Days of Future Past The #DOFP Buzz/Hype Thread [Net, Blogs, Statistics...]


Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
reading some sites and checking some top 10, comments numbers and all of that, Ive just thought that this will be an interesting topic, to post and discuss how the net and people our there are reacting to this movie more than one year before the release, during the upcoming months and close to the actual release too.

We can post all the feedback, numbers, statistics we find interesting, to have a sense of the hype/buzz the movie is getting out there:

- Movie Sites
- non movie sites
- general boards
- movie boards
- newspapers
- magazines
- talk shows
- non fans reactions
- and more

So, feel free to post all the things you see, hear or read outside these boards.

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I'll start with Total film and their top 10 Most popular movies on the site:


- On other hand, DOFP is the non 2013 movie with most comments on board:

as of right now:

Days of future past: 157 replies
Star Wars: Ep. 7: 146
Justice League: 118
Amazing Spiderman 2: 94
Captain America: WS: 34
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These stats are great news for DOFP, however I don't like the lack of Wolverine hype.
IMDb- top 500

Wikipedia- X-Men: Days of Future Past has been viewed 418168 times in the last 30 days. This article ranked 424 in traffic on


could you post the imdb link? Im trying to see the full list, but I dont find it yet.

edited: Ive just found 2014 Top 10:


Most Popular Feature Films Released In 2014

1. Amazing Spiderman 2
2. X-Men: Days of Future Past
3. Captain America: The winter soldier
4. 300: Rise of an Empire
5. Divergent
6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
7. Fast & Furious 7 (2014)
8. Untitled Transformers Sequel (2014)
9. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
10. Interstellar (2014)


Would be pretty cool if DOFP ends being the second highest grossing movie of 2014 :D (#1 would be EPIC, but thats a bit harder, not impossible, but harder. But as always, time wil tell)
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Fast & Furious 7 opens a week before DoFP, cetainly better then opening a week after..

I bet GoTG shoots up that list once the trailer is shown.

could you post the imdb link? Im trying to see the full list, but I dont find it yet.

edited: Ive just found 2014 Top 10:


Most Popular Feature Films Released In 2014

1. Amazing Spiderman 2
2. X-Men: Days of Future Past
3. Captain America: The winter soldier
4. 300: Rise of an Empire
5. Divergent
6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
7. Fast & Furious 7 (2014)
8. Untitled Transformers Sequel (2014)
9. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
10. Interstellar (2014)


Would be pretty cool if DOFP ends being the second highest grossing movie of 2014 :D (#1 would be EPIC, but thats a bit harder, not impossible, but harder. But as always, time wil tell)

I'd guess Spidey, Transformers, and TMNT will beat it.
I think it will be third behind Transformers and Spidey.
Unless it gets a great marketing campaign, I could see Spidey falling behind the hype of DOFP. This X-Men project is more of an event, whereas ASM2 is a sequel to a reboot that didn't capture audiences the way the series used to. I'm not buying it as too big a threat at the moment.
Unless it gets a great marketing campaign, I could see Spidey falling behind the hype of DOFP. This X-Men project is more of an event, whereas ASM2 is a sequel to a reboot that didn't capture audiences the way the series used to. I'm not buying it as too big a threat at the moment.

spider-man films have always been bigger then the X-Men films

the Xmen films have never really caught on with the general audience in the same way

could that change? possibly! although i still think its best not to release the films to close together
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Similar to GoTG, I think Interstellar will shoot up that list once people get a taste.
spider-man films have always been bigger then the X-Men films

the Xmen films have never really caught on with the general audience in the same way

could that change? possibly! although i still think its best not to release the films to close together

Yeah, I'll be surprised if DoFP beats Spidey, although I expect solid numbers from both. But it's possible. I know one thing, both have to be really good to get back on the path of achieving their real potential. A Spider-Man film in today's marketplace should not sweat to get to a billion worldwide if you look at the comparisons, but it will most likely fall short. And the X-Men have never reached the B.O. levels they ought to imo. This should be the film that starts it at least.

TASM2 and DoFP are being released 7 weeks apart. Plenty of space I think.
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Don't forget there Is possiblty of amazing SPider-man 2 at least domesticly doing less than
first film.The first film didn't wow many people like the Rami Films.I am in minority of liking amazing Spider-man better.There Is also possibilty of them trying to do too much In one
film.Introducing mary Jane and norman and harry osborn into rebooted series.Having
Electro and Rhino as villains.On top of that you have speculation of the Green Goblin also In film and Gwen Stacy dying.The Amazing Spidr-man doing under 300 Million domesticly
could be because some didn't want a reboot,and certinly didn't want one so soon.

In fact I will make prediction most likely Transformers will be top film of summer and I hate Michael Bay's take on them.
Don't forget there Is possiblty of amazing SPider-man 2 at least domesticly doing less than
first film.The first film didn't wow many people like the Rami Films.I am in minority of liking amazing Spider-man better.There Is also possibilty of them trying to do too much In one
film.Introducing mary Jane and norman and harry osborn into rebooted series.Having
Electro and Rhino as villains.On top of that you have speculation of the Green Goblin also In film and Gwen Stacy dying.The Amazing Spidr-man doing under 300 Million domesticly
could be because some didn't want a reboot,and certinly didn't want one so soon.

In fact I will make prediction most likely Transformers will be top film of summer and I hate Michael Bay's take on them.

You say that but surprisingly loads of people actually prefer TASM to Raimis 1st Spider-Man movie, infact I was shocked that the case as I was expecting alot of negativity towards it but Raimis movies are getting more negativity these days

I liked TASM too and I think now that this reboot origin story is done it will make more money at box office

But back to X-men
In fact I will make prediction most likely Transformers will be top film of summer and I hate Michael Bay's take on them.

Pretty much, if you base it on the previous films performance. But there is definitely other break-out potential on that list.
Im sure Amazing Spiderman 2 will do more than the first one. The leads are more known now, and the action will probably look even bigger and more epic, so all of that will lead to a bigger boxoffice, imo.

But yeah, Transformers 4 more than likely will be on top 3 next year. (hopefully we all will end surprised with other movies doing more, time will tell)
Similar to GoTG, I think Interstellar will shoot up that list once people get a taste.

If Interstellar looks as cool as Inception people are gonna jump on that quick. It will probably be up there in the 800s WW.

I'm curious how much of an effect Furious 7 and GoTG will have on DofP box office. Star Trek didn't do as well as most thought being inbetween a Marvel and Fast flick. Regradless, I think the opening weekend should be friggen huge for DofP.
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some of these latest releases are clearly showing that USA is going down regarding blockbusters.

How Star Trek Into Darkness has made less than the first one who did more than 200m domestically really surprises me.

even Hangover 3 has made half Hangover 2. only 42 million! wait, Ive just seen, it has made less than the previous two movies! wow.

In any case, lets hope next year the situation is really different, specially with our fave superheroes.
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some of these latest releases are clearly showing that USA is going down regarding blockbusters.
Star Trek is a bit surprising.

Box office is pretty high, just too much competition. Fast and Iron Man are up from their previous films quite a bit. People had to choose between the flicks cause they are so close. Hangover Vs FAst was just a stupid idea. Don't know that studio was thinking.

I think the twitter thing has been working for Singer quite well. Gives him a headline every week. No shortage of DofP news for sure.
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yeah. to compete on the same week/s is really stupid.

Im so glad Warner moved Hobbit 3 next year.

about 2013... lets see how Man of Steel and Thor 2 will work. Thor 2 more than likely will do more than the first, with the push of Avengers smash. Man of steel will be a decent hit, Im sure. How big we'll have to wait. hopefully more than 500m. At least thats my bet.

Warner really needs a big support to finally move forward with Justice League. That movie can be really epic. and on a whole different level than Avengers in terms of quality. Specially if Snyder and Nolan stay as producers.
Yeah, I'm glad they moved Hobbit too. DofP would have got my money first, but having two big films with a similar audience is bad for both studios.

And yeah I think MOS is gonna do awesome. They have the best trailer out there right now.
I havent seen any tv spot, but everyone is speaking wonders about them, and I think the Syder/Nolan names will help the movie too.

Not to mention that after Batman trilogy, and Avengers huge hit, I think superheroes are hotter than ever, so some new movies will take advantage of it, imo.
Definitely. We are in the prime of Superhero flicks. X-Men is gonna see a big increase cause of it.
oh, you can count on that. And much more than some fans think right now.

We'll find it out next year :D

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