The American Flag!!!


Cool Rider
Oct 29, 2007
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Just hear me out...

I know that the flag shot in spider-man 3 is pretty much hated : considered corny, cheesy, unnecceasry and of course, alienating to other countries...

But what were peoples initial reactions when they saw that shot in the actual trailer??
Mine was: "The guy votes Bush, it isn't that much surprising."
Whatever, it was badass. *****ing about a little patriotism in a movie is like *****ing about an accent, it's ****ing pointless. Spiderman is an American made superhero based in what is without a doubt the defining city of the USA, New York. If anyone in Europe or China is actually offended by a shot of Spidey swinging in front of an American flag, then they can make their own damn iconic superhero and swing them in front of their flag. And I won't ***** about it, because it'll be their hero and their flag. Do I not like Godzilla because it takes place in Japan and American bombs caused him to exist? No, I ****ing love Godzilla.
My reaction was "Awesome, can't wait to see the rest of the trailer!"
Don't get me wrong... i'm not critisicing the moment at all. I actually quite like it.

I feel that if Raimi was ever going to do it, that was the perfect moment!. Sure its cheesy and all but to me, its like symbolism.

Spidey posing in front of the american flag is like Batman placing his batwing in front of the moon. Both work for that moment in the film, and fit the superhero.

My question was... why did people ***** about it after the movie when they would have saw it in the trailer (probably) a hundred times?
I didn't mind it, and didn't mind it when it was in the first film. It's barely noticeable and I as a viewer am focusing on the moving return of red-and-blue Spidey.
Spidey's an American hero, and Sam Raimi is an American. Deal with it!
Just hear me out...

I know that the flag shot in spider-man 3 is pretty much hated : considered corny, cheesy, unnecceasry and of course, alienating to other countries...

But what were peoples initial reactions when they saw that shot in the actual trailer??

I thought "Wow, that's crappy CGI."

The shot looked beautiful in the actual movie...But it was cheesy as hell. In the trailer I guess it worked because it was out of context. But when you add that shot to the already fricking cheesy final battle, it's just too much.

The American flag shot in the first movie didn't bother me, though.
Just hear me out...

I know that the flag shot in spider-man 3 is pretty much hated : considered corny, cheesy, unnecceasry and of course, alienating to other countries...

But what were peoples initial reactions when they saw that shot in the actual trailer??

I loved it! :up:

Maybe some folks are embarassed to be American...but I'M not.
I loved it! :up:

Maybe some folks are embarassed to be American...but I'M not.

I don't think it's about being embarrassed by being american...It's the way they used the flag shot that came off as cheesy. I don't see people complaining about the american flag shot in SM1.
I don't think it's about being embarrassed by being american...It's the way they used the flag shot that came off as cheesy. I don't see people complaining about the american flag shot in SM1.

I didnt find it "cheesy" in the least.
I expected Spidey to fly around the world and reverse time!
Spidey's an American hero, and Sam Raimi is an American. Deal with it!

Don't tell me to deal with anything... If you actually bothered yourself to read my actual ****ing posts, all mighty, you might have come to realise that i actually quite like the shot.

I... god forbid... just wanted to get some peoples reactions on it. I once remember it being a point of controversy. Plus the strength of Spider-man is that he is universial, and i personally believe Sam raimi expressed that well with his movies.

That is how you get your point across, so quit being snappy.
The flag shot didn't, and doesn't, bother me at all.
Plus the strength of Spider-man is that he is universial, and i personally believe Sam raimi expressed that well with his movies.

Right you are. Spidey has universal appeal, but at the end of the day he is a true blue American hero.
Well, good for you. It doesn't really bothers me anymore. But the first time I saw it in the theater I laughed. :woot:

A bunch of people at the theater I went to laughed at that scene as well. They also laughed when Peter was crying at the end after Harry died.
i thought it came off incredibly cheesy and horrible mostly because of its poor placement in the movie. if that shot had taken place at spider-man day it would have been much better recieved
A bunch of people at the theater I went to laughed at that scene as well. They also laughed when Peter was crying at the end after Harry died.

Well, (for me) the only crying scene that was a bit cringe worthy was the break up scene with MJ. Maguire's acting needed some tuning. :yay:

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