Products Superman Returns T-Shirts - merged threads

SolidSnakeMGS said:
I got my shirt today. I'd take better pics but my new cam's battery is dead from shooting a bluegrass festival the past weekend. Oh, and I'm not really this pale, :) it's the direct sun light coming in from the window.


got mine through the other day too.. havn't stopped wearing it yet (peuw!). But (and I can't believe I'm gonna say this) I find the \S/ to be too big! I mean it looks cool and all, but I just think it would have been better to have it the actual size.
I receved mine last week I think, I really dig the size of the \S/, what botthers me is how pale is the red, it almost look pink. The "S" texture make the \S/ look pink, so, after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to take action, I brushed a darker red on it with a paint that ain't supposed to remove easily. Now, the \S/ is just perfect, I guess I'll see if the paint is as tough as I intend it to be when I'll wash it!
But does it still have the raised 3-D look to it after you painted it?
Yes it did, I brush painted it, this technique means that after putting paint on my brush, I get rid of a big amount of paint on a paper near by, so that way, when I finaly paint the shield, there's just enough paint on it to slightly color the \S/. I don't know if you understand what I mean, I'm not to good to explain stuff. I would post a picture of what it look like but I don't how to do it!
WOW!! That looks much better. Now if it was only on a Blue shirt.
I've bought one so ill let everyone know what its like. I also bought one of these:

and its truly rubbish, nothing like the picture at all. The yellow is really dark and faded, the S looks smaller and overall it looks cheap. What I might do is take the 3D 'S' off the black t-shirt, and stick it on the blue one above :supes:
cloked said:
I've bought one so ill let everyone know what its like. I also bought one of these:

and its truly rubbish, nothing like the picture at all. The yellow is really dark and faded, the S looks smaller and overall it looks cheap. What I might do is take the 3D 'S' off the black t-shirt, and stick it on the blue one above :supes:

Yeah that's how I felt about mine when I first got them. But once you were them a zillion times, they start to grow on you. Web pics are soo deceptive sometimes.:(
I just received delivery of my Superman t-shirt!! The official WB tee with the gazillion of tiny 'S' logo in the huge logo.

Damn I cant find the blue shirt but I got this one from hot topic...I sure want that blue one though!!

is it just me or are there like 3 or 4 different versions of this shirt with all different S's?
DaRkVeNgeanCe said:
is it just me or are there like 3 or 4 different versions of this shirt with all different S's?

I think there are a few. I have a black and silver one, but it's not raised, and I have a raised one, on a darker blue shirt, then theres the lighter blue one, and your black one.. So yeah there are variations, and I'm sure a few more we HAVEN'T seen yet.:supes:
I should get mine this weekend. I went with the classic blue. Hopefully it'll look as good as that black one. That looks great.
Can you fellas post some Links to where to get these T-shirts, instead of just Pictures please?


How much?

This is me and my self made Superman Returns T-Shirt.
Sorry My english
Meteoro said:
This is me and my self made Superman Returns T-Shirt.
Sorry My english

I like that. I don't care for the 3-D look the others have. I like it flat like that.
In Belgium there was a contest to win that lifesize Superman Returns statue.

I didn't won the statue, but i found this in the mail today!



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