The Danish poster

Anton Oksehud

Now with Avatar....
Apr 19, 2003
Reaction score
Here is the Danish poster: I guess we get the shirtless Angel as well...:)

Thanks Anton. Do we need a new thread for every poster?Just saying:O
Pretty much the same with the US.
Why Fox only have three versions, with all the countries there are? :confused: :( :down
Retroman said:
Thanks Anton. Do we need a new thread for every poster?Just saying:O

Yeah Retro, I know.... :O I posted this in the international promotion thread as well, so Mods: Merge/Delete/whatever....:o
im really getting sick and tired of seeing angels freakin pecks. put a suit on damnit!
gap5ewl said:
im really getting sick and tired of seeing angels freakin pecks. put a suit on damnit!

Well, Fox needs to reach the teen girl/envious teen boy- segment.... LOL
gap5ewl said:
im really getting sick and tired of seeing angels freakin pecks. put a suit on damnit!
TNC9852002 said:
Is there a new US poster yet?

Yeah, I think it came out a while ago right after the Dutch came out.

Edit: My mistake. It was the UK one, not US.
Anton Oksehud said:
Yeah Retro, I know.... :O I posted this in the international promotion thread as well, so Mods: Merge/Delete/whatever....:o
Anton has spoken.:p

gap5ewl said:
im really getting sick and tired of seeing angels freakin pecks. put a suit on damnit!
Foster worked his socks of to get that physique. Why not show it? And i'm saying that in a completely un-gay way.If such a word exists.....

I wonder, what's taking so long for the US poster?...I hope all of this hesitation and time is worth it...Hopefully it'll be something new that we haven't seen..

Say i assume your sig is a guess ?
I want to see a different style one now lol.
Jean just looks so out of place in all of these posters...
*Yawn* all these posters look the same! We need something new and fresh soon dammit! :mad:
I'm hoping the U.S poster will be like X2's, with the big cut out X, and all the faces inside. Whatever it is...i hope its different from what we've been getting because I've yet to be impressed...
ts16 said:
I'm hoping the U.S poster will be like X2's, with the big cut out X, and all the faces inside. Whatever it is...i hope its different from what we've been getting because I've yet to be impressed...

Yeah, I loved those X2 posters! I hope they do something similar but better for X3!
I hope not, sorry. I want a more epic final poster, not the same as X2.
I am seriosly getting bored of that poster get a different one lol.

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