The importance of video game movies

Isildur´s Heir

Dec 21, 2002
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So, let´s talk about the most important future for video games, movies.
And before anyone say, video game movies suck; yes, they do, so far, but, what about when they don´t suck, what will it mean to the video game industry?
But believe when i say that things will change in the future, there will great video game movies, and i bet it all starts next year, 2009, with Bruckheimer´s Prince of Persia, the Sands of Time.
Gears of War, Halo, Assassins Creed....and now, all studios are after Bioshock.
When quality catches up with video game movies (and it will), things will change, for the better, for everyone.

First thing, sales will increase like never before, not only games but hardware.
Games will increase in quality like never before, they will want, more than ever, to be movies in their own right (there is already developers saying that it is the future of gaming) , not only after adaptation.
Video game movies will be the new comic book movies.
wrong, sales will not increase for the video game industry. like at all the comic book movies look at how much they make and comics still can;t break the 200K sales. spiderman comics have been selling on average 100K units the movies have made almost 3 billion dollars, yet spiderman comics sales are still in the same range as before.

and bioshock and gears of war are going to suck.
I'd kill for Halo, GOW, AC & Bioshock to be good.
wrong, sales will not increase for the video game industry. like at all the comic book movies look at how much they make and comics still can;t break the 200K sales. spiderman comics have been selling on average 100K units the movies have made almost 3 billion dollars, yet spiderman comics sales are still in the same range as before.
You do know that comic books and video games are not the same, right?
Comic book are, and will always be for a specific crowd, not mainstream.
Video games are mainstream, even more as years go by, just look at the sales and the talks there are about gaming.

and bioshock and gears of war are going to suck.
Isildur´s Heir;14032637 said:
You do know that comic books and video games are not the same, right?
Comic book are, and will always be for a specific crowd, not mainstream.
Video games are mainstream, even more as years go by, just look at the sales and the talks there are about gaming.


and who the hell are games for then? not everyone plays video games and video games are not considered mainstream buddy. don't know where you're getting your statistics from taht says it is.
I'm looking forward to the Halo movie. But a game based on a movie that was based on a game sounds alittle wierd. But it might work.
Honestly, I don't care if it sells more. The best thing to come from it is that maybe the general population might start looking at videogames as a genuine form of art and storytelling medium, instead of just a silly past time for kids and/or murder tutorials.

Then again, that might be giving people a little too much credit.
video games are not considered mainstream buddy..

Sure they are, now more than ever with the inclusion of Nintendo's wildly popular Wii system. With more big time releases like Halo 3, video games will only continue to push the mainstream boundaries.
I'm looking forward to the Halo movie. But a game based on a movie that was based on a game sounds alittle wierd. But it might work.

oh god.....this comes to mind, hehe

I honestly don't see the excitement with the possible Halo movie. Would it do well at the box office? Probably, almost a certainty. Would it be any good? It would be good in the sense of it being a summer action blockbuster, nothing more, nothing less. There aren't many scifi action movies that are anything more than that. But the way people were talking about it, it was ridiculous.
If anything video games will suck like 99% of all video games based on a movie :p i'd assume the reversal would happen as well..

and BTW.. SILENT HILL was a great video game movie and hands down the best
Ive never seen Silent Hill before. Was it great as far as being faithful to the series adn appealing to fans or was it good enough to stand on its own taking aside its gaming roots
A bit of both I think. It definitely had a lot of visual style and content taken from the games, but at the same time made it more dynamic rather than slow and creepy.


Overall, I think people over-estimate the value of videogame movies.

I mean as far as videaogames go, the popular ones often has the worst story or characters. Lara Croft for example has little actual character and the games have virtually no plot. That is why the films sucked. At least Silent Hill had the style and Doom had the novelty.
Sure they are, now more than ever with the inclusion of Nintendo's wildly popular Wii system. With more big time releases like Halo 3, video games will only continue to push the mainstream boundaries.
Didn´t you knew that video games are an underground thing?
Didn´t you knew that GoldenAgeHero lives inside a small cave and only comes out two times each 4 years?
And here i was thinking that the PS2 sold, so far, 116 million units, which is more than the population of Spain and England combined.
And video games was one of the biggest industries around.
Silly me....:rolleyes:

I mean as far as videaogames go, the popular ones often has the worst story or characters. Lara Croft for example has little actual character and the games have virtually no plot. That is why the films sucked. At least Silent Hill had the style and Doom had the novelty.
Let´s start by saying that i even´t seen Silent Hill.

Video Game movies are the next big thing, Hollywood is after them like no tomorrow.
And mark my words when i say that, it only takes one to be sucessful in both quality and quantity, that more will follow.
All video game plots suck if compared to movies, that´s a given, even the best video game storyline is impossible to translate to the big screen without any change, and to think the opposite is just dumb.
And there is where Hollywood fails...big time.
When adapting a video game to movie you have to take the idea, some details, but re-write the story.
That will happen one day...
What video game films need to do is follow the source material as cloesly as say, 300 did. That way, you've got stuff that pleases the fans AND you've got the kick ass fights etc.

A scene-for-scene Uncharted movie would be too awesome for words.
What video game films need to do is follow the source material as cloesly as say, 300 did. That way, you've got stuff that pleases the fans AND you've got the kick ass fights etc.

A scene-for-scene Uncharted movie would be too awesome for words.

Thats a good point. I think Mass Effect would also make a pretty damn cool film.
Broken Sword would smite The Da Vinci Code and National Teasure like the pretenders they are.
Alot of games you couldnt do the direct adaptation of though. Think of how boring a Doom movie done exactly like the game would be. 5 hours of a guy shooting things. The movie they made was ok, but went too far away from the original concept. A middle ground needs to be reached.
games to movies would work if they didnt change the storyline completely i mean what the hell was resident evil apart from total poo.
same with streetfighter.
although i did like the 1st mortal kombat movie and doom.

most other were pants.
Besides Silent Hill ( because i haven´t seen it and many like it), all video game movies suck.
The best, IMO, is DOA, just because it doesn´t try to be anything more than a dumb, fun movie.
The Doom movie is painful to watch, and the best we forget Resident Evil, the better.

Im sorry to say, but the simple idea of making a video game movie in the likes of Sin City or 300 is just bad.
The fist question is, why would anyone want to do or see that?
Who would want to see a movie with one character going around kicking ass?
That would be stupid and painful to watch...
A video game adaptation should go with the idea of the game, grab some important stuff of it (like levels, weapons, bits and pieces of the story, enemies,...) and remake it.
In order of Best video game movies (best to worst) i've seen.... and im not going to worry about how close they were to source.. because none but silent hill really were... just entertainment value

Silent Hill
Tomb Raider
TR: Cradle of Life
Resident Evil
Resident Evil: Apocolypse
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 2
Mario Bros
Bloodrayne 2
Resident Evil: Extinction
Alone in the Dark
Double Dragon
House of the Dead

and thought people would enjoy this
Game based off a movie that was based off of a game. What about a movie that was based off of a game that was based off of a book? OOO ain't got nothin', do ya?!
In order of Best video game movies (best to worst) i've seen.... and im not going to worry about how close they were to source.. because none but silent hill really were... just entertainment value

Silent Hill
Tomb Raider
TR: Cradle of Life
Resident Evil
Resident Evil: Apocolypse
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 2
Mario Bros
Bloodrayne 2
Resident Evil: Extinction
Alone in the Dark
Double Dragon
House of the Dead

and thought people would enjoy this

Hitman and Doom are the only movies based on video games that are any good :o

The rest are total ass. And most will continue to be ass.
There was a Bloodrayne 2 movie? Mercy...

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