The art of Pat


Aug 16, 2003
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ok, guess this could go in Fan Art, but it works here.

There's this amazing french artist who goes by the name of Pat. He uses a variety of different techniques, tools, and styles. I don't know if he's ever been published, I only know his work from online, but some of it is really incredible, I hope you'll agree. I can't really link to his page, since 95% of it is against hype rules... but here's a few that I hope will impress. Enjoy





If you don't mind can you Pm me the link to his website.

His stuff is awesome.
as I said, 95% of it is naughty. Those are also some of the best, not everything is as great as those are

I figure a couple of people will want the link. Wait until a few others ask, and I'll PM a few people at once so I don't clog my PMs
the supergirl would make an awesome background
Wow. A lot of those are really good. That first Wolverine one is really cool. I like the Mystique one. Didn't really dig the Spider-Girl one but it was cool that he did one.

He'd make a great cover artist.

By the way, you can PM me the link as well. :o
howling, what the heck is your homepage?
oh don't neeed the link found the site myself.. yeah your right about why you shouldn't be posting the link here
White_Howling said:
ahhh crap............... i forgot to pay for my site.....
lol. what was it? I actually watched that video, thinking maybe you worked for that company, or you were maybe even the guy in the video
it was a new arrivials list for an anime board that i used to be part of.. sending files through streamload
Elijya said:
lol. what was it? I actually watched that video, thinking maybe you worked for that company, or you were maybe even the guy in the video

ha ha nope.. now i wanna watch the video
A real mixed bag there, I dig his inks but his paintings don't do much for me.
Elijya said:
as I said, 95% of it is naughty. Those are also some of the best, not everything is as great as those are

VERY naughty! I'm glad I've seen a few pictures of fan artists in the Just Because threads. The way Marvel is doing some of it's covers really goes with Pat's art, it would be a kick to see him published there.
Can I get the link, that art is amazing. I frankly liked the Spider-Girl one.

Was superman supposed to be shooting webbing out of his eyes?
no, it's his heat vision, he just chose to show them as more then simple straight beams
oh, webbing was what I frist thought of. it looks the way they usually draw Spidey's webbing, with that extra little line wrapping around.

the what if cover is hilarious.
primemover said:
A real mixed bag there, I dig his inks but his paintings don't do much for me.
sorry you didn't care for them, I think they look great

about 90% of his work is inks
zoken, you do realize by replying to my last pm, you're still filling up my inbox?

it's not that big a deal, but come on, man!
heh, thank god some of you have enough intuition to get there on your own...

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