Absolutely NOT... took em 9 seasons to get this far with clark, to bring in Kon-el would be a kick in the nuts to fans !
Absolutely NOT... took em 9 seasons to get this far with clark, to bring in Kon-el would be a kick in the nuts to fans !
According to the comics...well, the last continuity I can remember at least, Clark didn't become Superman until he was 25. He's only 22 or 23 in the show, so he could wait until season 10 or 11.
But it's not Clark's fault. The writers said long ago that we'd never see him in the tights, except maybe as the last scene in the series. I think they've gotten as close as they can to getting him into the tights without actually having them (ok, he needs to start flying too). Didn't Lois even call him Superman?
when it comes to Smallville, it's never too early to bring in a Superman character
I know how you feel, those same thoughts cross my mind at least 10 times a season. But now for me it's not about how long they've taken to make him S-man, but the roundabout regression & stalling that they've used for the past 4 seasons. If TPTB had made him strong & focused, he would've been a Superboy, I'm sure.Clark's taken so goddamn long to become Superman that he's fortitted any right to the name. Sorry. The Red-Blue Blur? Go to hell, Clark. You should've been Superman by season six, at the very least.
This would only work if they made Conner a member of the Legion, then disguised his identity at first. Even this would be reaching, I never believed they'd try something that convoluted, but "Major Zod" just threw all my conceptions out the window. Those MFers are crazy enough to try just about anythingwhen it comes to Smallville, it's never too early to bring in a Superman character
That's how i feel about it. I mean, it's pretty clear that SV isnt a straight up prequel to the superman lore, but more of a reimagining of Superman's youth. I think they could make room for Kon-El, Steel, hell even Mon-El maybe.
the show has always branded themselves as this. I think too many people get it confused with a straight up prequel and thus get upset when things go non-canon.
That's how i feel about it. I mean, it's pretty clear that SV isnt a straight up prequel to the superman lore, but more of a reimagining of Superman's youth. I think they could make room for Kon-El, Steel, hell even Mon-El maybe.
well since clark is wearing the s shield this season i dont see how steel would inspire him lol. It would be the other way around. As for any other el's i take mon-el instead and have him come from legion's time and get into his whole thing and what not.
Clark's taken so goddamn long to become Superman that he's fortitted any right to the name.