The Dark Knight The Ending: Your Way

I would have just had the Joker in court and then taken to Arkham. It would have made the movie a little longer but so what.
a shot of joker and scarecrow in arkham with dr. quinzel handing out medication would've been the only thing worth adding to the ending i think. i wouldve wanted it post-credits though, since the ending now is so great.

also, though i think two-face's death works well in the movie, it would be so cool to see joker and harvey having cells across from each other or even sharing one.
Everybody knows that the ending for TDK could of been improved. So, I wanted to see some of the stuff you guys could come up with for the ending that would be better.

Heres mine: Instead of two-face going after gordons family he goes after joker. He realizes that its all jokers fault that what happend to him and rachel. So two-face shows up with a gun where joker overlooks the ferrys in the building. Joker tries to talk to two-face but hes so angry that he just ignores it. Just as two-face is about to shoot joker, batman appears from the darkness. Batman tries to talk two-face out of killing joker but as soon as you think he changes his mind, he shoots batman. Two-face then slowly approches joker with the gun aimed to his head. Everything is silent for a few moments until two-face says "You left me to die... so let me repay the favor." As he talks the music builds up with intensity. Batman leaps out and takes down harvey with a mighty blow. Two-face lays unconcious as batman gets up to face joker. Joker takes out a knife as batman comes at him. Then batman and joker duke it out for a little bit until joker somehow pins batman down to the edge of the window. Then joker says whatever he said in the movie. He finishes talking to batman by asking him, "You know how I got these scars?" Batman replies, "No, but I know how you got these." Immeadiatly the blades from his gauntlets shoot out and hit joker in the face sending him flying out of the window. His fall is broken by batmans grappling gun. He reels him up and then they talk for a little bit (same as it was in the movie). After they talk batman leaves joker hanging upside down outside the window. Then it cuts to a shot of the new wayne manor, looking almost exactly as it did before. Then bruce and alfred come into the picture. They look at it as they exchange a few words, then they walk up the stairs to the door as the camera pans out while some soft emotional music plays in the background. The screen suddenly goes black and then it cuts to a SWAT team rushing up some stairs to where the joker was hanging. They look around the room and notice two-face unconcious on the ground. But no sign of joker anywhere. "Where did he go?" One of the SWAT member asked. They approach the window where joker was hanging and they look down to see a dizzying drop. But still no sign of him...

I dont mean to be rude but your ending is ****ing terrible, I am glad you dont play a part in the Batman films.
Would have had the two inmates/torch walkway joke from The Killing Joke at the end.
They should have made Two-Face's fate clear, instead of debatable.
My suggestion would be to have Harvey's transformation begin in TDK. Leave Harvey in the hospital, slowly churning and evolving into what we all know will be Two Face. No "face reveal" or Joker/Two Face interaction at all. The film's climax should have been the "choice" Bats had with saving either Rachel or Dent with the Joker escaping and leaving a cryptic message about his "destiny" to dance with the Bat forever. Closing scene would be Bruce and Alfred at the newly reconstructed Wayne manor with the final shot of the two of them surveying the new Bat-cave. Finis. Credits roll.
My suggestion would be to have Harvey's transformation begin in TDK. Leave Harvey in the hospital, slowly churning and evolving into what we all know will be Two Face. No "face reveal" or Joker/Two Face interaction at all. The film's climax should have been the "choice" Bats had with saving either Rachel or Dent with the Joker escaping and leaving a cryptic message about his "destiny" to dance with the Bat forever. Closing scene would be Bruce and Alfred at the newly reconstructed Wayne manor with the final shot of the two of them surveying the new Bat-cave. Finis. Credits roll.

How could the ending have had the 'choice' if TF was already in the hospital all messed up, out of interest?
I liked the ending a lot but a scene afterthe credits I think would be cool starts out Gordon driving home from destroying the bat signal and them walking up to his house then seeing his front door with a painting of a green question mark on it.
Instead of Batman riding off on his Batpod, have him roll over after waking up from the fall to find Two-Face missing.Then have a caption that reads 6 months later and have the next scene be Two Face visiting Joker at Arkham( he sneeks in of course).Harvey is holding a gun, about to flip a coin says: "heads you die-tails I bust you outta here...".
Sorry, but both of those options would have been evil. Harvey always has a good option too.
How could the ending have had the 'choice' if TF was already in the hospital all messed up, out of interest?

What I meant is that the "choice" scene, i.e. the rush to save whom he thinks is Rachel, should have been the climactic dramatic scene with Harvey then left to stew in the hospital afterwards.
there should have been a scene where like the riddler flies from the sky and punches two-face but two-face lands on a bean bag chair and is like "woaaaaah im ok" and then joker is like "hey guys joke joke jokeee" and riddler goes "hey im johnny depp im in the next movie also CAT" and winks at the camera. definitely better than the "stupid" ending we got.

god some people. this thread is stupid as crap.
My ending would have been the one we all saw on screen. :up:
It would of been interesting to see a reference to the next villain but I am unsure whether that would of fitted into the ending or not.
Really many of these suggestions...just I think shows how perfect TDK's ending is.
well the ending is good. I have no complaints. But 1 thing I would have liked would be another shot of the joker. Its up to nolan what he would show. so im not saying "oh lets see joker in a cell" or "how about harley quin showing up and talking to mr j." I would have like a little bit of closure with the joker, he was just left hanging, literally. So again no complaints, I would have liked if nolan and company put 1 last scene or shot with the joker in there somewhere.
Anybody Feel that with this ending, nolan won't come back?
Actually I like the way Nolan let Two-Face's fate like that, as fans we can discuss that.

The only change that I would have made would have been to let the Joker have the final statement in the film. Kind of like Norman Bates in Psycho.
Nolan will be's his baby. Unless WB does something to royally screw him over! :cmad:
That's exactly the impression I got.

I'm also wondering where Nolan will go from here, I think he hit a grand slam with TDK and I think it would be either impossible or very, very difficult to top it. I'm pro-3rd movie, but I'm really worried that it could be another spider-man fiasco where 2 was awesome and I was really hyped for 3 and it just fell short in a big way. I would love for Nolan to go out on a high note, especially when he has done so much for this franchise already. Also, should they try to recast the joker I would much prefer it be with a different director and thus a different take on batman. Much like when Heath said "you can't touch what Jack did in Burton's world," similarly no one should try to attempt what Heath has done in Nolan's world. It should be someone else's world, someone else's joker. The notion that an actor would try to impersonate Heath or copy his performance in some way is insulting and ridiculous, IMHO.
I think he doesn't have to try and up it, but go in a whole different direction. Perhaps a psychological thriller, then?

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