syndicate's rivals. And that was something the head of the Black Sun, Princess Savan, could not allow.

So Mirko Dresdeen had to die, and the information had to be brought back to the Black Sun. When there's a bounty of this importance there's only one man for the job.

Boba Fett watched on through the scope of his Xerroll Nightstinger Sniper Rifle as the target and a pair of aqualish bodyguards moved forward to meet with five men from a rival syndicate in the middle of a large clearing. As the syndicate's men left their ship, Fett could see that one of the buyer's goons was a large, battle-scarred wookie.
Fett smiled, He'll make an excellent addition to the collection.

Fett took aim at the wookie...and fired, a blaster bolt blowing the beasts brains out the back of it's head.
Before the wookie even hit the ground and the group was alerted, Fett took down two more of the rival syndicate's men. As they quickly ran for cover, Fett took aim and shot Mirko through the knee causing him to fall and drop the package.

Turning his attention to Dresdeen's bodyguards, Fett shot one through the neck as he tried to duck behind a tree. The other aqualish, seeing his comrade squirming in pain as his life-blood poured from the wound, ran off into the jungle dropping his blaster as he fled.

Fett's gaze returned to the crawling Mirko as he tried to find cover. Fett put the rifle down and stood from his lay-down position. Fett cracked his neck, drew his twin blaster pistols, and took to the skies via his jet pack.
He made sure to get enough altitude to not only see the entire battlefield clearly, but he wanted the two remaining criminals to see who it was that hunted them.

As he touched down in the clearing, Fett's scanners pointed out the two remaining criminal's hiding places.

"My quarrel is not with you", the Mandalorian shouted, "If you leave now, I'll let you live. But, if you stay and try to keep me from completing my mission, you'll both die here today."

Silence fell on the area, save for the sounds of far off animals. Eventually, the two men slowly walked out from the thickets with their hands raised to show no aggression.

"Wise decision", Fett stated as he trained his blasters on them.

"Don't think we'll forget this", said the leader as he boarded his ship, "You've murdered members of the Circle today. It doesn't matter if you are Boba Fett, we will have our vengeance."

"Well, if that's your stance", replied Fett as he fired a dozen blaster bolts at the two men, sending them both to death's door.

As the two corpses smoked from the heat of the bolts, Fett turned his attention back to wounded Mirko, who was at least twenty meters away and had a blaster pistol pulled on him.

"You aren't takin' me in, Fett", Dresdeen said with a shaky voice.

"No, I'm not", agreed Boba as he ducked under the anticipated shot from Mirko and fired a single bolt that nailed Dresdeen right between the eyes.
Mirko Dresdeen, the fool of a smuggler, was dead. It was the price you paid when you crossed an organization like the Black Sun.

Boba Fett calmly holstered his pistols and strolled over to the package. Opening it up, Fett found a small datapad which he took and placed in his side pack to keep it safe.

His mission completed, Fett moved towards the fallen wookie, pulling out a long-bladed vibroknife as he strode towards the dead beast. Before he left Baroonda, Boba Fett would have another pelt to add to his collection.

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype: Yes


Now that that is out of my system, expect an app up shortly.
Theres nothing good about grief... I have always wondered about that phrase 'good grief'.
It's one o' them thar oxymorons. Like military intelligence, and a straight Byrd Man.
Screen Name: wiegeabo

Character you wish to play:
Luke Skywalker

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc):

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc):
New Republic and New Jedi Order

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!):
Luke is the last of the Jedi. The son of Anakin Skywalker, Luke and his twin sister Leia were hidden from Anakin after their birth because of Anakin's fall to the Dark Side.

A series of events brought Luke, then a young man, into the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Under the guidance of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin's former master, Luke was instrumental in fighting the Empire and destroying their first Death Star.

Some time later, Luke learned that Darth Vader, the Sith Lord responsible for hunting down the Jedi and ruling at the Emperor's side, was actually his father. During the attack on the second Death Star, Luke, now a Jedi Knight, and knowing there was still good in his father, battled Vader and the Emperor. As the Emperor tried to kill Luke, his father found redemption by sacrificing himself to save his son. Through Luke's belief in his father, he brought Anakin back from the Dark Side, allowing him to fulfill the prophecy and bring balance to the force.

Character Class (choose one):
Jedi Master, co-founder/leader of Rogue Squadron with Wedge Antilles.

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech: Luke's speech / Luke's thoughts

Like all Jedi, Luke carries the lightsaber he built as part of his training. He also has a personal X-Wing fighter, gifted to him by the New Republic. His fighter has standard equipment including less 'civilized' weapons like a blaster. He also has constant companions in his faithful droids C-3PO and R2-D2.

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc):
Luke is a true Jedi Master. Calm and at peace, but ready to fight when the need arises and no other course is available. Luke constantly looks for the good in people, and has hope in the New Republic's ability to restore peace to the galaxy.

Yet Luke also has lingering doubts about his ability to rebuild the New Jedi Order. Doubts he will need to overcome to bring new Jedi into the fold, and address what he senses is the growing presence of the Dark Side.

Character Alignment (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Choose one):
Luke is definitely good.

Why have you chosen this character, and what are your plans for them:
Luke was one of my first heroes growing up. As a kid, it was mostly because he was the underdog, lightsaber wielding, good guy. As I matured, so did my appreciation of Luke. How he grew from a typical adventure seeking teenager, to a man who now knows the horrors of war and wants nothing more than to finally help bring about peace and redemption.

I plan to have Luke finish his preparations of the Jedi Temple and start traveling the galaxy to seek out potential students for the New Jedi Order. Along the way he will find adventure and twists of fate. He'll reunite with old friends, seeking their help, and helping them in return. It's a new phase in Luke's life, and I want to explore it.

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG:
I want to bring to the game the Luke we all watched and grew up with in the movies. There will be hints of the Expanded Universe in my portrayal. Yet I'll try to make my Luke unique, fitting with the new continuity we will all create. A Luke who is more confident in his abilities and role as last Jedi, but still working through doubts about his future and the monumental task being asked of him.

I am also accustomed to the role of mentor in my seasons of playing Jay Garrick in World of Heroes and One Universe. Something that will be necessary as Luke finds new students and trains them to be the Jedi.

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG:
As often as necessary. Usually at least once per day.

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):

I sit in the quiet room I have taken as my quarters in the temple. It's nondescript and simple, but still has all I need. In the middle of the floor, legs crossed over each other, eyes closed, I focus on my breathing, feeling the Force flow around and through me. I can sense the various forms of life skittering in and around the temple as well as in the surrounding forest.

But that's not what makes me smile. I don't even open my eyes when I sense him. "Master," I say, simply.

"Mmm....fear I still sense in you. Doubt too."

My smile grows wider and I open my eyes to turn at the specter of my teacher and friend. "But I think you'll admit I have made much progress, Master Yoda."

His small head bobs up and down in that almost dismissive agreement he has, just as it did in life when he trained me in the swamps of Degobah. "Yes, yes. Much improvement I have seen. Jedi Master now you are." Then his voice lowers a notch. "But still doubt I sense..."

My smile drops. "All I see before me is a...monumental task. I have to rebuild the Jedi order, by myself. And while I know I'm up to it...there is still...uncertainty..."

"Fear you will fail, do you? Afraid another Vader you may create."

The thoughts of my father and all he did cloud my mind. I focus on the Force and let it clear my thoughts. "It is a fear I will overcome."

Yoda nods. "Much to overcome, I foresee. Many trials ahead for you."

I nod. "I have sensed it too, Master."

"Yes. Darkness the future brings. But light within you exists," he says, pointing his cane at me. "And remember this, you will. are not."

Yoda plants his cane in front of him, and slowly vanishes into the ether from which he came. I look at the empty air where he stood a few moments longer before rising to my feet.

He's right. I don't have to do this alone.

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype:

Last edited:'s a toss-up between an Imperial Remnant character and a member of the Hutt Syndicate...'s a toss-up between an Imperial Remnant character and a member of the Hutt Syndicate...

Well, you can always save the other for a second character. The one character per person thing is only in effect until all the major characters are gone. This way a poster won't be able to play two of the core characters and they can be distributed evenly.
Screen Name: Johnny Blaze

Character you wish to play: Boba Fett

Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc): Mandalorian

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): None

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!): A Mandalorian warrior and notorious bounty hunter, Boba Fett is the clone of the imfamous Jango Fett. Taking up his father's armor after his death at Geonosis, Boba quickly gained noteriety as a bounty hunter. When the Empire was founded, Fett entered his prime, quickly becoming the most feared hunter in the galaxy. Taking many missions for the Empire, Fett even had the honor to work with Vader on a few occassions.
Most famously is his successful claim of the Imperial bounty, as well as Jaba the Hutt's, for Han Solo.

Fett fought in the Skirmish at Carkoon, in which he was knocked into the mouth of the Sarlacc pit by a revived, yet still blind, Solo.
But Boba Fett has an iron will, and he did what no other man has ever done. Thanks to his weapons and Mandalorian armor, which helped him survive the blast of the thermal detonator that killed the beast, Fett escaped from the belly of the Sarlacc. After healing from his wounds, Fett has once more returned to the life of a Hunter. But the formation of a new Bounty Hunter's Guild might pose trouble...

Character Class (choose one):
Bounty Hunter

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech: Blue, Impact

Items (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc): Too many to list. For a list of what Fett's got and what it can do, go here: Boba Fett's Equipment

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): To many, Fett is a cold blooded killer, but that is not so.
Boba Fett is a man with his own sense of honor and beliefs, who only takes bounties he agrees with. And, when he takes a bounty, it receives his full attention as Fett will stop at nothing to complete his tasks, his Mandalorian willpower and determination fueling him.

Boba Fett is a cunning adversary, and possesses a quick and sharp wit. He is brutally effecient and equally ferocious in his proffession, having an acute attention to detail, being an expert planner and battle strategist, as well as being one of the best martial fighters in the known galaxy. Fett is a quick thinker, and able to keep his cool in even the most dire of situations. A Mandalorian does not fear death, after all.

Because of what happened on Geonosis, Fett has a deep-seeded hatred for Jedi, and goes out of his way to make their lives a living Hell.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Nuetral

Why have you chosen this character, and what are your plans for them: He's one of my favorite characters in the SW mythos, and easily one of the most badass. My plans are simple, and will explore Fett's character more as well as the new Bounty Hunter Guild and how it deals with solo Hunters..

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG: Experience in RPing and a kick ass character.

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG: As many as need be, life permitting.

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue):
The meet was going down.


He had been waiting for over two days hidden in the jungles of Baroonda for the bounty to arrive. And here he was...Mirko Dresdeen. A second rate smuggler with delusions of grandeur.
For most of his life Mirko had been content to stick with the Spice trade and the occasional weapon cache, but now his ambition had finally done him in. He had stolen information from the Black Sun. Information he was planning on selling to the crime syndicate's rivals. And that was something the head of the Black Sun, Princess Savan, could not allow.

So Mirko Dresdeen had to die, and the information had to be brought back to the Black Sun. When there's a bounty of this importance there's only one man for the job.

Boba Fett watched on through the scope of his Xerroll Nightstinger Sniper Rifle as the target and a pair of aqualish bodyguards moved forward to meet with five men from a rival syndicate in the middle of a large clearing. As the syndicate's men left their ship, Fett could see that one of the buyer's goons was a large, battle-scarred wookie.
Fett smiled, He'll make an excellent addition to the collection.

Fett took aim at the wookie...and fired, a blaster bolt blowing the beasts brains out the back of it's head.
Before the wookie even hit the ground and the group was alerted, Fett took down two more of the rival syndicate's men. As they quickly ran for cover, Fett took aim and shot Mirko through the knee causing him to fall and drop the package.

Turning his attention to Dresdeen's bodyguards, Fett shot one through the neck as he tried to duck behind a tree. The other aqualish, seeing his comrade squirming in pain as his life-blood poured from the wound, ran off into the jungle dropping his blaster as he fled.

Fett's gaze returned to the crawling Mirko as he tried to find cover. Fett put the rifle down and stood from his lay-down position. Fett cracked his neck, drew his twin blaster pistols, and took to the skies via his jet pack.
He made sure to get enough altitude to not only see the entire battlefield clearly, but he wanted the two remaining criminals to see who it was that hunted them.

As he touched down in the clearing, Fett's scanners pointed out the two remaining criminal's hiding places.

"My quarrel is not with you", the Mandalorian shouted, "If you leave now, I'll let you live. But, if you stay and try to keep me from completing my mission, you'll both die here today."

Silence fell on the area, save for the sounds of far off animals. Eventually, the two men slowly walked out from the thickets with their hands raised to show no aggression.

"Wise decision", Fett stated as he trained his blasters on them.

"Don't think we'll forget this", said the leader as he boarded his ship, "You've murdered members of the Circle today. It doesn't matter if you are Boba Fett, we will have our vengeance."

"Well, if that's your stance", replied Fett as he fired a dozen blaster bolts at the two men, sending them both to death's door.

As the two corpses smoked from the heat of the bolts, Fett turned his attention back to wounded Mirko, who was at least twenty meters away and had a blaster pistol pulled on him.

"You aren't takin' me in, Fett", Dresdeen said with a shaky voice.

"No, I'm not", agreed Boba as he ducked under the anticipated shot from Mirko and fired a single bolt that nailed Dresdeen right between the eyes.
Mirko Dresdeen, the fool of a smuggler, was dead. It was the price you paid when you crossed an organization like the Black Sun.

Boba Fett calmly holstered his pistols and strolled over to the package. Opening it up, Fett found a small datapad which he took and placed in his side pack to keep it safe.

His mission completed, Fett moved towards the fallen wookie, pulling out a long-bladed vibroknife as he strode towards the dead beast. Before he left Baroonda, Boba Fett would have another pelt to add to his collection.

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype: Yes


Approved ya bounty huntin' bastard. :up:
Pending how the end of Force Unleashed plays out my 2nd character may very well be Starkiller. He intigues me.
Upon reflection he may not be the best choice...
Star Wars: The RPG Character Application

Screen Name: Gallagher

Character you wish to play: Kyle Katarn

Race: Human, how boring

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): New Republic

Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!): Kyle Katarn was once an officer of the Empire, yet after years of witnessing the horrors commited by his chosen allegiance he defected and was recruited by Mon Mothma and the Rebel Alliance. During his time as a spy and double agent Kyle had an impeccable success rate. It was due to his efforts that the plans for the first Death Star were captured and taken advantage of. Since the fall of the Empire Kyle has helped build the New Republic as loyal soldier and friend to both the Skywalker twins and Mon Mothma.

Character Class (choose one):


Force Sensitive (Though does not no it, this will come into fruition much later)

What Font and Color will you be using for your character's speech: Brown Franklin Gothic

Items: His ship the Raven Claw, comlink and trusty Byran Blaster Pistol.

Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): On the outside Kyle is a stereotypical smart-mouthed, sarcastic merc. His sense of humour is dry and can often be mistaken for cynicism, the very picture of a battle-hardened grunt Kyle can, however, sometimes doubt himself and his abilities.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Good

Why have you chosen this character, and what are your plans for them: Kyle is the star of one of my favorite Star Wars video games: The Dark Forces/Jedi Knight trilogy (Not counting 'Academy') he has a rich personality and a wealth of stories to draw inspiration from.

What can you bring to Star Wars: The RPG: Correllian Ale... In a clean glass.

How often can you post IN A DAY in this RPG: As often as needed.

Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue): "Sithspit..." Kyle grumbled under his breath as an alarm blared around the old Trandoshan complex. Trandoshans were slavers, scumbags with seemingly nothing better to do than hold their remaining Wookie slaves to ransom. Kyle didn't know the details but this particular Wookie was an infant of some importance to the Wookie Chieftan.

He held the child in one hand and a blaster pistol in the other as he jogged to the nearest exit, the wookie growling playfully as they went. The halls were dimly lit and the walls rusted, the clanking of Kyle's boots echoed loudly as he picked up speed, catching sight of daylight.

"<There he is! He has the youngling!>"

The distant shouts boomed around the base, the growls and guttural sounds the Trandoshan's conversed in made the halls sound nightmarish, the infant letting out a worried murmur.

"Come on kid, almost there." He said, almost more to himself. As a blaster bolt soared overhead Katarn reached the end of the underground tunnel connecting the complex to the surrounding forests. A few more blasts singing the surrounding air, Kyle never could get the smell of ordanance out of his clothes. He risked a look behind him and instantly regretted it, letting out a small yelp as he noticed the number of slavers, swarming out of the tunnels.

He fired off a few blind shots from his pistol, aiming in their general direction as he continued to sprint into the forest.

"START THE ENGINES!" He yelled into a commlink, tossing away the blaster. "JAN! START THE ENGINES!" As the trees parted they came to a clearing where the Raven's Claw was docked. Jan Ors sat in the pilots seat, desperately working the controls, bringing the ship to life with a thunderous roar. As Kyle slowed down, breathing heavily, the ramp came down allowing him and the wookie entry.

"Jan get us out of here!"

"You get the kid!?"

"No, I left him behind, he was just slowing me down."

Kyle smiled at the look of horror on Jan's face before holding up the small bundle in his arms for her to see.

"Don't scare me like that. Let's get off this rock."

Kyle sat down in the cockpit after strapping the young wookie safely into the seat next to him. He sighed as the Trandoshan's quickly became small black dots.

"Best idea I've heard all damn day."

Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype: Hell Yes.

Great idea. I'm trying to pick from a couple characters, expect an app soon.
Hmm...decapitated in his app's sample pic.

I fear this may be a short season for poor Kyle...
Each time i try to write up an app, my computer crashes. It's a curse I say!
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