The Golden Age


Feb 19, 2011
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Anyone remember this graphic novel series ?? I just finished reading it again......and it just made me wish that Flashpoint had never happened. A lot rich DC history just wiped away......what James Robinson did with those 40's heroes was fresh and bold!!

That is one graphic novel I'd love to see brought to animation......if done right.
I read that book. Good times.
Whats your take?

Well it's been a while but I remember it being an intriguing - and sometimes gruesome - alternative examination of one generation giving way to another while examining how societal scorn impacted the Golden Age heroes negatively.
Well it's been a while but I remember it being an intriguing - and sometimes gruesome - alternative examination of one generation giving way to another while examining how societal scorn impacted the Golden Age heroes negatively.
The Ultra-Humanite transferring his brain tot he body of Tex Thompson...a basically "nothing" hero, was genius by Robinson. The use of Paul Kirk's Manhunter (a Simon / Kirby Character) in the war effort was great too...and how he was the focal point of the whole story! It was a great "re-reading" of this tale......If a person does not have this book, you gotta order it!
The Ultra-Humanite transferring his brain tot he body of Tex Thompson...a basically "nothing" hero, was genius by Robinson. The use of Paul Kirk's Manhunter (a Simon / Kirby Character) in the war effort was great too...and how he was the focal point of the whole story! It was a great "re-reading" of this tale......If a person does not have this book, you gotta order it!

And gave us this classic moment -

"I've been sleeping with the Ultra-Humanite..."
And gave us this classic moment -

"I've been sleeping with the Ultra-Humanite..."

I know!!! LOL!! the Humanite was a straight up freak! He had sex with men while in a female body and vice versa!! Geez......
easily one of my favorites they need to make a silver age comic...but if that was the villian for that storyline what would the silver age's villian be? what was the greatest enemy in that era?
easily one of my favorites they need to make a silver age comic...but if that was the villian for that storyline what would the silver age's villian be? what was the greatest enemy in that era?

I read that they did discuss a sequel that would have been called "The Silver Age" but it never materialized for whatever reason; no idea who the villain would have been. "DC The New Frontier" kind of filled the void.
I read that they did discuss a sequel that would have been called "The Silver Age" but it never materialized for whatever reason; no idea who the villain would have been. "DC The New Frontier" kind of filled the void.

i will check that out soon.

and by enemy i mean
hitler was the enemy in it so i guess some soviets or something along that would be in a sequel?
Anyone remember this graphic novel series ?? I just finished reading it again......and it just made me wish that Flashpoint had never happened. A lot rich DC history just wiped away......what James Robinson did with those 40's heroes was fresh and bold!!

That is one graphic novel I'd love to see brought to animation......if done right.

Good stuff. I love the deep history of the classic DC universe. Dc is ust addicted to reboots though.
I love this story. It pretty much serves as a prologue for Robinson's Starman series. Both are two of the biggest casualties of Flashpoint.
I love this story. It pretty much serves as a prologue for Robinson's Starman series. Both are two of the biggest casualties of Flashpoint.

Only DC would dump a treasure trove of history with crap like Flashpoint
i will check that out soon.

and by enemy i mean
hitler was the enemy in it so i guess some soviets or something along that would be in a sequel?

Eh, the Soviets weren't really bad guys. Certainly not on the level of effin' [blackout]Hitler[/blackout]. No, the "enemy" should probably end up being something kinda.......esoteric like, change or the realization that the world ain't all black and white....though more likely the very real threat of nuclear annihilation would work better.
Eh, the Soviets weren't really bad guys. Certainly not on the level of effin' [blackout]Hitler[/blackout]. No, the "enemy" should probably end up being something kinda.......esoteric like, change or the realization that the world ain't all black and white....though more likely the very real threat of nuclear annihilation would work better.

isn't it weird how, in that comic...i once read how in this very comic their greatest enemy attacks them. and it was fitting

but we cant find one in the 1960's-1970's since the us itself was tearing itself apart.

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