Products Superman Returns Energy Drink


Apr 29, 2005
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I don't know if this has been mentioned before or if it is even the right place to post this but I was just at the gas station and bought a Sobe Superman Returns energy drink. It's in a Silver can and has the \S/ logo on the front. It also has a small logo along with the release date on the other side of the can.
let me say that i tried it 2 weeks ago and spit it out... it was terrible... ill stick to red bull thank you.. but yes it was a cool can indeed
I drink Monster but my friend told me those Superman ones were really good. I havent seen them yet, but I plan on buying one when I do.
I think it tastes pretty good. Here is a pic I found of what the can looks like.


Unless it gives you the ability to fly, my lips will never touch the can of a drink called Sobe.
"sobe" yourseld

sweeeet slogan


What does it tastes like? Is it good?
Had it last night, tasted like ****...

Then proceeded to watch one of the most poorly constructed and convoluted movies EVER, aka Da Vinci Code.
Superman \S/ said:
How? I haven't seen it before.....

That doesnt mean other people haven't seen it. :daredevil

And I know what you mean Whack, I saw that film as well, it was a decent b-movie at best, but it needs to go down as one of the biggest letdowns in cinema history.
ReporterKent said:
That doesnt mean other people haven't seen it. :daredevil

And I know what you mean Whack, I saw that film as well, it was a decent b-movie at best, but it needs to go down as one of the biggest letdowns in cinema history.
At least I was with a really good friend while watching, and we proceeded to make fun of it the ENTIRE time, which of course...was the only thing worth going for. Watching paint dry would've been more entertaining.
Just bought two today and drank one, not the best flavor
Whack Arnolds said:
At least I was with a really good friend while watching, and we proceeded to make fun of it the ENTIRE time, which of course...was the only thing worth going for. Watching paint dry would've been more entertaining.

Well, it wasnt completely bad, it had that great part with the nun.

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