The Claremont Novelization: Forum Discussion

lets start with the first few chapters and work our way from there
give the guy time and if you can try to tell us what you think are claremonts personal touches
GothicPowerMix1 said:
But still how many People have claimed to have any kind of Book for any Movie & that in the end turned out to be false ? I am not believing it until I see PROOF he has it. Like Pictures of the Cover book & Pages.

im sure he will in time.....
invincible mann said:
lets start with the first few chapters and work our way from there
give the guy time and if you can try to tell us what you think are claremonts personal touches

Nah. All I want to know is if Stevie's source was right or not.
GothicPowerMix1 said:
Bah another one of these Threads :o We all know what ends up happening when someone says they have the Novel & can not proove it with no scans of the Book itself & pages etc.

Well the guy who said they had read the junior novel was proved right in the end.
if i were you conan i would start a mass controversy.... lol :up:
wobbly said:
Well the guy who said they had read the junior novel was proved right in the end.

Thats Kiddie Novel though :o The REAL Novel is where its at & what matters & going by the past Id rather wait & see PROOF before beleiving this type of stuff
Remember Stevie's source did say there was a reason for him not being in the middle of the book.
what about the end of the book, the battle? Does he come back???
Yes please realize Im reading sections but DONT KNOW WHATS AHEAD. Keep that in mind.

Imageshack is killing me
conan, could ya go straight to the Alcatraz battle maybe?
yeah hes gonna come back in the end.... and then there will be a spin-off "The Journey of Cyclops" and itll show him wash up on the other side of the lake.. and the whole movie would be about his journey home... lol
conan69 said:
Yes please realize Im reading sections but DONT KNOW WHATS AHEAD. Keep that in mind. Scanning now.
I don't wanna know, but I can't leave :eek:

LS, ban me!*

*not really :o

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