Request for the Spoilers Forum


Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
The movie will be coming out in just over a month... 36 days.

When the movie comes out, there is going to be endless discussion on the movie... what we liked, what we disliked, what were we shocked by, how did with rank with X-Men and X2. The list goes on.

I've seen the madness that can come with these "official" threads, where discussion on a certain topic is to be kept in those threads. Quite frankly, I find it near impossible to follow conversation in those threads. After I've caught up, and I log off, when I come back later, there's 7 more pages of conversation to sift through. God forbid something interesting actually come up in that topic, and it's another 15 to try to sift through.

Now, obviously, this is a very populated board. When the movie comes out, it won't just be the regulars posting here, but outsiders as well. People from the other forums, new signups, on top of the many, many regulars we have here. I understand the need for the "official" discussion, as if everyone made their own thread, it would just be total madness.

I don't know if I'm alone in this, but personally, I find it much easier to keep up with conversation in different threads. Because, quite frankly, sometimes you really want to say something that you don't want to get lost in the madness of the ongoing discussions in the "official" threads. An example, from myself, was my Cyclops essay. When I post my theories and such in the "official" threads, they seem to get lost, maybe noticed by a couple.

I guess, to get to the point, I'm just requesting that, with all the opinions that are going to be flying around in here, if we could hopefully get a little more free roam than just one "official" movie reaction thread. I know when I voice an opinion, I want it to be seen. And on the same token, I want to be able to view other's opinions as well. Their opinions are just as important to them, as mine are to me. And again, I may be alone on this, but I just find it so much harder to follow along with a discussion when thousands of replies are crammed into one thread, than if they are spread out throughout a couple of different threads.

Hopefully there can be enough balance, enough to keep every new member who signs up from creating a new thread, but also enough to keep the threads managable, so people can keep up with the conversation.

What does everyone else think?
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
I've seen the madness that can come with these "official" threads, where discussion on a certain topic is to be kept in those threads. Quite frankly, I find it near impossible to follow conversation in those threads. After I've caught up, and I log off, when I come back later, there's 7 more pages of conversation to sift through. God forbid something interesting actually come up in that topic, and it's another 15 to try to sift through.
Don't you just hate that? :mad::down

But then again, the official threads are to keep everything in one place w/o being spread everywhere. But I have to agree with you. It's exhausting to go through pages to catch up with the others and I'm sure that after the movie comes out, there will be like ten times that. :o
Yeah, sometimes I just don't have the time, and I hate asking a question that's probably been asked hundreds of times already because it really annoys everyone else.
I really hate all those official threads. You miss so much info.

And whenever something new is posted in its own thread it's said to have already been posted and then merged. If it hadn't been in its own thread I know I would have never saw it.
zer00 said:
I really hate all those official threads. You miss so much info.

And whenever something new is posted in its own thread it's said to have already been posted and then merged. If it hadn't been in its own thread I know I would have never saw it.

I totally agree, and that's the point I'm trying to make.

I mean, obviously, some random person coming in saying "I liked X-Men 3" should be merged.

But I mean, when somebody comes along, and makes a big deal out of their opinions (like I myself tend to do sometimes, and I know others do the same), I'd hate for it to just be "merged" and then lost in the shuffle.

I mean, I don't give a crap about spoilers and stuff, really. The reason I'm here is for conversation. And in real life, you can't hold a conversation very well when everyone else is yammering on about stuff. And I find it the same on message boards. I can't have a discussion about something when 50 other people are going on about stuff for 10 pages at a time. I don't want my opinions lost in a shuffle, and when someone else has something of importance to say, I don't want that lost in the shuffle either. I want to see it. I want to hear other people's thoughts, like I said, just like I want mine to be seen.

Again, I understand the need for the "official" threads, and I'm not asking for just everyone to be able to have their own thread. We're a message board with thousands of members, not like the message boards that I'm used to with a core of about 20 or so regular posters. There has to be some order.

But at the same time, I don't think we should all just be shoved into a little room to scream at each other either. :)
I hate those 'official' aswell even though I have started the Official Merchandise Thread. I wouldn't mind a thread that only has the info, pics whatever in it, I just don't want to flip through 20 pages filled with spam.
i would enjoy even much if we got a "Post-X3" forum, just to have threads talking about the movie, though i know thats impossible :(
i agree with you Nell
You guys are asking for madness.

Do you really think that a forum focused on a film with 2 dozen main characters, hundreds of board members and dozens of related topics (plus the hundreds of new members that will sign up), will have a sense of order without some kind of structure? Do you honestly believe your threads somehow won't get lost in the sheer volume of new entries by the hour? That's a pipe dream my friends.

If you want to know how crazy it will really get, stop by IMDb's X-Men board. There, a thread you launch one minute can be pushed back to page 8 or 9 within a half hour--literally. :o

If this film had only a few characters like Spider-Man or F4, we could likely do it. But we don't have those kinds of circumstances here.
I voted for Yes because I can't be bothered going through lots of pages!! lol
Lightning Strikez! said:
You guys are asking for madness.

Do you really think that a forum focused on a film with 2 dozen main characters, hundreds of board members and dozens of related topics (plus the hundreds of new members that will sign up), will have a sense of order without some kind of structure? Do you honestly believe your threads somehow won't get lost in the sheer volume of new entries by the hour? That's a pipe dream my friends.

If you want to know how crazy it will really get, stop by IMDb's X-Men board. There, a thread you launch one minute can be pushed back to page 8 or 9 within a half hour--literally. :o

If this film had only a few characters like Spider-Man or F4, we could likely do it. But we don't have those kinds of circumstances here.

Well, if you have one specific thread, you should keep ALL the info and pics on page 1. I do not want to go through 20 pages of crap just to find a pic that I wasn't even looking for.
I agree with you 100% Nell! The worst things about the popular threads is the spam! One person goes of topic and then a hundred others start discussing that topic and it goes on and on(domino effect)! I always look at the threads on hot topics to see if there's anything new and it gets really irritating when you have to sift through pages and pages of spam! Whats worse is that when you post anything new and interesting or a seperate topic which gets merged, it eventually gets lost within the thread if there is too much spam!
I think there are certain issues that should be able to have their own thread. It is a pain not knowing there are new pictures because they're 7 pages back in the pictures thread for example rather than in a new thread that is plain for everyone to see.

I'm all for structure, but not an over-rigid one.
Yeah. Once when I came online, I was online for about four hours on the Hype and only just found two new Beast and Multiple Man pics and I already visited the photo album. They were just back in like ten pages back.
Sunstar said:
Whats worse is that when you post anything new and interesting or a seperate topic which gets merged, it eventually gets lost within the thread if there is too much spam!

That's not always the case. And I really think you guys are exaggerating here in "absolutes". There are many instances where related topics of merit have been allowed to stay open, even though technically they could have been merged. But in an effort to maintain balance with the character threads they were allowed to stand on their own. It's interesting that some of you who are complaining have actually had some of your threads treated in this nature--or have we forgotten?

Here are just a few examples to jog those memories:

As you can see, we have a good balance of essay-styled threads about characters that have stayed solo concurrently with the character-misc threads. In some cases, we have even allowed certain redundant threads to stay open for a long period of time just so people can see them/ vote on them before merging them with the appropriate character discussion.

So let's be honest and be fair here people. :cool:
There should be 1-3 threads until Monday to give others a chance to see the movie without being spoiled.
Lightning Strikez! said:
You guys are asking for madness.

Do you really think that a forum focused on a film with 2 dozen main characters, hundreds of board members and dozens of related topics (plus the hundreds of new members that will sign up), will have a sense of order without some kind of structure? Do you honestly believe your threads somehow won't get lost in the sheer volume of new entries by the hour? That's a pipe dream my friends.

If you want to know how crazy it will really get, stop by IMDb's X-Men board. There, a thread you launch one minute can be pushed back to page 8 or 9 within a half hour--literally. :o

If this film had only a few characters like Spider-Man or F4, we could likely do it. But we don't have those kinds of circumstances here.

The X-boards and all the other boards have operated good and well and easier without all those "official threads". They're an annoyance and were a bad idea. The point of the forum is to have alot of threads on different small subjects for a single conversation until it runs its course and falls off the front page. The influx of this official crap floods the front page and all the other threads fall off. And not many go into those official threads so who do just spam. You're being out voted.
i agree i really hate searching through pages to find one stinking picture or quote. we should have multiple threads
Yes. When a thread is over 30 pages no one bothers to read. (and by no one I mean me myself and I) :D
What about a comprimise?

We try it out. If someone has something to say that should be seen (an essay, a well thought out review / analysis of the movie), they can have their own thread.

Again, obviously new threads just to say "I liked the movie!" should be merged.

But yea, if it gets out of control, then we make an "official" thread, and leave it there.

****, I have moderator experience, I'd be more than happy to help keep this place organized if you wanted me too.
I voted yes aswell. It took me like 1hr and 15mins to see some new pics :(
If you can't keep up with a discussion in an "Official" thread, you have a couple of choices.

either don't BOTHER trying to continue your former conversation, as it's most likely not even the current topic if there's seven new pages of posts, or...

don't bother posting at all in that thread. learn2lurk. or...

read one page back. that should give you a gist of what's going on, and you can participate in conversation either way.

however, if this is not about "Not being able to keep up", necessarily, and more about not knowing whether or not something has already been said... welcome to the search feature. either way, this is an unnecessary feature that you're asking for that [almost] no other forum i've ever used (and i've used plenty. google me.) would actually allow come to pass.

think of it this way. if you think it's hard to keep up with a single thread that has 7 new pages of text... what would the forum be like if it had 7 new pages of NEW threads based on the same subject because this rule was let to pass? You want to talk about not keeping up? That not only gives you the same result only on a wider scale (now it's a whole forum gone to hell, instead of a single thread), it also forces the people who are NOT interested in whatever you're talking about to have to sift through countless threads of the same topic for pages and pages and pages of the forum just to get to what they're looking for.
The "official" threads are an attempt at order that only create chaos. They breed spam and make any sort of intelligent exchange impossible. I'm willing to bet that half the posts in the official character threads are people going " So...[character name] is cool..." So they all end up being a random assortment of thoughts that don't add up to anything. If someone has a specific thought and wants to start a thread, why not let them? If it's stupid, close it and let it die. It's not like people aren't gonna start new threads after the release anyway. New users and those unfamiliar with the set-up will just go about their posting like they would anywhere else. Plus, it feels a bit ridiculous to be confined to ONE thread for all discussion about a character. I mean, what, are we children?

*Reads a random post*

Well, yes, most of the people here are (or atleast act like) children. But still, we should be free to make threads as we please.

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