Guardians of the Galaxy The Benicio Del Toro Thread - Who Is He Playing?

Funny, I thought Del Toro looked a bit like a cross between Christopher Walken in Batman Returns and Javier Bardem in Skyfall. Whatever the influences, I loved the way he looked.

Ya me too. We need Javier in a CBM dammit!
Yeah, that's what first came to mind when I said I thought it would be a very James Gunn thing to do. I guess he would have been a teenager during that era, so it would make sense if that's just naturally where his musical sensibilities tend to lean.

:funny: That would certainly be...unexpected.

I just couldn't think of anything I'd want more to be honest. Peter Quill lovin' on some major power ballads. Perfection.
Really wasn't wild about his look or the scene in general. The other weird looking aliens made me think of this for some reason:

The little we got of Del Toro's The Collector – surely left me wanting more!

He did great with a combination of theatricality and gravitas.
Really wasn't wild about his look or the scene in general. The other weird looking aliens made me think of this for some reason:


Ohhh MAN thank goodness there's someone with me on this! That scene tacked onto Thor 2 for GOTG sucked massive floppy horse dick. I'm sorry I'm really not trying to be a 'troll' or a jerk for the sake of spewing Internet venom here. I genuinely WANT this movie to be awesome & perhaps it's way too early to get worried but that scene man? Geezus, it's no wonder the director of Thor 2 was ragging on it :( it seriously reminded me of a scene you'd see in an episode of The Muppets & Benicio was the guest star. What was with that stupid hand motion and crappy cinematography/lighting? It just looked so cheap, like some hokey, low budget Sci Fi show.

I also thought there were supposed to be 2 GOTG scenes in Thor? No?
^i guess i could agree that the scene looked cheap, but i think the cheap and plastic feel actually amped up the campiness and eccentric feel of the character. I dont know anything about the Guardians- im only familiar with Nova. Watching the scene intrigued me enough to want to find out more- and even lead me to be in this forum responding

So maybe that scene was made to attract people like myself. Im sure there will be things aimed for the kind of fan you are, its super early and no one approach will have universal appeal, lucky they dint just have to have one...
I like the idiosyncratic performance he is going to give, seems appropriate for an intergalactic hoarder.
Am I the only one who thought the post credits scene looked really cheap? I honestly think it was just the lighting and choice of lens, but it made the entire scene look less cinematic.
That's because it was put together in like a day. It was a last minute rush job.

I liked how weird it was. And why do some people think he's Thanos in disguise just because he wants the Infinity Stones? He wants the Stones because he's The Collector. Just like in the comic he probably doesn't even know what they are truly capable of. He's just an intergalactic hoarder lol.
That's because it was put together in like a day. It was a last minute rush job.

I liked how weird it was. And why do some people think he's Thanos in disguise just because he wants the Infinity Stones? He wants the Stones because he's The Collector. Just like in the comic he probably doesn't even know what they are truly capable of. He's just an intergalactic hoarder lol.

No, The Collector is an intergalactic kidnapper. He "collects" people, beings. Even his MCU menagerie is shown to be full of aliens (even those in cocoons), not objects.

And The Collector never collected Infinity Gems. He came into possession of exactly one in the comics, and he had no idea what it was or what it did. Thanos had to show him.....and then use it against him.

There has been, in the history of Marvel Comics, exactly one character who actively sought to collect all six Infinity Gems to a specific end.
I await seeing the Collector makes a guest appearance on storage wars :)
No, The Collector is an intergalactic kidnapper. He "collects" people, beings. Even his MCU menagerie is shown to be full of aliens (even those in cocoons), not objects.

And The Collector never collected Infinity Gems. He came into possession of exactly one in the comics, and he had no idea what it was or what it did. Thanos had to show him.....and then use it against him.

There has been, in the history of Marvel Comics, exactly one character who actively sought to collect all six Infinity Gems to a specific end.

Yes exactly. And him saying "one down, five to go" is just him wanting to "catch em all!" if you ask me. I don't see how that alludes to him being Thanos at all. He just collects things. Hence the name.
Not true actually

Who else then? The Illuminati? Yeah, they gathered them together for safekeeping, but immediately redistributed them one by one to keep their powers separate.

Yes exactly. And him saying "one down, five to go" is just him wanting to "catch em all!" if you ask me. I don't see how that alludes to him being Thanos at all. He just collects things. Hence the name.

You didn't read my post at all, did you?

The Collector doesn't collect "things," he collects *beings.* Aliens, superheroes, what have you. Unless you believe the Infinity Stones are living creatures, that doesn't fit into his particular fetish.

And it alludes to him being *Thanos,* because *Thanos* is the one guy in the MCU who actively collects Infinity Gems/Stones, for the sole purpose of combining their powers into the unstoppable Infinity Gauntlet.

Maybe The Collector just works for Thanos, but given BDT's prominence as an actor, and his assignment to multiple films in the MCU, I just don't believe that Marvel would waste his talents on a supervillain's henchman, when those talents would be much better served as the supervillain himself. i.e.: The Supervillain of All Supervillains. The Mad Titan. Thanos, by name.
Next to Chris Pratt, BDT has me most excited for this film from an actors in it standpoint. He's so awesome haha. I loved even the little bit of him in the TDW post scene, just looks so weird and different and awesome, and I hate sci-fi type movie stuff so it's saying a lot that this movie has me so interested. If it wasn't connected to the MCU, there's probably no chance I'd ever check this out. (Which is a bit of a fear I have for this movie because being a Marvel movie doesn't mean anything to most people lol)
Who else then? The Illuminati? Yeah, they gathered them together for safekeeping, but immediately redistributed them one by one to keep their powers separate.

You didn't read my post at all, did you?

The Collector doesn't collect "things," he collects *beings.* Aliens, superheroes, what have you. Unless you believe the Infinity Stones are living creatures, that doesn't fit into his particular fetish.

And it alludes to him being *Thanos,* because *Thanos* is the one guy in the MCU who actively collects Infinity Gems/Stones, for the sole purpose of combining their powers into the unstoppable Infinity Gauntlet.

Maybe The Collector just works for Thanos, but given BDT's prominence as an actor, and his assignment to multiple films in the MCU, I just don't believe that Marvel would waste his talents on a supervillain's henchman, when those talents would be much better served as the supervillain himself. i.e.: The Supervillain of All Supervillains. The Mad Titan. Thanos, by name.

Okay, seriously. What part of "this is not the comics" do you not understand. You basically provided a great big pile of evidence that BDT isn't playing a 100% carbon copy of the Collector from the comic books. *We all already knew this*. It is of absolutely zero value for proving that he is "really" playing Thanos.
Okay, seriously. What part of "this is not the comics" do you not understand. You basically provided a great big pile of evidence that BDT isn't playing a 100% carbon copy of the Collector from the comic books. *We all already knew this*. It is of absolutely zero value for proving that he is "really" playing Thanos.

I think I made it abundantly clear that this is NOTHING like the comics already. *We all already knew this.*

No, there is no way I can "prove" (nor do I intend to) that Collector = Thanos unless/until it's revealed onscreen. That's the whole point: I'm saying that they're keeping it under wraps.

What I *am* saying is that:
a) BDT is too big an actor to waste on Taneleer Tivan; and
b) there's no way in hell that Marvel Studios is going to alter the iconic Infinity Gauntlet/Thanos Quest mythology to confer it on a totally different character than Thanos (ie: The Collector). "OMG it's not the comics!!!" only goes so far.....there's a line that's pretty clearly drawn on major character/story canon. Fans would sure as hell balk if Bruce Wayne turned out to be from Krypton, or Kal-El from Apokolips, or Bruce Banner was bitten by a radioactive spider, or Captain America was the wielder of Mjolnir.

Some things just ain't gonna happen. Taking the Infinity Gauntlet story out of Thanos' mighty hand just ain't gonna happen. Bank on it. Kevin Feige does.
Who says The Collector and Thanos aren't rivals in the search for the stones? I don't think anyone here expects or wants The Collector to basically usurp Thanos' role in the quest which is named after him.

I just think The Collector is collecting the stones for his own purposes, whilst Thanos knows the true power of the stones and will eventually come into conflict with him and take them for himself. That's what i think.
Ohhh MAN thank goodness there's someone with me on this! That scene tacked onto Thor 2 for GOTG sucked massive floppy horse dick. I'm sorry I'm really not trying to be a 'troll' or a jerk for the sake of spewing Internet venom here. I genuinely WANT this movie to be awesome & perhaps it's way too early to get worried but that scene man? Geezus, it's no wonder the director of Thor 2 was ragging on it :( it seriously reminded me of a scene you'd see in an episode of The Muppets & Benicio was the guest star. What was with that stupid hand motion and crappy cinematography/lighting? It just looked so cheap, like some hokey, low budget Sci Fi show.

I also thought there were supposed to be 2 GOTG scenes in Thor? No?

Am I the only one who thought the post credits scene looked really cheap? I honestly think it was just the lighting and choice of lens, but it made the entire scene look less cinematic.

I think that's the point. Gunn has said he's taking a lot of inspiration from old sci-fi that feels a bit smaller in scope because of budgetary limitations back then.
Who else then? The Illuminati? Yeah, they gathered them together for safekeeping, but immediately redistributed them one by one to keep their powers separate.

You didn't read my post at all, did you?

The Collector doesn't collect "things," he collects *beings.* Aliens, superheroes, what have you. Unless you believe the Infinity Stones are living creatures, that doesn't fit into his particular fetish.

And it alludes to him being *Thanos,* because *Thanos* is the one guy in the MCU who actively collects Infinity Gems/Stones, for the sole purpose of combining their powers into the unstoppable Infinity Gauntlet.

Maybe The Collector just works for Thanos, but given BDT's prominence as an actor, and his assignment to multiple films in the MCU, I just don't believe that Marvel would waste his talents on a supervillain's henchman, when those talents would be much better served as the supervillain himself. i.e.: The Supervillain of All Supervillains. The Mad Titan. Thanos, by name.

Whichever character was the last elder. He tried to take the gems for himself.

I think I made it abundantly clear that this is NOTHING like the comics already. *We all already knew this.*

No, there is no way I can "prove" (nor do I intend to) that Collector = Thanos unless/until it's revealed onscreen. That's the whole point: I'm saying that they're keeping it under wraps.

What I *am* saying is that:
a) BDT is too big an actor to waste on Taneleer Tivan; and
b) there's no way in hell that Marvel Studios is going to alter the iconic Infinity Gauntlet/Thanos Quest mythology to confer it on a totally different character than Thanos (ie: The Collector). "OMG it's not the comics!!!" only goes so far.....there's a line that's pretty clearly drawn on major character/story canon. Fans would sure as hell balk if Bruce Wayne turned out to be from Krypton, or Kal-El from Apokolips, or Bruce Banner was bitten by a radioactive spider, or Captain America was the wielder of Mjolnir.

Some things just ain't gonna happen. Taking the Infinity Gauntlet story out of Thanos' mighty hand just ain't gonna happen. Bank on it. Kevin Feige does.

It's gonna gonna change. It's not gonna be taken from his hand. There could be more to the collector, but we don't know yet. Thanos could be mentally controlling him or something.

Or he could be trying to keep them away from Thanos
Who says The Collector and Thanos aren't rivals in the search for the stones? I don't think anyone here expects or wants The Collector to basically usurp Thanos' role in the quest which is named after him.

I just think The Collector is collecting the stones for his own purposes, whilst Thanos knows the true power of the stones and will eventually come into conflict with him and take them for himself. That's what i think.

Whichever character was the last elder. He tried to take the gems for himself.

It's gonna gonna change. It's not gonna be taken from his hand. There could be more to the collector, but we don't know yet. Thanos could be mentally controlling him or something.

Or he could be trying to keep them away from Thanos

How is having The Collector with a separate agenda to collect the six Stones any different from just simply taking the concept for the Gauntlet away from Thanos altogether?

My point is that Thanos *owned* the idea of gathering the Stones -- er, Gems, whatever, because only *he* understood what kind of power he would possess with all six joined into one device. If The Collector is assumed to already know that power, too, it takes the genius and uniqueness of the plan away from Thanos. Plus, it even gives Tivan a head start on Thanos.

I thought we were trying to build Thanos *up* as THE Big Bad, not tearing him down and make him no better than some of his cosmic (alleged) rivals, like Collector.

Just what purpose *would* The Collector have in gathering the Stones to keep them away from Thanos? Do people seriously believe he's a good guy.....??? Jesus. In just the few minutes we saw him in the TDW post-cred scene, we established that he and his pink-skinned assistant are evil to the core (and likely crazier than loons); that he's an untrustworthy bastard who's playing the Asgardians (including Loki) for fools; that he's a kidnapper who imprisons some very unhappy-looking aliens from different planets; and that he is very deliberately gathering six of the most powerful artifacts in the universe to create the biggest doomsday device in the Marvel universe. We got all four minutes.

The Collector is chaotic evil. He knows damn well what he's doing. And he's doing it for Thanos. Beyond any shadow of doubt. The only question is whether or not he's being mind-controlled by Thanos, simply employed/blackmailed by Thanos, or is straight-up Thanos himself in disguise.
Maybe he just knows of these rare universal artifacts and wants to have them all. Simple as that, he just becomes a mild inconvenience to Thanos and the Guardians.

It's way too early to wage what his role or motives are, we have literally no information on him other than a post credits scene that's very open to interpretation. Can't really use any comic examples to describe how he'll be portrayed because as we know, these films deviate from the source fairly heavily in some instances.
Yea, I'm not saying the Collector knows their power or wants to make the Gauntlet. The Collector might not even know the Gauntlet exists.

I'm simply saying he wants to collect the stones/gems for his own purposes ie he just likes rare intergalactic baubles lol. Whilst Thanos has the true knowledge about the stones/gems and will be in conflict with The Collector.

In Thanos Quest he went around taking them from all the different Elders. But that story would require an entire film (i'd love to see it, it'd be awesome) so i think by Marvel having Collector go for all the stones, and Thanos taking them from him it's basically stream lining the Thanos Quest story line.
Maybe he just knows of these rare universal artifacts and wants to have them all. Simple as that, he just becomes a mild inconvenience to Thanos and the Guardians.

It's way too early to wage what his role or motives are, we have literally no information on him other than a post credits scene that's very open to interpretation. Can't really use any comic examples to describe how he'll be portrayed because as we know, these films deviate from the source fairly heavily in some instances.

We can make logical deductions. Logical deductions like: they won't hire BDT to play an "inconvenience"; they don't want to make any other character seem like he's smarter or more powerful or more sinister than Thanos, if he's the one they're setting up to be The Big Bad; the "one down, five to go" reference isn't even remotely open to interpretation, as it's glaringly obvious who (and what) that's foreshadowing; rather than sprinkling the story with a bunch of extraneous and redundant characters with identical motives to more major characters, the writers will most likely try to simplify rather than complicate.

The actual point of the TDW scene was to attach The Collector's goals to Thanos' goals. The scene simply doesn't make any sense if The Collector is going on his own Thanos Quest, if Thanos is already on his, you know, Thanos Quest. The scene *does* make sense if you view it knowing that The Collector works for Thanos, that The Collector is playing Sif and Volstagg for fools, that Loki is playing Sif and Volstagg for fools, and that both The Collector and Loki are trading Gems with each other for power. Thanos knows full well that Loki is alive, and disguised as Odin (he's omniscient, in both the comics and the film universe); and Loki offers the Aether as a trade that he hopes will keep Thanos off his ass, and that he hopes will appease Thanos enough to allow Loki to keep the Tesseract.

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