Students replace educational DVD with an xrated dvd of their own


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Jul 29, 2003
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Ala. Students Expelled for Showing Porno
Three Alabama Students Expelled for Showing X-Rated Movie in Their Classroom
BAY MINETTE, Ala. Apr 20, 2006 (AP)— Three eighth-graders have been expelled from Bay Minette Middle School for showing a pornographic movie in their classroom while the teacher's back was turned.

The students slipped the sexually explicit DVD into the player while the teacher was grading papers and working on a computer, according to Terry Knight, assistant superintendent for Baldwin County Public Schools. The class had been watching an educational video.

One of the students had apparently brought the sexually explicit DVD to class in the past two or three weeks, Knight said.

The three students used a remote control to start the X-rated film on the screen where the educational video had been playing, Knight said.

Another student informed the teacher about the incident.

Knight said neither the students nor their parents admitted to having the DVD.

The students and their parents can appeal the expulsion in writing if they hope to return to the school or apply to finish the year at an alternative school in Fairhope, Knight said.
I hope it was at least for Biology class.
doesn't say what class they were in
Those scamps.
the US is so afraid of T&A get over themselfs people need to just laugh it off and get on with there lives.
i think this is perfectly legit.

they aren't supposed to show such material or be in contact with it and it's being far too disruptive...

i don't see anything wrong with suspending or expelling these pupils.

Another student informed the teacher about the incident.
I can't tell you how much stuff like this enrages me.
ZER0C00L said:
the US is so afraid of T&A get over themselfs people need to just laugh it off and get on with there lives.
yeah, because everyone should be forced to watch pornography, even children.
if it was a decapitation dvd that your son or daughter were exposed to instead, i'm sure you wouldn't call them a snitch for informing the correct authorities.
i don't see why this should be any different.
i did this in high school as my senior prank... only it was on every tv in the morning as part of the announcements.

i played 'cumshot review #43' or something like that... it went on for about 3 minutes, too.
Odin's Lapdog said:
if it was a decapitation dvd that your son or daughter were exposed to instead, i'm sure you wouldn't call them a snitch for informing the correct authorities.
i don't see why this should be any different.

There is a big f**king difference between showing a natural process of life and showing a real f**king murder.

Hey, kids got to learn about sex at some point in their lives. I would rather see children corrupted at a young age than be ignorant about the subject when they're adults. THAT'S why you get all the STD's and s**t, because we're so busy trying to "protect" our children that we don't even give them the basic tools to live life.

/End rant here. :o
MaskedManJRK said:
There is a big f**king difference between showing a natural process of life and showing a real f**king murder.

Hey, kids got to learn about sex at some point in their lives. I would rather see children corrupted at a young age than be ignorant about the subject when they're adults. THAT'S why you get all the STD's and s**t, because we're so busy trying to "protect" our children that we don't even give them the basic tools to live life.

/End rant here. :o
how is a *** shot to the face a natural process of life ?

pornography doesn't educate about sex, it's pure reason is to provide controversy or arousal. c'est tout.

and again, there's a time and place for corruption, the classroom isn't it for this type.

sex ed was thought to me as a kid although i knew most if it already before hand, education doesn't shine away from it but there is a time, place and manner for such issues to be dealt with. This wasnt it.

this was meant purely to disrupt which is exactly the same as putting on a decapitation video, i don't see the difference and i don't see you finding one either

MaskedManJRK said:
There is a big f**king difference between showing a natural process of life and showing a real f**king murder.

Hey, kids got to learn about sex at some point in their lives. I would rather see children corrupted at a young age than be ignorant about the subject when they're adults. THAT'S why you get all the STD's and s**t, because we're so busy trying to "protect" our children that we don't even give them the basic tools to live life.

/End rant here. :o


you are not a smart person.

there's a difference between sex and porn. i would NOT want my kids (if i had them) being forced to watch porn. i don't would not want them to have that first impression of sex: it's violent, dominant/submissive, etc. that's not cool for an eighth grader.
and you can teach kids about sex and vd's (there not called "std's" anymore, pal) all you want, and that's fine. but porn isn't cool, man.

unless they're in college.
Odin's Lapdog said:
if it was a decapitation dvd that your son or daughter were exposed to instead, i'm sure you wouldn't call them a snitch for informing the correct authorities.
i don't see why this should be any different.
I would think that the fact that people don't die in porn, that porn is legal (albeit not under these circumstances), performed by consenting adults, sold pretty much everywhere, has little to no effect on those watching it and is generally regarded as perfectly legit entertainment is what makes it different.

If you are still struggling with this concept, I'd be happy to go over it again.
Flame on! said:
I would think that the fact that people don't die in porn, that porn is legal (albeit not under these circumstances), performed by consenting adults, sold pretty much everywhere, has little to no effect on those watching it and is generally regarded as perfectly legit entertainment is what makes it different.

If you are still struggling with this concept, I'd be happy to go over it again.

find proof that porn has "little to no effect" on an 8th grader, and you might have a valid point. but you can't. so you don't.
Flame on! said:
I would think that the fact that people don't die in porn, that porn is legal (albeit not under these circumstances), performed by consenting adults, sold pretty much everywhere, has little to no effect on those watching it and is generally regarded as perfectly legit entertainment is what makes it different.

If you are still struggling with this concept, I'd be happy to go over it again.

It's not supposed to be viewed by minors especially not in schools.:rolleyes:
photojones2 said:
find proof that porn has "little to no effect" on an 8th grader, and you might have a valid point. but you can't. so you don't.
For every site that you could throw at me that proves it does, I can throw one back that says it doesn't.

I will say that in this particular case, limited exposure to pornographic materials as a prank will not lead to these kids growing up to be raving mad sex lunatics.
Man-Thing said:
It's not supposed to be viewed by minors especially not in schools.:rolleyes:
Minors also not supposed to smoke, swear, or skip class etc

So your point is...what exactly?
Flame on! said:
For every site that you could throw at me that proves it does, I can throw one back that says it doesn't.

I will say that in this particular case, limited exposure to pornographic materials as a prank will not lead to these kids growing up to be raving made sex lunatics.

your probably right about none of them to turn into sex maniacs because of this, but come on- this is a school, and pornography should be considered offense when viewed by eigth graders at school especially.
Flame on! said:
Minors also not supposed to smoke, swear, or skip class etc

So your point is...what exactly?
Just because some do those things doesn't justify it, nor do they become innocent acts.
Man-Thing said:
Just because some do those things doesn't justify it, nor do they become innocent acts.
But they don't get expelled for it.

And as crimes go, I'd rather my kids were goofing around with porn as a gag, rather than smoking, skipping school etc.

I agree with you that pornography is an offense at schools, but expulsion is overreacting to the extreme. Now, if these guys were consistant offenders, abusing teachers, bullying classmates, then fair enough, but to get expelled for this little jape is madness.
Flame on! said:
For every site that you could throw at me that proves it does, I can throw one back that says it doesn't.

and that's proof? sounds more like opinions to me.

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