The Dark Knight The HaHaHa Times, Volume 2

I didnt know about that travel agency. That makes me very happy.

Do you think that there would be nothing in it? APRIL FOOLS! :( yea i've been tracking the thread since it started and ive come to a conclusion....i bet that if you wait until april first you guys will get alot more done...
there's a message inside the misspellings. still working on it, but looks like you'll need more information when the envelope opens. The 4pm call from the Harvey Dent Campaign makes me think it's connected in the US to all the cities that the Dent campaign visited.
curious. back when we had the very first scavenger hunt at comic con, there was a morse code with the HA HA HA's right? anyone tried that same method yet with the hahahatimes page 2 under the sweaters to the editor? fogive if already tried or suggested. 76 pages now here i'mnot about to read all of them.
curious. back when we had the very first scavenger hunt at comic con, there was a morse code with the HA HA HA's right? anyone tried that same method yet with the hahahatimes page 2 under the sweaters to the editor? fogive if already tried or suggested. 76 pages now here i'mnot about to read all of them.

There's no need to apologize dude. Anyone with a brain wouldn't sort through 70 some pages of posts. 90% of them are worthless, but still there. Give your idea a shot. yea i've been tracking the thread since it started and ive come to a conclusion....i bet that if you wait until april first you guys will get alot more done...

If you've been tracking the thread, you would've realized that there isn't a single soul on the Viral Marketing board that has single ounce of patience. Not only that, but people complaining about stuff or posting useless ideas is a way to get their post count up, haha. :woot:
There's no need to apologize dude. Anyone with a brain wouldn't sort through 70 some pages of posts. 90% of them are worthless, but still there. Give your idea a shot.

thats the thing. no idea how. i thought i'd just put it out there.
thats the thing. no idea how. i thought i'd just put it out there.

Me neither man. I know that morse code works with a series of dots, dashes, etc. but I have no clue on how to transcribe it.
i can see this thread is still going...

a handful of us were picking out everything you could from the HAHAHA Times yesterday and the day before. and have found nothing but a hidden note saying it's a RED HERRING(distraction). and the virals today kind of proves it. i mean, it kept a bunch of us occupied for about a day and a half. everyone that was working on it probably went to sleep with their brains sore.
So I just realized something. Remember when we had to crack the code to get into the evidence vault back in November (the trick was to change your computers clock)? Do you all remember what was in there? I just remembered that one of the items was an id badge for a certain Gotham Unified School District employee. A guy by the name of Jake Karnassian. The same guy whose family was found dead at the carnival grounds and who has been missing for some time. Do you think there's more to his disappearance?
So I just realized something. Remember when we had to crack the code to get into the evidence vault back in November (the trick was to change your computers clock)? Do you all remember what was in there? I just remembered that one of the items was an id badge for a certain Gotham Unified School District employee. A guy by the name of Jake Karnassian. The same guy whose family was found dead at the carnival grounds and who has been missing for some time. Do you think there's more to his disappearance?

Meaning his badge id: 12427?
So I just realized something. Remember when we had to crack the code to get into the evidence vault back in November (the trick was to change your computers clock)? Do you all remember what was in there? I just remembered that one of the items was an id badge for a certain Gotham Unified School District employee. A guy by the name of Jake Karnassian. The same guy whose family was found dead at the carnival grounds and who has been missing for some time. Do you think there's more to his disappearance?

Oh, for sure. The Joker had something to do with it, yes? And the Joker got his family, too... I thought it was funny how every person in the family had the initials "JK" (Just Kidding).
I still feel like this HaHaHa Times is not useless, although from what thesushi said in the clowntravelagency thread, I think the morse code thing could possibly have been it. It would've been pretty cool if we'd heard it before we got the new site, but now I think it's sort of old news. Although it suggested a new game and not, that's when you'll get X or Y, so maybe that is something.
I think there will be more to the hahaha times.

The 3 different scratchings by the Joker aren't there for show right? I mean, he could have "clipped more articles" to make a sentence instead of writing in those bloody chicken scratches.

I know that I sound like I'm holding on to a belef that might not pan out, but so what.
Until the case opens, it's all I got.
I still feel like this HaHaHa Times is not useless, although from what thesushi said in the clowntravelagency thread, I think the morse code thing could possibly have been it. It would've been pretty cool if we'd heard it before we got the new site, but now I think it's sort of old news. Although it suggested a new game and not, that's when you'll get X or Y, so maybe that is something.

I'm trying to figure out the first hahaha times on the punctuation, and all I can come up with so far is RZR OD? razor od? menah...

there's talk in the clowntravel thread on what the flags mean, etc.
I still feel like this HaHaHa Times is not useless, although from what thesushi said in the clowntravelagency thread, I think the morse code thing could possibly have been it. It would've been pretty cool if we'd heard it before we got the new site, but now I think it's sort of old news. Although it suggested a new game and not, that's when you'll get X or Y, so maybe that is something.

It's not useless, they wouldn't go to the trouble to making another one just for kicks. It has something in it. Just give it some time.

HA Page not found. HA HA HA ha ha ha HA Ha HA HA HA HA HA ha HA HA ha HA HA HAha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ha HA HA HA HA HA ha HA HA ha s HA HA ha HA HA HA ha HA HA HA ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ha ha ha HA HA ha HA HA HA ha ha ha HA HA ha HA HA HA ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ha HA HA ha HA ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA ha HA HA ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA ha ha HA HA HA ha HA HA HA e HA ha ha HA ha HA ha HA HA HA HA HA ha ha ha HA HA HA HA ha HA HA HA ha HA HA HA HA ha HA ha ha HA HA HA hA HA HA ha HA HA HA HA HA HA e ha ha HA HA HA HA HA Ha ha ha HA HA HA ha HA ha ha HA HA HA hA HA HA HA ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA ha ha HA HA HA ha HA Y Ha ha HA hA HA ha ha HA HA HA HA ha ha ha HA O HA HA ha HA HA HA HA HA ha HA HA HA HA HA ha ha HA ha HA HA HA HA HA HA ha ha HA HA HA HA HA ha Ha HA ha HA u HA HA ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ha ha ha HA HA HA ha HA ha ha ha HA HA hA HA HA HA HA HA I HA HA HA HA HA ha HA HA ha HA HA HAha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ha HA HA HA HA HA ha HA HA ha HA HA ha HA HA HA ha HA HA 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ha ha HA HA hA HA HA HA HA HA HA

ha ha ha

someone intelligent decode! NOW!

on this page there are extra letters that aren't H or A. If you take all the "Ha"s out you are left with "see you in december"

does that mean anything to anyone?

[sorry if this has already been posted, i'm only half way through the tread]
on this page there are extra letters that aren't H or A. If you take all the "Ha"s out you are left with "see you in december"

does that mean anything to anyone?

[sorry if this has already been posted, i'm only half way through the tread] is almost a year old. If it's almost a year old, I assure you we've gone through it already. :oldrazz: I mean, considering how thoroughly we're analyzing every little thing..
I didnt know about that travel agency. That makes me very happy.

Do you think that there would be nothing in it? APRIL FOOLS! :(

Actually, did you know that because it's a leap year, April Fool's actually falls on the 31st of March instead. It's not actually about it being April, but it's based on the 91st day of the year.
My theory is that the HaHaHa Times was just that: a red herring. There was nothing in that paper that led to anything else immediately, and it seems like it was an appetizer before the discovery of

Of course, I could be totally wrong later on down the line, but for the time being, it looks like the paper was a large dead end.
My theory is that the HaHaHa Times was just that: a red herring. There was nothing in that paper that led to anything else immediately, and it seems like it was an appetizer before the discovery of

Of course, I could be totally wrong later on down the line, but for the time being, it looks like the paper was a large dead end.

i thought the red herring had to deal with something connected to the iceberg lounge ad in the paper. Penguins eat fish so i thought that was a possible clue.
i thought the red herring had to deal with something connected to the iceberg lounge ad in the paper. Penguins eat fish so i thought that was a possible clue.

The hahaha times is going to definitely change in the next 10 hours. It'd be a waste of point-of-sale real estate. I bet there still sits a whiteboard with all this information on it. mmmm.

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