Superhero Hype! Tech Support Team


Sep 24, 2005
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Could we maybe have a few individuals assigned to help with certain things in these threads? Sort of like Mods just minus the banning powers? For example I've noticed Jag is good at helping with Mac related stuff, I'm good with PC stuff and Fran's good with the whole "HD Experience" thing.

Appreciate the mention, just not a good idea.

If someone needs help, they can just PM one of us or just make a new thread. :huh:
but only for the Tech Support threads... cause there are loads of messes on here with all the smiley threads and excessive questions about the same thing that we could merge and the hypesters would pretty much be guaranteed someone to help them
What we could do is create a sticky with everyones names in it. Like Asteroid said, Jag would be listed as the mac expert, etc....

I do like the idea. Rather than create another needless thread, just pm a hypster.
From what I remember, this forum got created because certain members were tired of being inundated with PM's and there were others who wanted to help out.
I'm not saying just pm those people, I'm saying this way we can have sub-mods in charge of these sections. So for example, these sub-mods you could trust as being trustworthy in certain areas or these sub mods could keep these forums clean or handle suggestion and address matters that have already been addressed.
but only for the Tech Support threads... cause there are loads of messes on here with all the smiley threads and excessive questions about the same thing that we could merge and the hypesters would pretty much be guaranteed someone to help them

you better help me with all my questions then dammit!! Cause i gotta whhoooooooooooooooolle Bunch!! :cmad:

I'm not saying just pm those people, I'm saying this way we can have sub-mods in charge of these sections. So for example, these sub-mods you could trust as being trustworthy in certain areas or these sub mods could keep these forums clean or handle suggestion and address matters that have already been addressed.

Moderators are basically sub-administrators, and there aren't enough issues in here to need to create a whole new class of posters. The mods (when they do their jobs fairly) do a good job of keeping things clean in here.
Why don't you guys that are so tech savvy simply keep an eye on this thread.....It's not necessarily a thread where the mods are the only one's who will answer I read through the threads, they are pretty much dealt with fairly quickly........just as quick as a mod would.

I'm not sure what the difference would be, except that you would have a title.....which really wouldn't mean anything, because you'll answer their questions with or without a title......or I would hope you would...
no but if we were Sub-Mods we could delete the unnecessary threads and merge certain threads etc etc.
A-man just wants some power, that's all this is about.
Fran, I give you my word that JAL has a better chance of ever getting ANY type of Modness long before A-Man.

Though, I'm not sure how comforting that is.
Hype's Creepiest Tech Savvy Poster
Booya! Hey... wait... :(

Could we maybe have a few individuals assigned to help with certain things in these threads? Sort of like Mods just minus the banning powers? For example I've noticed Jag is good at helping with Mac related stuff, I'm good with PC stuff and Fran's good with the whole "HD Experience" thing.

Yeah, um, maybe NO.
ULTIMATE POWER!!! :cmad: Or could you at least sticky a list of posters who are good in certain areas at the top of the Tech Support forums?
no but if we were Sub-Mods we could delete the unnecessary threads and merge certain threads etc etc.

This forum just doesn't have enough traffic for that......

And a sticky at the top would do what?.......they would PM you instead of posting their question in this forum and allowing all to have a chance to share their expertise?

Ya'll read in this thread all the time, and answer questions.......having a modship or your name at the top would not change that......people would still start threads, ask questions, and they would get they always do....

As far as merging threads, deleting threads one really cares if theres an unnecessary thread in this forum, theres only like 5 people that look at it on a regular basis, unless they have a question, and more often than not, the thread gets taken care of OR Dew comes in berates, and embarrasses the poster for such a stupid, unnecessary thread......and that wouldn't change with your modship or name at the top

all in way in hell AM are you getting a modship.......

Dew will shun penguins before that happens....*wink*

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