After seeing the MCU created I have seen 3 main problems a DC cinematic universe cld encounter
1.One Problem with the MCU is that becuse of the shared continuity certain solo films are played safe and cldnt achieve their full potential.For example a Thor movie cldnt go the full fantasy route and Cap cldnt go the full World war 2 epic.A Dc cinematic universe wld likely face this problem
2.Another Problem is that in order to maintain a shared continuity certain elements had introduced to solo movies that either hindered the movie(Ironman 2 avenger references) or kinda felt out of place(Cosmic cube in Cap America).A Dc cinematic universe cld face this problem
3.The Final problem is that a shared continuity has to come up with reasons why the JL heroes dont aid each other in solo movies.Marvel has it easy-they cld simply explain that the reason why avenger heroes dont help each other in solo endeavours is that they were in different locations.For example Thor isnt helping Ironman in Im3 becuse hes not on earth to help.
Different Location is not a valid excuse for the JL heroes considering a good number of the Jl are capable of high speed travel and can show up in cities,countries within moments to render aid.This is big problem for a Dc cinematic universe
So I pose this question to fans-how wld you solve this problems a Dc cinematic universe wld encounter regarding a cinematic universe.
1.One Problem with the MCU is that becuse of the shared continuity certain solo films are played safe and cldnt achieve their full potential.For example a Thor movie cldnt go the full fantasy route and Cap cldnt go the full World war 2 epic.A Dc cinematic universe wld likely face this problem
2.Another Problem is that in order to maintain a shared continuity certain elements had introduced to solo movies that either hindered the movie(Ironman 2 avenger references) or kinda felt out of place(Cosmic cube in Cap America).A Dc cinematic universe cld face this problem
3.The Final problem is that a shared continuity has to come up with reasons why the JL heroes dont aid each other in solo movies.Marvel has it easy-they cld simply explain that the reason why avenger heroes dont help each other in solo endeavours is that they were in different locations.For example Thor isnt helping Ironman in Im3 becuse hes not on earth to help.
Different Location is not a valid excuse for the JL heroes considering a good number of the Jl are capable of high speed travel and can show up in cities,countries within moments to render aid.This is big problem for a Dc cinematic universe
So I pose this question to fans-how wld you solve this problems a Dc cinematic universe wld encounter regarding a cinematic universe.