Summer plans anyone?/Spring Fever


Mar 3, 2005
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Well as the school year rapidly ending, I've gotten spring fever again:( :O :up: My grades aren't too hot right now but school's almost over anyway:o I'll do good on my finals. But what are you guys summer plans? I might be going to this summer camp for 6 weeks at Michigan state. But if not I'll be taking drivers training:) . And my family and I are going to flordia too. I might be goin done to Atlanta for a couple of days too this summer. Anyone else got any summer plans or have spring fever?
"Whatever I feel like I wanna' do gosh!"

I'll just watch movies and stuff.
I honestly thing I have Seasonal Affective Disorder. I'm only really happy in the summer.
there's a place in canada called "evergreen", that my girlfriend's family goes to every year. apparently it's pretty rad. so that's where i'll be this summer...or at least a week of it.
Braves games, Six Flags, a wedding in California.
JLBats said:
I honestly thing I have Seasonal Affective Disorder. I'm only really happy in the summer.

You get more perfect each day:O
When my dad gets out of the 'center'(halfway house) in July he said I can start working with him(hes a paint contractor); he said he'll start me at $8 an hour which is good because otherwise I'd be looking at minimum wage.

I don't have any particular plans besides that.
I'm going to New York City for 3 weeks in June/July to visit my family members there.
SapphirePrima said:
Well as the school year rapidly ending, I've gotten spring fever again:( :O :up: My grades aren't too hot right now but school's almost over anyway:o
My grades aren't doing to well either.:( But true, it is the end of the school year so everyone is just waiting for it to end. 4 and 1/2 weeks to go for me! :up:
Batattack said:
My grades aren't doing to well either.:( But true, it is the end of the school year so everyone is just waiting for it to end. 4 and 1/2 weeks to go for me! :up:

3 1/2 for me:)
I have an F in Spanish (There is no way I am passing that class this year) so I just gave up all hope. But next year I am taking an Independent study on Japanese. I want atleast 3 years of a language before I go to college.
Batattack said:
I have an F in Spanish (There is no way I am passing that class this year) so I just gave up all hope. But next year I am taking an Independent study on Japanese. I want atleast 3 years of a language before I go to college.

What level spanish are you in? We only have independent study in Health at my school.:mad:
My family planned to go to Italy this summer. My neighbor/friend was going to as well and I thought it'd be cool if we bumped into him. However we had to cancel the trip since we're getting a puppy in a few weeks. We'll likely just do a weekend getaway like we did last year.
SapphirePrima said:
What level spanish are you in? We only have independent study in Health at my school.:mad:
I'm in Spanish I (because I'm a freshman). And I hate it. The teacher is the biggest ***** and dosn't give us any help.
SapphirePrima said:
Really:eek: That sounds so much fun.

SapphirePrima said:
But that's 3 1/2 weeks to pull up a c- in Algebra II:( But whatever. I'm passing Biology with a B
don't sweat it algebra means nothing in college
Batattack said:
I'm in Spanish I (because I'm a freshman). And I hate it. The teacher is the biggest ***** and dosn't give us any help.

ah should have asked for help im a great spanish tutor
Batattack said:
I'm in Spanish I (because I'm a freshman). And I hate it. The teacher is the biggest ***** and dosn't give us any help.

that sucks

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