The Amazing Spider-Man The Amazing Spider-Man Soundtrack: Non-James Horner Music List

Arach Knight

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Girl
May 18, 2008
Reaction score
James Horner's score is easy enough to find, but songs inspired by or included in the film have not been properly compiled. I took a few hours crafting a list of all of the songs used in the film, its trailers or are otherwise known to be associated with this film. Here is the track list, complete with details about when or where the music or song is used.

The Shins - No Way Down (Morning at school scene)
Phantom Planet - Big Brat (Alarm Clock Scene)
Cold Play - Til Kingdom Come (Skateboard Scene)
Sonic Symphony - Rise of a Hero (Trailer Music)
Atomix Mix Lab - Serenata (Trailer music)
Glitch Mob - How to Be Eaten by a Woman (Trailer music)
Brand X - Emanation (Trailer music)
Mark Petrie - Aurora (Trailer Music)
Immediate Music - Electro Romeo (Trailer music)
Danny Cocke - Unavowed Vigilante (Trailer Music)
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Oh the whole Coldplay scene is one of my favourite movie moments!
Oh the whole Coldplay scene is one of my favourite movie moments!

we are in full and complete agreement here. SO much more awesome than "Go web go!" for Peter to begin understanding his powers. Its a great song and a great scene.

actually a lot of these songs are really great, Phantom Planet and Glitch Mob specifically. Whoever worked out this soundtrack did work.
actually a lot of these songs are really great, Phantom Planet and Glitch Mob specifically. Whoever worked out this soundtrack did work.

Agreed. It is a shame tht there is no official release for these songs as an album.
Agreed. It is a shame tht there is no official release for these songs as an album.
I'd rather they release the music score and not the music soundtrack since you can still buy the songs individually. For Spider-Man 3, they released the soundtrack but no music score, which nobody can get their hands on... unless they listen to some of the tracks on youtube or something.
we are in full and complete agreement here. SO much more awesome than "Go web go!" for Peter to begin understanding his powers. Its a great song and a great scene.

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I'd rather they release the music score and not the music soundtrack since you can still buy the songs individually. For Spider-Man 3, they released the soundtrack but no music score, which nobody can get their hands on... unless they listen to some of the tracks on youtube or something.

But Danny Elfman reused songs, or major elememts from previous compositions. Spidey' theme was basically the same for all three films. Not sure there was sufficiently new material to warrant a new release. With that said, I do agree woth your general statement. At least music soundtrack songs can be piece-mealed together.

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