The Dark Knight Rises Cast The Dark Knight Returns


Aug 14, 2004
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OK, my Cast;

Batman - Scott Glenn

The Joker - Christopher Walken

Two Face - James Caan

Jim Gordon - Clint Eastwood
Batman - Clint Eastwood If he could bulk up some

The Joker - Christopher Walken

Two Face - Bruce Willis, just a tad older.

Jim Gordon - John Hurt
Cobblepot said:
Batman - Clint Eastwood If he could bulk up some

You're kidding right? the man is Damn near 80. Its way too late to have him as Batman.

How old is Bruce in Batman Beyond?
I'm probably gonna get shot for this...but I'd love to see Russel Crow as Batman/Bruce Wayne in a Dark Knight Returns movie.

If not him...then Viggo Mortenson.
They are way to young, i realize Eastwood is a bit too old. But some facial expressions do look very simulair.

I'm changing my Two Face casting into Don Johnson!
Interesting choices people! The only thing is that if this was ever to be made, it would probablly be quite a few years from now, making a lot of the actors much too old. It's fun speculating on, though!
The Batman - Mel Gibson

Alfred Pennyworth - Ian Richardson (House of Cards)

Comissioner Gordon - Clint Eastwood

The Joker - Jack Nicholson
Dark Knight Returns

Batman/ Bruce Wayne: Michae Keaton or Alec Baldwin

The Joker: Jack Nicholson

Two-Face: Ray Liotta

Jim Gordon: ???

I will be back with some though.
Batman: Russell Crowe
Gordon: Clint Eastwood or Harrison Ford
Joker: Christopher Walken
Alfred:Martin Landau or
Two Face: Ray Loitta
Catwoman: Andie MacDowell
Superman: Daniel Day Lewis

Director: Ridley Scott
There's only one guy who has the:


2:bulk <--this is Miller's Batman - no rubber armor - BLUE and GRAY tights w/ kevlar plate

3:Bruce Wayne's moustache - seriously though, the guy who has the look for both Bruce and Batman is...

Tom Selleck. If you've only seen him on Magnum P.I. and Friends then you haven't really seen what he's capable of. He was very good in Ike: Countdown to D-day. He's got the look, height, build, and the acting chops.

Oh and a skinny Tim Curry for the Joker.
There are no actors out there who are 60+ and have the build that Batman has in DKR. I think Eastwood would have been good a few years back, maybe not now.

I couldn't see Tom Selleck though but I like the idea of Walken for the Joker.
Batman: Russel Crow, I suggested him about a month ago
Gordon: Harrison Ford
Joker: Willem Defoe
Two Face: Ray Liota

Russell Crow would have made better Batvillian. He was linked with the role of Ra's Al Ghul in Batman Begins I'm saying he would have better different villian not Ra's
Robin91939 said:
Batman: Russel Crow, I suggested him about a month ago
Gordon: Harrison Ford
Joker: Willem Defoe
Two Face: Ray Liota


Nice picks! I could go with Defoe as the Joker.

But who would be your director? Writer?

Hey guys, director and writer is even more important than the cast!
Batman/Bruce Wayne- Russel Crowe
Alfred- John Cleese
Jim Gordon- Dennis Quaid
Harvey Dent/TwoFace- Ray Liotta (definitly when he was younger, and still)
The Joker- Jack Nicholson (loved his Joker, and maybe could change style a lil)
Tony Zucco- Al Pacino

I dunno, these would be my picks for that movie lol. I was just fooling around as most of these guys, even though great are not my current choices for the roles in future Batman movies. Just things i would had liked to see
Batman/Bruce Wayne: Clint Eastwood


The Joker: Jack Nicholson


Two Face: Ray Liotta


Alfred: John Cleese


Superman: Daniel Day Lewis


Robin: Linda Cartellini

Listen up gys:

Batman-Michael Keaton


Superman-Mel Gibson


The Joker-Tim Curry


Two Face- Don Johnson

Nash Bridges!!! hahahahahahah LMFAO!!!!

How come no one is casting Robin?
Even though Clint Eastwood is alittle too old to play Batman in DKR, I would want him. Eastwood could play and old Batman perfectly... he has the look and the attitude, and you got to admitt, Eastwood has those piercing eyes... that is Batman from DKR.

William Hurt would be my choice for Gordon, all though.. he isn't old enough but I can see him as a hardened Gordon.

Joker, I say bring back Nicholson.

Two-Face... i don't know actually.

Superman... i don't know who could pull off an old Supes. Let me think and I'll post again later.
spdrknight said:
Even though Clint Eastwood is alittle too old to play Batman in DKR, I would want him. Eastwood could play and old Batman perfectly... he has the look and the attitude, and you got to admitt, Eastwood has those piercing eyes... that is Batman from DKR.
A little too old? Do you really think Eastwood would be believeable as someone in his mid-fifties?
He is old, but when I see him on the screen he doesn't seem as old as he really is. And my point was that he is too old for the role but I like the idea of Eastwood.
Again Don Johnson for Two-Face!!

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