The future of gaming

Isildur´s Heir

Dec 21, 2002
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What do you think will be the future, and i don´t mean 2 years from now...

The new big technology is not HD, high-definition is a natural evolution, the big thing is motion control, but there is much more to bet, 3D, and not with glasses, but with the illusion with depth and space.
There is a video on Youtube that shows a guy that made exactly that with the Wii (amazing stuff).
Want to know more about what´s in store for the future?
Read this page:
There are prototypes for the all 5 human senses, from smell to taste.

So, what do you think?
I think the future is those sense things, and porn games. in 15 years, all that will be made is porn games.
the guy didn't make anything with the wii. he used his laptop to the everything

the only thing he used the wii was the sensor bar and the casing of the remote(which he had put a infrared camera inside it) and used another set of sensors. BUt his laptop was doing all the work.
If the next set of consoles arn't virtual reality, then damnit.
I'm ready for the day when you dont realize youre playing a game until you turn off the system.
I'm ready for the day when you dont realize youre playing a game until you turn off the system.

Then your mind is trapped inside it like that Batman ep. with the Minotaur.
I'm ready for the day when you dont realize youre playing a game until you turn off the system.
Holodeck, Danger Room, The Matrix....
That´s the pinnacle of video gaming, and i´m sure that will happen in the future.
And i can even say that it will arrive sooner than we all think, the technology is not all that far.
The only thing that can stop it are human moral standards

Virtual reality is easily distinguished from the experience of 'true' reality; participants are never in doubt about the nature of what they experience. Simulated reality, by contrast, would be hard or impossible to distinguish from 'true' reality.
I believe that perfect virtual reality will eventually happen, in fact i´m totally sure that virtual reality will be the next best thing, and i even go to say that i imagine virtual reality start to appear next generation of the one after that.
But, simulate reality.......that i can´t, morals will not allow.

The future of gaming is all around us, if you go to Kotaku or Joystiq, you´ll see that there was showing of dualview and 3D screens, and even if they didn´t played perfectly, that´s the begining.
One thing i can say, next generation will be an exciting one, much more than this one (this one is not all that, except for the Wii with motion control, the rest are the games and HD), all we have to look is the prototypes both MS and Sony are working on, trying to come up with the next controller device, and believe that next gen will be a revolutionary one, we every department, both hardware and software.
Isildur´s Heir;13759905 said:
Holodeck, Danger Room, The Matrix....
That´s the pinnacle of video gaming, and i´m sure that will happen in the future.
And i can even say that it will arrive sooner than we all think, the technology is not all that far.
The only thing that can stop it are human moral standards

Im soo down for a Danger room.

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