The Dark Knight TDK T-shirts for us at IMAX or via mail?!


Nov 30, 2007
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I noticed on these boards and BOF that there is a t-shirt going around that was sent recently to members of the media.

The Q and A discussion seems to reflect that these were sent to broadcast media members. I think John Mayer got one too.

I wonder if some of us fans who registered for tickets to the IMAX prescreening of the prologue might get these as well...any thoughts?

They got our addresses a couple of different times in the campaign (e.g. the long halloween promo). Perhaps they will give them to us if we were online to register for the shows, or maybe we'll get something there. It is my hope that if anyone has to be turned away for the footage, they will at least get a "Gotham Novelties" box...
oh thats so freakin cool...

i doubt they'll be sending us those, or even giving them out at the screenings
If they give those out at the screenings, that's gonna piss off a lot of people... myself included because I'm not close enough to get to a screening. :(
I'd love to get that in the mail. . but I doubt that'll happen, unfortunately.
They DID ask for our home address and emails when we registered for the IMAX tickets, didn't we? I definitely think something is in store for us, because what else would they use that info for?

People who participated in the Joker Monument adventure game, got copies of Gotham Times, so I presume the lucky few who got IMAX tickets will get something.

I'd definitely be awesome to get the poster and shirts. :up:
man i want one of those!! course i wouldnt mind free tickets either :hoboj:
I did get tickets, did they stop offering them at some point. I actually won't be able to make it now and I reserved 4 of them since I wasn't sure if any of my buddies wanted to tag along with me as I rant and rave about Batman again.
According to the site, all available tickets have been given out. Seems to me that they only had a certain allotment for each venue. Considering how much that shirt is going for on eBay, it would be pretty freakin' cool if everyone who registered received one in the mail. There wasn't a showing anywhere close to me, so I'll miss out on this one. Of course, I recovered one of the phones, so I can't complain too much :D
According to the site, all available tickets have been given out. Seems to me that they only had a certain allotment for each venue. Considering how much that shirt is going for on eBay, it would be pretty freakin' cool if everyone who registered received one in the mail. There wasn't a showing anywhere close to me, so I'll miss out on this one. Of course, I recovered one of the phones, so I can't complain too much :D

I think that having that phone is worth not getting this early screening of the prologue.

I noticed on these boards and BOF that there is a t-shirt going around that was sent recently to members of the media.

The Q and A discussion seems to reflect that these were sent to broadcast media members. I think John Mayer got one too.

I wonder if some of us fans who registered for tickets to the IMAX prescreening of the prologue might get these as well...any thoughts?

They got our addresses a couple of different times in the campaign (e.g. the long halloween promo). Perhaps they will give them to us if we were online to register for the shows, or maybe we'll get something there. It is my hope that if anyone has to be turned away for the footage, they will at least get a "Gotham Novelties" box...

The F? :down
Actually now that I think about it, everyone got a specific code, I wonder if it would be mailed through post to you after the screening and your code has been used.
I wonder if Hot Topic will carry this shirt along with the other Joker to-shirt.
I'd definitely be awesome to get the poster and shirts. :up:

I'd kill for that poster. :ikyn

Crook, you going to the NY screening? I was going to go to the Chi-town one but I've got a test on the 13th. :boo:
Wow...since only a certain amount of people were allowed to get the toronto screening and they ask for your mail...MAN I'll will do a backflip for one of these babys.
It's not so great.

I'd prefer the teaser poster type t-shirt, that'd get eyes moving.

"Why So Serious?"
So who is gonna give us the scoop on what happened after the showing?
No-one yet, I think people are still mind blown by it all.

Unless they weren't allowed to broadcast it onto the internet.

Strict orders from The Joker maybe?
Hey all, just got back from the screening and I gotta say, twas kickass!
They didn't hand out any shirts, then again my friends wanted to leave but I would've stayed a couple more minutes just to see if anything happened. They did however hand out more of the Gotham Times newspapers, anything other than that I got no clue.
I hope you are scanning that paper to see if there is anything different (ie a clue for a new puzzle)
There is a secret link in there somewhere.

You know what WB are like....... sneaky gremlins that attack me at night.

Oh the horror while they eat the corn.

Sorry, world of my own there.
I'd kill for that poster. :ikyn

Crook, you going to the NY screening? I was going to go to the Chi-town one but I've got a test on the 13th. :boo:
A few hours too late :-)o), but yeah, I went to the NY screening.

Nothing but the Gotham Times being handed out. You could TELL everyone was underwhelmed with just getting the footage, lol. The clapping at the end wasn't even in sync, we were expecting more.
Just the Gotham Times, but better than nothing! Maybe I'll read it on the bus or something and see if anyone notices...

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