Superman vs. Captain Marvel


Jul 31, 2003
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Who is the most powerful? I'm obviously talking of the original Captain Marvel. SHAZAM!

Captain Marvel is officially "the world's mightiest mortal," but that's not really taking Superman into account.

Yet, Captain Marvel is not a freak of physics, but endorsed with divine powers, which is a difference in my mind.

Also, in Kingdom Come, Captain Marvel has twice the chin size and twice the chest size of Superman (and Alex Ross must be an authority, right?), and he seems stronger.

It's easy to tell I'm a Captain Marvel fan, and my vote is on him. What about you?

Some inspiration:
Superman vs Shazam
Noticed that there is already a thread for this under DC Comics.
Captain Marvel isn't Stronger. He is almost as strong as Superman but he is below his level. Size doesn't mean everything. Superman is the most powerful.
Seriously, when did chest and chin size become a factor in anything? If they were, Jay Leno would be able to crush concrete with his bare hands. :eek: ;)

Anyway, as I said in the DC forum thread, Captain Marvel seems like he'd come out on top. Old-fashioned fisticuffs on the same level with Superman coupled with a well-placed magic lightning bolt or 2 would be tough for Supes to overcome.
If chin size doesn't mean anything in superhero comics, then when does it ever? Of course it means something. At least when it comes to these guys. :D Seriuosly though, see my post in the thread under DC.
from what ive heard capt marvel handed supes his ass to him in Kingdom come since i havent read it yet ill take everyones word for it, but i also remember people saying that supes was a bad mo fo in that story as well
Originally posted by dark_knight_fan
from what ive heard capt marvel handed supes his ass to him in Kingdom come since i havent read it yet ill take everyones word for it, but i also remember people saying that supes was a bad mo fo in that story as well
Supes held back throughout Kingdom Come until billy red pants -w- gold trim started using the magic lighting.

It was obvious that if supes wasn't so squeamish about taking life or maiming folk that Shazam would've been toast.
i was wondering if he was holding back because supes ALWAYS seems to hold back, but like i said i have yet to read the story so i dont know for sre. Also if supes is so damn fast, flying, running and just his movement period wouldnt he be able to just use his super speed and stand up hit Capt Marvel with one good shot before he could strike him with a lighting bolt? because even if the lighting bolt and supes travel at the same speed if supes gets going first he would reach capt marvel first wouldnt he?
Originally posted by Varient
Supes held back throughout Kingdom Come until billy red pants -w- gold trim started using the magic lighting.

It was obvious that if supes wasn't so squeamish about taking life or maiming folk that Shazam would've been toast.

(For the last time, his name is Cpt. Marvel! Shazam is a GOD.) How was this obvious? In the scene right before they meet, Supes is going full speed (the air around him is being scorched) and Marvel is a red streak to him. There are no signs that Superman is holding back in the ensuing fight. I'm not saying KC is consistent with other stories, but in that story, Marvel beats Supes into the ground with a grin on his face.
Originally posted by Kronocide
(For the last time, his name is Cpt. Marvel! Shazam is a GOD.) How was this obvious? In the scene right before they meet, Supes is going full speed (the air around him is being scorched) and Marvel is a red streak to him. There are no signs that Superman is holding back in the ensuing fight. I'm not saying KC is consistent with other stories, but in that story, Marvel beats Supes into the ground with a grin on his face.
My bad,...Cap'n Marvel then.

On Topic:

Throughout his history as a hero,...and underlined in kingdom come,..... Superman holds back his full powers in almost every confrontation.

He is always adjusting his abilities to suit.
CM was only a blur to Kal-El until HE got serious, else could he reach up between Lightning strikes and clamp CM's jaw shut?

Ya'll just wanna put a dude who's powers put him between Wonder Woman and the Martian Manhunter up next to Superman w/o considering which hero is known for not going full out.

Throughout his history as a hero,...and underlined in kingdom come,..... Superman holds back his full powers in almost every confrontation.

Well, he'd know he doesn't have to hold back against Marvel. Also, they have met before, and even if Supes generally wins, he's not been holding back. He would lose if he did.

I don't know where you get that Marvel is between WW and Martian Manhunter, but originally (and in KC) he is "the world's mightiest mortal." Maybe Waid is more true to the original Captain Marvel than the later DC variant, but I'd say he is at least an even match for Supes. He is said to be able to "match Superman's every move." And face it, he does beat Superman in Kingdom Come. To claim that Supes is holding back, while he's losing the fight and armageddon arrives because of it, is just not a credible interpretation.

Originally posted by Kronocide
Throughout his history as a hero,...and underlined in kingdom come,..... Superman holds back his full powers in almost every confrontation.

Well, he'd know he doesn't have to hold back against Marvel. Also, they have met before, and even if Supes generally wins, he's not been holding back. He would lose if he did.

I don't know where you get that Marvel is between WW and Martian Manhunter, but originally (and in KC) he is "the world's mightiest mortal." Maybe Waid is more true to the original Captain Marvel than the later DC variant, but I'd say he is at least an even match for Supes. He is said to be able to "match Superman's every move." And face it, he does beat Superman in Kingdom Come. To claim that Supes is holding back, while he's losing the fight and armageddon arrives because of it, is just not a credible interpretation.


Superman has even mentioned to the side in his own comics that sometimes he holds back too much, hence the ability for folk in his power range to tag him.

Even against Wonder Woman and the Martian,..Supes figurativly ties one arm behind his back.
In CM's case - It was magic lightning until supes clamped his mouth shut.
A more pragmatic man would have snapped his neck and been done with it with a nuke on the way,..but the point of Kingdom come was all about restraint.

CM was trying to beat Superman,.... Supes was trying to save the world, (like usual), Do you really think that if they threw down seriously that CM has even a fair chance to beat sumbody who by Kingdom Come was almost completly immune to his greatest weakness?
Well, Marvel was also under the hypnotic influence of Luthor. Not all there, as it were. If he had been, he hadn't been silly enough to transform back to Billy while fighting Superman. So you might say that he was holding back too.

Anyway, I can see no signs of restraint with Supes in that fight. If he actually held back and failed his mission, letting hundreds of people die because of it, it would seem like he's incapable of using his full force, so that would make the question of what he can really do academic. And of course, Marvel's lightning isn't "cheating" or anything, it's part of his powers.
Oh please superman was getting his ass kicked plain and simple. I wouldn't mind so much if marvel was going all out. But he wasn''t even trying:o
holey moley cap wins this one he'll wax kal-el like a hardwood floor
Isn't one of supes weaknesses magic?Where does Captain Marvel get his powers from?
Sides that,let's break this down a little bit.Superman is an alien with all kinds of powers right.Good,gravy,whatever.
Captain Marvel gets his powers from gods.Not abnormally strong people, from gods.The strength of Hercules,etc. So,he's not as powerful as A god.He's as powerful as several gods.Would this not relegate to a serious ass whupping of an alien or does this mean that an alien is stronger than gods.
This arguement can be taken with Thor of the Marvel universe too.Shouldn't Thor be able to kick everyones ass?He's a damn god for heaven's sake(no pun intended) Maybe it's just me but when someone has the power of a god (or numerous gods) he should be able to hand a lot of people a lot of asses.(Nice mental note by the way;)
Originally posted by Kronocide
Well, Marvel was also under the hypnotic influence of Luthor. Not all there, as it were. If he had been, he hadn't been silly enough to transform back to Billy while fighting Superman. So you might say that he was holding back too.

Anyway, I can see no signs of restraint with Supes in that fight. If he actually held back and failed his mission, letting hundreds of people die because of it, it would seem like he's incapable of using his full force, so that would make the question of what he can really do academic. And of course, Marvel's lightning isn't "cheating" or anything, it's part of his powers.
Who said that?

Anyway, lets agree to disagree, I doubt I will ever read/see an all out fight between these two that could resolve the issue.
Any fight they have - one or the other would have to be mind fuzzed in some way to even think about it.

Originally posted by guyverjay
Oh please superman was getting his ass kicked plain and simple. I wouldn't mind so much if marvel was going all out. But he wasn''t even trying:o
Originally posted by mg_productions
Isn't one of supes weaknesses magic?Where does Captain Marvel get his powers from?
Sides that,let's break this down a little bit.Superman is an alien with all kinds of powers right.Good,gravy,whatever.
Captain Marvel gets his powers from gods.Not abnormally strong people, from gods.The strength of Hercules,etc. So,he's not as powerful as A god.He's as powerful as several gods.Would this not relegate to a serious ass whupping of an alien or does this mean that an alien is stronger than gods.
This arguement can be taken with Thor of the Marvel universe too.Shouldn't Thor be able to kick everyones ass?He's a damn god for heaven's sake(no pun intended) Maybe it's just me but when someone has the power of a god (or numerous gods) he should be able to hand a lot of people a lot of asses.(Nice mental note by the way;)
The problem with this argument?:

"Worlds mightiest Mortal."

CM has established limitations and ATTRIBUTES of the "Gods" listed in his powerup.

I've read him breaking a sweat doing things Superman has no prob with.
I've read that his powers are halved or split into thirds whenever one of the other "marvels" power up.

Comic writers put the limit on your Deity-powered, red pajama, sissy cape wearing, yellow boot footin', mind of a teenager doesn't cut the mustard with the JLA, gotta settle for the JSA, "Big red cheese"

Not us.

Alright,I didn't know.Don't read sorry-ass,stupid lettered,talent stealin,cape and under-wear wearing dc.

Hulk would kick both of their asses.

Captain Marvel. The Wisdom of Solomon, more knowledgeable than Supes. The Strength of Hercules, legendary, but maybe not as strong as Superman. But then there's the stamina of Atlas, the mortal that was so tough he could lift and hold up the world, I've never heard of Superman actually sustaining such a mass for so long (I could be wrong), the Power of Zeus, king of the gods, as we all know, Supes can't really deal with magic so well, the Courage of Achilles, so he has no fear or hesitation in battle, and the speed of Mercury, certainly as fast as the Flash or faster, as fast as Superman or faster. Supes has all those "visions" and "hearing" powers, but hey, it's not like Cap would really need to hide from him. I give the edge to Cap.

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