The Illuminati/Anunnaki power structure.

hippie_hunter said:
I beleive everything that Hideo Kojima has put into in Metal Gear Solid

me too
It's the La li lu le lo
Addendum said:

Im sure that cover is ment to mean something.... :confused:
The MGS series is great stuff.

Even though I can't beat that Volgin bastard!! :mad:
Carter said:
because it's ******ed

okay, i'm not agreeing with the original post, but that's the weakest arguement EVER. you, sir, are a moron. just because, you can't picture something in your mind, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. that said, i doubt the possibility of lizard people. BUT, i can't prove otherwise.
JLBats said:
Honestly, there are a number of things about the government that make it nearly impossible to not have some sort of conspirators pulling strings behind the scenes. Honestly, Operation Paperclip, MK-Ultra, Kennedy's assassination being directly linked to the Watergate burglars, RFK's assassination, "that Bay of Pig's thing"... it's hard to deny some sort of hidden conspiracy. beneath it all.

I do not believe there is a hidden conspiracy behind it all.

Wait... first you say that it's hard to deny some sort of hidden conspiracy beneath it all, but then you say that you don't believe there is a hidden conspiracy behind it all. So... which is it? :confused:
photojones2 said:
okay, i'm not agreeing with the original post, but that's the weakest arguement EVER. you, sir, are a moron. just because, you can't picture something in your mind, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. that said, i doubt the possibility of lizard people. BUT, i can't prove otherwise.

You see, now THAT's being objective, unlike Carter's typical "because it's ******ed" arguement. :rolleyes:
TheSumOfGod said:
Wait... first you say that it's hard to deny some sort of hidden conspiracy beneath it all, but then you say that you don't believe there is a hidden conspiracy behind it all. So... which is it? :confused:

He believes there is some conspiracy in government, not that a conspiracy is responsible for everything.
"All new truth goes through three stages: At first, it is ridiculed, then, it is violently opposed, and finally, it is accepted as if it had always been common knowledge."

The Illuminati/Anunnaki power structure super-theory is presently being both ridiculed and violently opposed, so it's only a matter of time IMO before people accept it as being self-evident. All that needs to happen is for the Reptilians' illusion of human appearance to fail on a planetary scale for merely a few moments (perhaps due to a sudden shift or weakening of the Earth's magnetic field (the Reptilian illusion seems to depend somehow on the stability of the Earth's magnetic field)), and then everyone will have seen the truth with their own eyes.
TheSumOfGod said:
"All new truth goes through three stages: At first, it is ridiculed, then, it is violently opposed, and finally, it is accepted as if it had always been common knowledge."

The Illuminati/Anunnaki power structure super-theory is presently being both ridiculed and violently opposed, so it's only a matter of time IMO before people accept it as being self-evident. All that needs to happen is for the Reptilians' illusion of human appearance to fail on a planetary scale for merely a few moments (perhaps due to a sudden shift or weakening of the Earth's magnetic field (the Reptilian illusion seems to depend somehow on the stability of the Earth's magnetic field)), and then everyone will have seen the truth with their own eyes.

you know, i worked with this guy who was heavy into the annunaki/illuminati theories. we'd have some really interesting conversations. most of the time, i thought it was complete bull****. but the more you really listen and open your mind to things, the more plausible it becomes.
if anything, it makes for a great story. :up:
TheSumOfGod said:
"All new truth goes through three stages: At first, it is ridiculed, then, it is violently opposed, and finally, it is accepted as if it had always been common knowledge."

The Illuminati/Anunnaki power structure super-theory is presently being both ridiculed and violently opposed, so it's only a matter of time IMO before people accept it as being self-evident. All that needs to happen is for the Reptilians' illusion of human appearance to fail on a planetary scale for merely a few moments (perhaps due to a sudden shift or weakening of the Earth's magnetic field (the Reptilian illusion seems to depend somehow on the stability of the Earth's magnetic field)), and then everyone will have seen the truth with their own eyes.

Yes, because your ideas are ridiculed & alledgedly violently opposed your superstitious babble is the truth.

I can state that I am a member of a topic secret cult xenu people . I would probably be ridiculed and mocked. People can't prove my theory nor disprove at least on the Internet.

However it doesn't make it the truth.

You're a superstitious person, and instead of a God construct you create elaborate conspiracies with no evidence.

People like you have held sway far more than the rationalists.

That's why we have con artists who speak to the dead or are psychic intuitives & people eat it up.

That's why irrational arguments hold sway over rational man in this society unfortunately.
Pksoze said:
Yes, because your ideas are ridiculed & alledgedly violently opposed your superstitious babble is the truth.

I can state that I am a member of a topic secret cult xenu people . I would probably be ridiculed and mocked. People can't prove my theory nor disprove at least on the Internet.

However it doesn't make it the truth.

I never said that it was the truth. But after years of personal research, I consider that it has high probabilities of being the truth. I may be wrong, however. About the Anunnaki, I mean. The existence of the Brotherhood of the Illuminati is about as much of a sure deal as the existence of the Skull & Bones secret society at Yale.
TheSumOfGod said:
I'm not going to present any evidence of any sort in this thread, for whatever "evidence" I present will inevitably be completely disregarded by those who immediately refuse to believe in it's possibility due to their preconceived ideas and perception of reality in general.

Instead I am just going to tell a resumed version of the story (as I interpret it so far), and simply ask you what you think of it.

Here goes:

Nearly 6,000 years ago, in Ancient Sumeria, there was a highly influential religious/political organization known as the "Brotherhood of the Serpent". It's members wished to liberate the human race from it's state of spiritual and social servitude to the "gods". This organization was slowly infiltrated and eventually completely taken over by a secret society know as the "Brotherhood of the Bearers of Light", whose members directly took their orders from the "gods" of Ancient Sumeria: The Anunnaki.

No one knows for certain what the Anunnaki are. Their name can be interpreted as meaning either "Those who came from the sky" or "Those who fell from Heaven", many believe them to be extraterrestrials from another planet (probably from an Earth-type planet having two moons and two suns located in the Sirius binary star system), others believe them to be demons from hell, and others still believe that they are highly evolved dinosaurs whose primitive ancestors somehow survived the mass extinction that occured 65 million years ago, and who have been living mostly in vast underground cities ever since. But one thing seems apparent: the Anunnaki are reptilian in appearance, they possess extremely advanced technology that enables them to manipulate certain properties of space and time at will, and they are shapeshifters, able to assume a human appearance at will.

The Brotherhood of the Bearers of Light eventually became the Brotherhood of the Illuminati, and they went on to slowly infiltrate and take over the rest of the world, mainly by using two methods: divide and conquer, and problem-reaction-solution (they secretly create a problem, they wait for a reaction from the people, and then their political puppets openly offer a solution, which will inevitably end up discretely giving them more wealth and more power). But as they went on to conquer the rest of the world, they lost hold over what was once Ancient Sumeria, the Middle-East grew out of their sphere of influence for various reasons, and they focused their attention mainly to Western Civilization, first the British Empire, and now the American Empire and the United Nations.

But the Anunnaki and their human henchmen, the Illuminati, are still obsessed with their lost territory in the Middle-East, and the recent liberation of Afghanistan, present war in Iraq, and upcoming invasion of Iran, have nothing to do with terrorism, oil, greed and power: from the Illuminati/Anunnaki point of view, it's all about reconquering what was once theirs. Why do you think the US is building the largest military base in the world near Bagdad, and the largest embassy in the world near the river Tigris (much more than a mere embassy: it shall be a veritable fortress, a self-sufficient small city relatively the same size as the Vatican!) in Iraq right now? They have NO intention to leave, they are there to stay.

Of course, the ultimate goal of the Illuminati/Anunnaki power structure is the establishment of a totalitarian NEW WORLD ORDER, where freedom shall be a thing of the past, where we shall all be reduced to mere brainwashed slaves with a microchip in our brains and with a barcode on our foreheads, a veritable milking plant for planetary human fear, suffering and misery. They shall continue with their ongoing campaign of supposed "terrorist" attacks to achieve this goal, our civil liberties being perpetually, willingly surrendered in order to obtain the illusion of national security, and they will most probably resort to nuclear war to attain their objective: to fool the entire human race into literally BEGGING the leaders of this world for global order to be restored, at any cost. And that's when their world army of millions of genetically engineered, technologically enhanced super-soldiers will come into play, along with the thousands of CONCENTRATION CAMPS that have already been built worldwide.

The only true weakness of the Anunnaki is that, no matter how powerful they are, no matter how advanced their technology may be, there are still only a few thousand of them and over 7 billion of us. The fact that we outnumber them so overwhelmingly is why they have to be so careful all of the time, and why they cannot impose this New World Order of theirs upon us, they have to fool us into asking for it to be imposed out of our own free will.

That's pretty much it. I'm not saying that I "believe" in this, as an objective researcher, I cannot allow myself to "believe" in anything, but I do consider this to be highly probable after years of personal research and on-the-field experience being a paranormal investigator/conspiracy theorist.

What do you think? ;)

Assuming that everything stated above is correct, why didn't the Anunnaki just impose their will on mankind 6,000 years ago when mankind numbers were not only drastically smaller, but we were no match for their techological

Also at what level does knowlege of this order becomes revealed to our leaders? For example does the person who becomes President of the U.S. automatically has the true revealed to them or does it this knowledge begin at much higher level?

Can you tell me too how the Rothchild's fit into this theory?

Pksoze said:
People like you have held sway far more than the rationalists.

Ah yes, the "rationalists". People who absolutely, categorically refuse to admit that something new and revolutionary may exist, no matter how obvious it's existence may be, until the evidence is so overwhelming that they have no other choice than to pretend that they believed in it's existence all along. Some people still believe that the Earth is FLAT, you know. :rolleyes:
TheSumOfGod said:
Ah yes, the "rationalists". People who absolutely, categorically refuse to admit that something new and revolutionary may exist, no matter how obvious it's existence may be, until the evidence is so overwhelming that they have no other choice than to pretend that they believed in it's existence all along. Some people still believe that the Earth is FLAT, you know. :rolleyes:

Flat earthers are not rationalists, they don't observe or discard the evidence. Lots of their views are based on religious rather than logical reasoning.

Rationalists do believe in things provided something called evidence & observation.

I don't know why that's so offensive. Rationality has helped man transcend from an ape living in a cave to creating cities.

If we allowed vague superstition to govern ourselves we would still be sacrificing virgins to mysterious Gods & living in huts.
raybia said:
Assuming that everything stated above is correct, why didn't the Anunnaki just impose their will on mankind 6,000 years ago when we mankind numbers were not only drastically smaller, but we were no match for their techological superiority?

Apparently, this is how they colonize a planet and it's population: by slow and gradual infiltration, and by changing OUR mentality into THEIR mentality, using religion for example. And there were only 9 of them sent to Earth at the beginning, it's a very economic and patient invasion process, which is probably happening simultaneously on thousands of other planets as well.

Also at what level does knowlege of this order becomes revealed to our leaders? For example does the person who becomes President of the U.S. automatically has the true revealed to them or does it this knowledge begin at much higher level?

The President of the United States is nothing more than a political puppet that is replaced every 4 to 8 years in order to give the American people the illusion that they are still living in a democracy. Kennedy was the last real President with any sort of power, and we all know what happened to him (coup d'etat). Only the members at the top of the hierarchy of several secret societies, such as the Freemasons, have knowledge of the Anunnaki's influence over this world.

Can you tell me too how the Rothchild's fit into this theory?


The Rothschilds, as many very wealthy, highly influential families of aristocratic descent, are a part of the highest level of the Illuminati/Anunnaki power structure, some of the Rothschilds may even be human-Anunnaki hybrids.
another interesting theory is that the Annunaki/Alien beings created humans genetically in order to mine for minerals necessary to sustain life on their planet(s) as a slave race . . . . I mean, when you think about it, 'man' is the most unnatural species on this planet . . . you don't see gophers and tigers living in houses or driving cars . . . and why no discernable link to our closest genetic relative . . . . the ape? Every way we live is an abboration of nature itself
Pksoze said:
Flat earthers are not rationalists, they don't observe or discard the evidence. Lots of their views are based on religious rather than logical reasoning.

Rationalists do believe in things provided something called evidence & observation.

I don't know why that's so offensive. Rationality has helped man transcend from an ape living in a cave to creating cities.

If we allowed vague superstition to govern ourselves we would still be sacrificing virgins to mysterious Gods & living in huts.

Rationalists are skeptical extremists who would need to get figuratively hit by a truck to ever change their minds. They have blind faith in the non-existence of whatever science cannot (yet) understand.

And since we're on the verge of a planetary Holy War pitting Mr. Christian Right here in America and a bunch of Mohammed-wannabes in the Middle-East, I think that our soceity is still very much ruled by superstition.
TheSumOfGod said:
"All new truth goes through three stages: At first, it is ridiculed, then, it is violently opposed, and finally, it is accepted as if it had always been common knowledge."

The Illuminati/Anunnaki power structure super-theory is presently being both ridiculed and violently opposed, so it's only a matter of time IMO before people accept it as being self-evident. All that needs to happen is for the Reptilians' illusion of human appearance to fail on a planetary scale for merely a few moments (perhaps due to a sudden shift or weakening of the Earth's magnetic field (the Reptilian illusion seems to depend somehow on the stability of the Earth's magnetic field)), and then everyone will have seen the truth with their own eyes.
The difference between life changing truths and your theories are that the theories that are ridiculed (like the earth being round) had a ton of EVIDENCE to back them up. No one here has ridiculed (except Carter) your beliefs, all we've repeated asked you to do is to back up your claims....which you seem to take as an insult. By doing so you further the notion that what you spout is bullcrap.
TheSumOfGod said:
Rationalists are skeptical extremists who would need to get figuratively hit by a truck to ever change their minds. They have blind faith in the non-existence of whatever science cannot (yet) understand.

And since we're on the verge of a planetary Holy War pitting Mr. Christian Right here in America and a bunch of Mohammed-wannabes in the Middle-East, I think that our soceity is still very much ruled by superstition.

Yeah, wanting logical proof & observation is so horrible.:rolleyes: (yeah I can do that as well) BTW we don't have blind faith in anything. Blind faith is an anathema to rational people.

And yes we're in a planet governed by superstion there are more people like you than me in this world and that is depressing to me.
TheSumOfGod said:
Rationalists are skeptical extremists who would need to get figuratively hit by a truck to ever change their minds. They have blind faith in the non-existence of whatever science cannot (yet) understand.

And since we're on the verge of a planetary Holy War pitting Mr. Christian Right here in America and a bunch of Mohammed-wannabes in the Middle-East, I think that our soceity is still very much ruled by superstition.
as are you.

No as a matter a fact thats completely and utter flat out false.

quote from "the Science World"
Science thrives on mystery and contradiction; indeed without these it stagnates
ShadowBoxing said:
The difference between life changing truths and your theories are that the theories that are ridiculed (like the earth being round) had a ton of EVIDENCE to back them up.

When it was first proposed that the Earth was round, there was practically no hard evidence to speak of, no evidence that the public and the authorities of the time would have understood or even have considered, for that matter. It took a lot of people being burned to the stake before people's minds began to change...
DV8 said:
another interesting theory is that the Annunaki/Alien beings created humans genetically in order to mine for minerals necessary to sustain life on their planet(s) as a slave race . . . . I mean, when you think about it, 'man' is the most unnatural species on this planet . . . you don't see gophers and tigers living in houses or driving cars . . . and why no discernable link to our closest genetic relative . . . . the ape? Every way we live is an abboration of nature itself

well, most current life forms (complex) have no pinpointed link between them and a distant ancestor. There is nothing unique about humans not yet having the 'missing link'.
DV8 said:
another interesting theory is that the Annunaki/Alien beings created humans genetically in order to mine for minerals necessary to sustain life on their planet(s) as a slave race . . . . I mean, when you think about it, 'man' is the most unnatural species on this planet . . . you don't see gophers and tigers living in houses or driving cars . . . and why no discernable link to our closest genetic relative . . . . the ape? Every way we live is an abboration of nature itself

that would go along with the theoretical reports of world leaders (past and current) as shifting into lizard people and eating children. most of those stories deal with third world children. i guess because they won't be missed as much? :(

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