The Greatest Criminal Mind of Our Time: Nicholas Hoult IS Lex Luthor

If we see a comic accurate Lex power suit in this film, then it will be superior to any Superman film there's been because they are actually staying close to source material
We need a scene of Lex staring out his Lex Corp tower penthouse window, with a drink in hand. He's king of the world.

It's night time, and Lightning flashes off in the distance.

Lex takes a drink, Looking out over "his" city.

Lightning flashes again, but this time it's illuminating a hovering figure just outside the window.
It's superman. He's just staring at Lex.

Lex walks up closer and stares back just as intensely for a long moment.

Finally, Lex throws his glass of whiskey at the window, the glass holding the drink shatters, and whiskey flows down the window, distorting the image of superman. He now looks bizarre through the flowing liquid.

Superman just shakes his head sadly and Flys off.
Lex smirks.
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We need a scene of Lex staring out his Lex Corp tower penthouse window, with a drink in hand. He's king of the world.

Lightning flashes off in the distance.

It flashes again, but this time it's illuminating a hovering figure just outside the window.
It's superman. He's just staring at Lex.

Lex stares back just as intensely for a long moment.
Finally, Lex throws his glass of whiskey at the window, the glass holding the drink shatters, and whiskey flows down the window, distorting the image of superman. He now looks bizarre through the flowing liquid.

Superman just shakes his head sadly and Flys off.
Lex smirks.
I would love that
Just love how this totally looks like it could be a Lex Luthor photoshoot lol.
“I get behind the wheel and I feel nothing but pity for Superman. He can fly but can he drive? I don’t think he can. If he could, he wouldn’t be flying all the time. Can he even afford a car?? He doesn’t get paid to put out the fires that I start— that get started. The fires that get started, spontaneously I would imagine. Certainly not by me or my employees. Next question, please.”
“I get behind the wheel and I feel nothing but pity for Superman. He can fly but can he drive? I don’t think he can. If he could, he wouldn’t be flying all the time. Can he even afford a car?? He doesn’t get paid to put out the fires that I start— that get started. The fires that get started, spontaneously I would imagine. Certainly not by me or my employees. Next question, please.”
'Wait, Superman is Clark Kent?... but that means... he CAN drive!'

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Geez he’s putting the X is Lex. Super hot look for him
Lex needs to come off as the smartest person in a room full of billionaires and scientists. Like, when he speaks, they all stop talking and listen.
But also so arrogant that you love to hate him.
Lex needs to come off as the smartest person in a room full of billionaires and scientists. Like, when he speaks, they all stop talking and listen.
But also so arrogant that you love to hate him.
That's something I'm super interested in, the film already has so many brilliant minded characters so it will be interesting how they balance the knowledge power.
That's something I'm super interested in, the film already has so many brilliant minded characters so it will be interesting how they balance the knowledge power.
This is strictly me, but I want him to be on the same level as Tony stark intellectually, but without the quips, and an attitude of a rock star, ie, full of a "I don't give a fuq" attitude.
I think when we see this Lex publicly, he needs to be charming, charismatic, and firm with a touch of arrogance. Behind closed doors he needs to be a massively arrogant, dismissive, always 10 steps ahead, viper of a man.
This is strictly me, but I want him to be on the same level as Tony stark intellectually, but without the quips, and an attitude of a rock star, ie, full of a "I don't give a fuq" attitude.
How about his intellect next to Mr Terrific, considering he is meant to be a genius also? And how smart should Clark be?

Should it be something along the likes Bruce Banner, Stark and Peter Parker? I can't remember who else is in The Avengers that is super smart.

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