The Battlestar Galactica and Caprica Discussion Thread

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Gramaton Cleric
Dec 3, 2002
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EDIT: This is a spoilerific thread... so be aware

I know there are a number of other threads about the show, but might aswell start a permanent discussion thread.

I'll start with a review of Home, Part 2

Everybody is reunited in this episode. No one is marooned anywhere, or off on a solo mission or what not. Although the episode was a little bit of a let down, with little action, many major events happened.

Caprica Boomer is now what could be called a Cylon defector, choosing to join the fleet. Baltar's Six is now somewhat mysterious. She is not a chip in his head, which leads to the question of who, or what is she?

The path to earth has been revealled, although the clues to it's location are based on a view of the night sky, from earth.

Adama has placed his faith in the hands of the President, as she did lead the fleet to the tomb of Athena.

Although the episode was a little underwhelming, it sets the stage for a new chapter in the series.

Lastly, I did some reading for spoilers:

It looks like we will be getting to see Commander Caine, and Battlestar Pegasus in the near future. No Sheba, sadly, but the reasons for that are clearly stated in the blog I read (mainly that the Father/Son Commander/captain already exists on Galactica, and to repeat the exact same thing on the Pegasus would be redundant). However, I'm excited to see this, b/c in the original, the Pegasus and Caine were billed as the most badass Battlestar of them all. So it should be fun to see some serious reinforcements, aswell as some kind of reckless plan excecuted by Caine.
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Thanks for the review of the episode - I missed it. Seeing Pegasus in the future makes sense, and could be an awesome addition to the series.
Oh man, Pegasus would be awesome! I'm predicting a season finale on this one. We'd probably have to wait until their season starts again before we see how its played out. I wonder if Commander Caine will want to go pick fights with the Cylons just like the 70s show) or if he will submit to the President.
Just watched tonights episode. We left off two weeks ago with #6 telling Baltar he would be responsible for the destruction of the human race, then we were shown we would have to wait two weeks to see Xena warrior princess doing A Current Affair on Galactica.

I thought I'd be like the Collector, telling Lucy Lawless - worst, episode...ever. Thankfully tonights epsiode was pretty good, nice twist at the end, I guess Xena will be back.
Armand Z Trip said:
Just watched tonights episode. We left off two weeks ago with #6 telling Baltar he would be responsible for the destruction of the human race, then we were shown we would have to wait two weeks to see Xena warrior princess doing A Current Affair on Galactica.

I thought I'd be like the Collector, telling Lucy Lawless - worst, episode...ever. Thankfully tonights epsiode was pretty good, nice twist at the end, I guess Xena will be back.

Yeah the twist was good - loved the music in the end of the "documentary" from the original series. I thought that was a cool addition.
so, 6 of 12 cylons identified, half way there I guess, Six, Sharon, Leoben, Doral, the Doctor, and Xena.

great epi... somehow they took the cliche reporter episode, did nothing to it, and still made it interesting. Lucy Lawless, and her little suprise ending was a bit predictable IMO, but fun nonetheless. It'll be nice to have her as a reoccuring character.

I'm hoping there's some space battling before the break until January (ie. in the next couple of weeks) because there hasn't been much this season so far, 'cept the episode before the Cylon boarding action.

Michelle Forbes has been cast in the role of Commander Caine (ensign Ro from Star Trek TNG). I read a blog stating that they eliminated the character of Sheba, because it was to cliche to have 2 Battlestar commanders, with 2 CAGs as their children. Anyhow, I hope that interests some of you. I put this in the SG thread, but I was hoping that Beau Bridges would be playing the part, reprising his father's role (especially since they're all filmed(stargate/atlantis/battlestar) at the same studio in hongcouver). But it wasn't to be.

see you next week, hope it's another solid epi

and one last thought:

12 cylon copies, 12 colonies... there has to be some sort of connection there right. Well, now the cylons are eargerly awaiting a child, why? Is it because there is more than 12 colonies? Is it because there are infact 13 colonies? And therefore, and 13th cylon is needed to bridge the number gap. What do you think?
Superfreak said:
and one last thought:

12 cylon copies, 12 colonies... there has to be some sort of connection there right. Well, now the cylons are eargerly awaiting a child, why? Is it because there is more than 12 colonies? Is it because there are infact 13 colonies? And therefore, and 13th cylon is needed to bridge the number gap. What do you think?

Sounds about right to me, after all the 13th colony is Earth, isn't it?
This week's episode was great. I loved the hobby kit ship, the aftermath of the cylon virus, sharon's attack on the cylon fleet. Most of all, the morale, and fatigue issues that the episode was based on.

It was really good stuff. The scene when they celebrated the 'Laura's' first flight was excellent, and contrasted really well with the news she recieved earlier in the episode. When the fateful day comes, that episode is going to be brutally depressing.

I love how they have a stil in one of the supply rooms, and you gotta love Tigh. What a hard ass, but when something really does matter to someone, he cuts them some slack in his own way (while picking up a jar of the good stuff).

Lastly, I loved the slow appreciation of Tyrrel's pet project. I loved the initial rejection by the deck crew, but as the story progressed, their growing support really made a significant impact. And I loved how in the end, it was Helo who helped finish the ship off. Tyrell is a great character, and his conflict with Helo was great, as well as the resolution to their issue(s).

What's going on with D and Apollo, that was a bit cheeky I think? And I'm beginning to adore Geata's character. The quiet little nerd, growing some balls in the face of annialation.

Well done this week.
Oh, just thought I might warn those who are interested: Next weeks episode (summer finale) is entitled 'Pegasus'....
Did you catch in the preview that Cain is an Admiral? This should be interesting..
Cap1970 said:
Did you catch in the preview that Cain is an Admiral? This should be interesting..

I have to DL my epis, so i didn't see the preview, and it's not up on the sci fi website yet. But yeah, I saw that they made her an admiral, so the power struggle to come should be interesting to watch.

but you know it's gonna be a cliffhanger... and you know what that means? That means 4 months until it is all resolved. This cliffhanger might actually be worse than the Adama shot/Apollo arrested/Starbuck on caprica cliffhanger at the end of last season. Oh the humanity of it all
That's why we'll be watching when it comes back on again...

Speaking of which - the US Season One is available on DVD tomorrow.......
Cap1970 said:
That's why we'll be watching when it comes back on again...

Speaking of which - the US Season One is available on DVD tomorrow.......

I know, I'm gonna buy the MS and S1 on the weekend I think. This'll be the first series that I buy on DVD, I've been holding off until something worth while comes off, as a DVD set is a lot of money (and to those who post on this board who's parents buy them everything,,, frack you)
My review of Final cut. :)

First of all, Jamie Bamber is ripped! That is one hot bod he's got there, almost makes me wonder what a pilot needs those pecs for!

Now, the obvious point of an episode like this is character developement. We, like D'anna, want to get to know the characters. To find out the truth! But can we handle the truth?
(Yeah, I get tired of that damn quote myself)
Galactica personnel are real people, with real problems. They get mad, stupid, drunk, they have addictions (all kinds of addictions), they make idle threats and they have ***** fits. We've seen them in comabt countless times, and yet we've never seen them in this light before. i was most impressed with Gaeta's developement. Wait a minute... he smokes? He drinks!? He's got a tattoo? Great acting by Juliani. We always see him so... uptight and anal, but now he was laid back. Excellent.
Other then that we see the follow-up to several plots, like Tigh's commanding screw-ups and Boomer's pregnancy. Tigh handled the gun point situation very well. He admited he was responsible and at the same time he knew it was an accident, the exception.
Xena the reporter is as crazy a concept, as Xena the blonde. And yet Lawless looked good in both circumstances. I liked her, Cylon and all. But it really doesn't matter in this show, does it? If the character's a cylon or not. We still wuv them. I particularly liked how she captured the reactions of people on board the ship during a cylon raid. We never got to see that opurselves, and even though nobody said or did anything, we could feel the tension, the anxiety. That speech at the end of the movies was propaganda! It was good propaganda, but still...
Quote of the show:
D'anna: Captain Adama, didn't recognise you with your clothes on.
An oldie but a goldie!

What's this? The cylons didn't know Sharon is alive? Then she really is on her own. Good to know.

Now, on to Flight of the Pheonix

We've just had an episode dealing with how the troops keep marching on, so this time around it got a little tedious when the president gave that speech at the end with how they're gonna me it through. Other then that, we had more action this episode. Maybe Sharon is finally getting some respect. The audience knows that she really has no conection with the cylons, but Adama doesn't. I like the fact that Apollo and Starbuck are getting closer, although it apperared to me that he panicked a little to early when she went missing.
"STARBUCK!!!!!!!!!AHHHH! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!?????"
Dude, chill out.
But those are some nice arms! :D Also, did you and D. have a moment? You wascally kids, you.
LadyVader said:
We've just had an episode dealing with how the troops keep marching on, so this time around it got a little tedious when the president gave that speech at the end with how they're gonna me it through.

these are people in an extended combat situation...combat fatique is setting in....and no matter how much you say we are gonna make it thru you still get burned out...I have done three deployments on an aircraft carrier including Iraqi Freedom and that fatique is real especially in a situation where you dont know what is gonna happen next.
I can't for the life of me figure out how I missed it the first two times I saw "Flight of the Phoenix," but when I saw the rerun last night, I finally caught Lee and Dee's little awkward silence moment. I don't know if I like them together, partly because Billy seems like such a cool guy and partly because, seriously, a couple with rhyming names? Come on.

Oh, and the new stealth Viper looks frackin' SWEET. The Chief continues to be the best character on the show. :up:
Superfreak said:
I know, I'm gonna buy the MS and S1 on the weekend I think. This'll be the first series that I buy on DVD, I've been holding off until something worth while comes off, as a DVD set is a lot of money (and to those who post on this board who's parents buy them everything,,, frack you)

I'm pretty sure that the season one set contains the mini-series as well... at least that's what it seemed like from the ads I saw...
DAMMIT!!!! They did it to us AGAIN!!!! Now we gotta wait until January to see what plays out!!!

Admiral Caine scares me... somethings up here... is it possible that a whole Battlestar crew has descended to the worst level of mankind, proving the Cylons right??? Or is something more sinister behind it... could be it's a trap??? Perhaps the Pegasus crew was captured and brainwashed??? Send 'em back out and join up with Galactica and throw a tempting target like that mystery ship out on the table???

Guess we'll have to wait until January to find out...
What a great episode. SPOILERS..................

I couln't believe they were going to rape Sharon and apparently they had done it to the other cylon as well. Doing it to a toaster? Seems weird.

Galactica vs seems kind of dumb for them to fight themselves when they have cylons to worry about. Though I agree with Adam, those guys didn't get a fair trial...then again, it's the military and they are in a time of war.
DBCrader said:
DAMMIT!!!! They did it to us AGAIN!!!! Now we gotta wait until January to see what plays out!!!

Admiral Caine scares me... somethings up here... is it possible that a whole Battlestar crew has descended to the worst level of mankind, proving the Cylons right??? Or is something more sinister behind it... could be it's a trap??? Perhaps the Pegasus crew was captured and brainwashed??? Send 'em back out and join up with Galactica and throw a tempting target like that mystery ship out on the table???

Guess we'll have to wait until January to find out...

still waiting for my DL to finish... but from what I remember from the original, Caine, and the crew of the Pegasus were rather crazy and bloodthirsty... and were all about warring without purpose. Conversely, the Galactica crew have had to contend with and support the fleet. I guess I'll dfind out in a n hour or so


That was wicked. And I hate them for it. I don't wanna wait 4 months for the conclusion. Evil evil writers.

The arrival was great... pent up frustration for joy, coupled with fear and power is how I look at the scene when Caine stepped of the Raptor. What a great scene.

All the conflict b/w characters is great. The rock hard pegasus crew, vs. our not so tough looking Galactica heros (in comparison). Lt. Thor had what was coming to him.

And lastly,I loved how quickly things decintegrated. There was like a minute left in the episode, and one phone call, sends an 'alliance' right into armed conflict. Wicked.

Question is: How is this gonna play out. Could Caine relent and resort to diplomacy... or will it go the distance. If that happens, how the hell is Galactica gonna challange that behemouth of a ship? And what about the 'giant' cylon ship. Wonder what's gonna happen there.

Great epi...
Frakkin Zues that was a brilliant episode. It was just so depressing. It was unfortunate Adama and the Admiral did not discuss finding earth, or all the religious stuff with the President that must have been in the Galactica log, but I guess they only have so much tme per episode.

Adama immediatly handing over authority when it was so obviously a mistake, damn. I think it was like the ending of 28 days later when we find that people can always be worse than whatever monster or robot we can come up with. That in the face of a terrible enemy, we can always fight each other. I think the episode being so heavy handed was balanced by the story of the deck officer from the Pegasus, he doesn't say - I was kidnapped, I was forced into this, you people are so lucky; he doesn't have to, you can see it in his eyes.

It really put in perspective how the crew of the Galactica's insurbodination and personal struggles have helped the human race to survive. Grand Admiral Stucupbich would have had us wiped out many times over by now.
Holy crap, you guys see the ending of Pegasus!? There's gonna be hell to pay. Can't wait till January, dammit. This episode was one of the best. The finale is too far away...
"Pegasus" was one of those mid-season finales that made me drop my remote, stand up, and curse. DAMN, I want to see the ending of that! The rest of the episode was frackin' awesome, too. I don't even like Sharon all that much, but I was cheering when the Chief and Helo busted into the cell and kicked that sick interrogator bastard's ass. Oh, and did anyone else find it kind of weird when Mr. First Wave himself, Sebastian Spence, popped up? I kept expecting Crazy Eddie to hop out of the raptor and start chatting with the equally crazy Baltar. :D

I'm just speculating, but I have a feeling that the resolution to the conflict between Pegasus and Galactica will be that Admiral Cain learns that following the military rules and regulations to the letter is no longer a viable option when the very literal survival of the entire species is at stake. Adama's flexibility with bending rules has seen the fleet through a lot of rough times, and I think Cain will eventually see that when she sees the kind of passion and love he has for the whole fleet and humanity's survival. And then the Pegasus will be destroyed because keeping it around would remove too much of the tension that comes from the fleet being really, really weak. ;)
TheCorpulent1 said:
"Pegasus" was one of those mid-season finales that made me drop my remote, stand up, and curse. DAMN, I want to see the ending of that! The rest of the episode was frackin' awesome, too. I don't even like Sharon all that much, but I was cheering when the Chief and Helo busted into the cell and kicked that sick interrogator bastard's ass. Oh, and did anyone else find it kind of weird when Mr. First Wave himself, Sebastian Spence, popped up? I kept expecting Crazy Eddie to hop out of the raptor and start chatting with the equally crazy Baltar. :D

I'm just speculating, but I have a feeling that the resolution to the conflict between Pegasus and Galactica will be that Admiral Cain learns that following the military rules and regulations to the letter is no longer a viable option when the very literal survival of the entire species is at stake. Adama's flexibility with bending rules has seen the fleet through a lot of rough times, and I think Cain will eventually see that when she sees the kind of passion and love he has for the whole fleet and humanity's survival. And then the Pegasus will be destroyed because keeping it around would remove too much of the tension that comes from the fleet being really, really weak. ;)

not even that much of a lesson. I bet she has another mutiny on her hands... because attacking the colonial fleet is much different than a cylon staging area... and she'll relent. Then she'll learn that every life counts when there is only 4900 odd humans left to keep the species alive. Adama's leniancy has nothing to do with this
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