The Internship

Here it is:


I have some issues with the trailer. The jokes are not consistent because if all else, Wilson and Vaughn's characters have a fair grip on pop culture.
So they know a bit about the Hunger Games and Terminator 1-4. Yes even Salvation. But not Charles Xavier?...I don't buy it.

And I just don't buy them as 'middle-aged' who are out of touch with the youth. I can see someone like Hugh Laurie Bryan Cranston's age range making the roles work (also due to their gravatis and they seem more 'dad like') because Owen and Vaughn's are still fairly youthful and energetic.
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That Professor Xavier part had me rolling. So did the part where the guy wanted them to pound and fist him because of the double meaning. Looks like it'll be hilarious.
The Xavier joke just doesn't jive with me because it doesn't make sense with Vaugn's and Wilson's other pop culture jokes. It comes off as weird than actually funny.
Man, some of the stuff in that trailer is total bull****. I've grabbed a beer with my boss a bunch of times.
The entire premis feels so outdated. I mean, if this came out in 2004, then sure. But in a post-Social Network, smart phone era, this feels out of touch.
This is basically just Google: The Movie.
Here it is:


I have some issues with the trailer. The jokes are not consistent because if all else, Wilson and Vaughn's characters have a fair grip on pop culture.
So they know a bit about the Hunger Games and Terminator 1-4. Yes even Salvation. But not Charles Xavier?...I don't buy it.

And I just don't buy them as 'middle-aged' who are out of touch with the youth. I can see someone like Hugh Laurie Bryan Cranston's age range making the roles work (also due to their gravatis and they seem more 'dad like') because Owen and Vaughn's are still fairly youthful and energetic.

Over-thinking it a bit but yeah........anyway I'm glad Owen Wilson failed in killing himself, I've always found him fun. I think Paul Rudd would have been a better fit with him as despite looking young I could buy him being out of date with modern culture.
the Professor X part at the end was hilarious but it did seem kind of out of place
I'll probably see it just to see how it plays out. It's one big ad for Google, but hey.
For those who weren't impressed with the trailer, watch the scene for the film that's up. I think they're just saving their key scenes (except for Professor Xavier one) for the film because a lot of it seems to be building up riffs off of each other and they've still got it.
Saw it tonight. Laughed heartily all the way through. Some great bits in it too, along with a few surprise cameos. I have to fight the claim that the premise is dated. This movie feels perfectly timed as it's less about emerging technology and more about the state of the job market/economy without being beaten over the head with its message.
Owen and Vaughn are hilarious , but doesn't seem raunchy enough for them.
There's so much wrong with that statement that I don't know whether to reach through the screen to push you out of your seat or to quietly suck it up and repress my feelings until my head explodes.
I'll wait and see how it plays out this weekend, recent comedies as of late have been a tad disappointing when the main character starts out raunchy but in the middle of the film they lay on a heart warming sappy sad scene for the audience to feel pity for him/her.
Just got back, it's a fun little flick, something different than all the summer spectacle. I find it a tad sad that I actually related to some of the nerds in the flick. Oh, and Jessica Szhor is hot as ****.
This looks awful to me nothing about the trailers in any way makes me interested in it. I'd rather watch an actual documentary on Google than forced product placement.
I just think the movie is 7 years too late with its 'Google' theme. Just like how I thought 'Burt Wonderstone' felt dated by its release.
Well, to be fair they do kind of poke fun at how dated some of the themes are by mentioning Instagram and what not.
Dylan O'Brien is the only reason I'd ever consider checking this out.
I was gonna go see this but I don't know it doesn't seem like something to go rush out and see. Plus my friends want to see The Purge tommorow instead so I will wait until this hits blu ray and rent it or buy if I really like it.

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