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"Driving While Black on the Passengers Side????!!!!"
My buddy Reggie calls me at 11-something last night.
Him: Hey man, help me move this big ass tv from my moms house to my apartment.
Me: Alright.
He comes over and picks me up, we grab the tv then we stop by the parking lot of this shopping center to wait for some dude to bring a tv stand that Reggie has bought off him from Craigs List. They exchange cash for goods and then we take the tv to his place and he starts driving me home. This story should end with him dropping my ass off and me in bed watching Adult Swim.
We are literally seconds from the entrance to my neighborhood when FLASHING LIGHTS ©Kanye West.
Reggie: I know this mother#@$% aint gonna try to say I was speeding.
Cop: License, registration, blah blah, broken taillight, blah blah
Reggie gives him the stuff. Then the cop shines his flashlight in my face.
Cop: Sir, do you have any I.d. on you?
Me: No. (Id left my wallet at the house. )
Cop: Whats your name?
I tell him.
Cop: Let me see your hands.
I do.
He goes back to his car and we wait. And wait. And wait. He finally comes back and Im expecting Reggie will get a ticket and we can go on our merry way and I can get home and watch some Robot Chicken.
Cop: Sir, what did you say your name was?
Me: (*pause* thinking WTF???)I tell him again.
Now, with the last name Boney you can believe Ive endured my fair share of jokes over the years especially when I was young and skinny. So if he wouldve busted out with some one-liners it would have surprised me less than
Cop: Spell your name.
Me: (*pause* thinking WTF???!!!!!) I start spelling
Cop: Look, dont get hemmmed up over this okay? If you got something on you tell me blah blah blah
Me: I dont know what youre talking about. You pull HIM over but I get
Cop: Well if somebody asks me to spell my name I can do it. Is this your real name? Whats your birthday? How old are you? Ever had a ticket before?
He takes that info and goes back to his car again. Where we wait, and wait and wait. Again.
Now Cop #2 comes up to my side of the car.
Cop 2: Could we get you to step out of the car.
Me: ( thinking W T F??????!!!!!!!!!!!)
They pat us down and ask us a bunch of stupid questions seperately. This idiot actually asks if I have any missiles or grenades on me. Later Reggie tells me the cop was questioning him about me. Whats my real name, am I hiding weed, etc. When Reggie informs him I dont drink or smoke that must have really made them determined to find SOMETHING.
They are REEEEEAAAAAAALLY hung up on the fact that I have no i.d. (even after Ive explained the whole forgot it at the house, just helping him move stuff thing) and supposedly cant find me in the system though I dont know how since I got a speeding ticket late last year and have had plenty over the years.
After another ridiculously long wait and a bull@#$% explanation (you hesitated to spell your name, etc.) they finally let us go. And Reggies silly ass doesnt even get a ticket.
Soon as we pull into my neighborhood FLASHING LIGHTS (REMIX).
I figure were going to go through the same routine again except this time with a female cop, but Cop 1 and Cop 2 pull up and say something to her and she lets us go and finally I can watch some cartoons.
Moral to the story: Dont help mother%$#@s move jack $#@%.
"Driving While Black on the Passengers Side????!!!!"
My buddy Reggie calls me at 11-something last night.
Him: Hey man, help me move this big ass tv from my moms house to my apartment.
Me: Alright.
He comes over and picks me up, we grab the tv then we stop by the parking lot of this shopping center to wait for some dude to bring a tv stand that Reggie has bought off him from Craigs List. They exchange cash for goods and then we take the tv to his place and he starts driving me home. This story should end with him dropping my ass off and me in bed watching Adult Swim.
We are literally seconds from the entrance to my neighborhood when FLASHING LIGHTS ©Kanye West.
Reggie: I know this mother#@$% aint gonna try to say I was speeding.
Cop: License, registration, blah blah, broken taillight, blah blah
Reggie gives him the stuff. Then the cop shines his flashlight in my face.
Cop: Sir, do you have any I.d. on you?
Me: No. (Id left my wallet at the house. )
Cop: Whats your name?
I tell him.
Cop: Let me see your hands.
I do.
He goes back to his car and we wait. And wait. And wait. He finally comes back and Im expecting Reggie will get a ticket and we can go on our merry way and I can get home and watch some Robot Chicken.
Cop: Sir, what did you say your name was?
Me: (*pause* thinking WTF???)I tell him again.
Now, with the last name Boney you can believe Ive endured my fair share of jokes over the years especially when I was young and skinny. So if he wouldve busted out with some one-liners it would have surprised me less than
Cop: Spell your name.
Me: (*pause* thinking WTF???!!!!!) I start spelling
Cop: Look, dont get hemmmed up over this okay? If you got something on you tell me blah blah blah
Me: I dont know what youre talking about. You pull HIM over but I get
Cop: Well if somebody asks me to spell my name I can do it. Is this your real name? Whats your birthday? How old are you? Ever had a ticket before?
He takes that info and goes back to his car again. Where we wait, and wait and wait. Again.
Now Cop #2 comes up to my side of the car.
Cop 2: Could we get you to step out of the car.
Me: ( thinking W T F??????!!!!!!!!!!!)
They pat us down and ask us a bunch of stupid questions seperately. This idiot actually asks if I have any missiles or grenades on me. Later Reggie tells me the cop was questioning him about me. Whats my real name, am I hiding weed, etc. When Reggie informs him I dont drink or smoke that must have really made them determined to find SOMETHING.
They are REEEEEAAAAAAALLY hung up on the fact that I have no i.d. (even after Ive explained the whole forgot it at the house, just helping him move stuff thing) and supposedly cant find me in the system though I dont know how since I got a speeding ticket late last year and have had plenty over the years.
After another ridiculously long wait and a bull@#$% explanation (you hesitated to spell your name, etc.) they finally let us go. And Reggies silly ass doesnt even get a ticket.
Soon as we pull into my neighborhood FLASHING LIGHTS (REMIX).
I figure were going to go through the same routine again except this time with a female cop, but Cop 1 and Cop 2 pull up and say something to her and she lets us go and finally I can watch some cartoons.
Moral to the story: Dont help mother%$#@s move jack $#@%.