Super Smash Bros. Brawl


Ours is the Fury
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Since the Mods thought deleting the entire game section would somehow solve the problem, discuss the highly anticipated Super Smash Bros. Brawl here.
The games forum is still there.
Crap you're right. Zenien lied to me :(

Mods, delete this thread.
They did delete the forum on Super Bowl Sunday, but then brought it back after a few hours. Everything that was there is still there.
Anybody else still playing this? I'm a competitive smasher and am eagerly awaiting the new smash game coming out hopefully in 2012.
Ha! I love the series. Whenever I think about the game, I revert back to this commercial.

Ha! I love the series. Whenever I think about the game, I revert back to this commercial.


Brings back memories! I remember being 8 or so and seeing that. Then going to my next door neighbors house every day to play it. It was so fun. And I'm still playing the series to this day! :)
This is a great game! So fun to own my friends in something. :p
Can I just say I really don't get what all the fuss is about at all with this game? Most of my friends LOVE it, and I remember when it first came out they got it at the midnight release and played it all night. I just couldn't get into it. I love fighting games and I love the whole Super Mario series and most of Nintendo's characters, but I don't think that's where the problem lies. The combination of the camera, the level structure and the control scheme just never sat right with me. I realize I'm possibly one of the few who shares this opinion but what makes you guys love this game so much? A few I've talked to consider it the greatest game of all time, which I find simply preposterous. Has nobody played FF7 in this day and age?
Can I just say I really don't get what all the fuss is about at all with this game? Most of my friends LOVE it, and I remember when it first came out they got it at the midnight release and played it all night. I just couldn't get into it. I love fighting games and I love the whole Super Mario series and most of Nintendo's characters, but I don't think that's where the problem lies. The combination of the camera, the level structure and the control scheme just never sat right with me. I realize I'm possibly one of the few who shares this opinion but what makes you guys love this game so much? A few I've talked to consider it the greatest game of all time, which I find simply preposterous. Has nobody played FF7 in this day and age?

I think I STARTED Brawl just because I've been playing smash since I was a kid. But what's kept me playing it for 3 yrs now is the competitive scene. I grew out of the free for all, items on, crazy stages phase for the most part. My friends and I will do that from time to time while drinking and it can be fun. But what I really enjoy is going to tournaments and playing under the unified rules.
I'm starting to get into "real" fighters like Marvel and SF the past few months since I bought an xbox. I've been practicing but I am still a complete noob in those games.

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