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The Jesus Christ Appreciation and Worship Thread

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Well, that's not my quote first of all. Goodness, man. No. I meant that you wouldn't go up to a Christian and tell him that he only claims to be one. Goodness gracious.

The issue here is that I would do that in real life if that person claims to be a Christian and I have a Bible that agrees with me on that point. And yes, it isn't your quote. I think It was pretty clear that I was refering to the tone of your post.

You forgot "with meekness and fear." Synonyms for those words are gentleness and respect if you didn't already know.
I know what meekness and fear means (talk about condenscension) My question was about the definition of "Witness" as you put it out. The verse you gave me had nothing to do with what you had in mind. The verse was about questions related to our Salvation/Jesus Christ (the hope that is within you).

But you know it doesn't work that way. We're human. We differ in opinions among other things by nature. Being Christian doesn't supersede that. That's why Jesus had to die. And I agree with your last sentence. That's truth.
Jesus didn't die because we differ in our ways (our may be that wasn't what you meant). At least we agree on that statement.

That's rather dismissive but whatever floats your boat. You don't even know me. I hope one day, your fellowship isn't limited only to people who share your opinion of Christianity. It's enlightening.
That's what you don't seem to grasp it's not about my opinion it's about what the Bible says. I think you remember when one of the younger members came here and asked us advice. I believe it was about kissing a girl outside of marriage. You gave him unblibical advice and the worst of all is that you didn't even care that you were leading him to sin. Even after I and other members gave you verses. That to me is very telling.

This conversation seems to be fruitless so I believe it's time to end it.
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The issue here is that I would do that in real life if that person claims to be a Christian and I have a Bible that agrees with me on that point. And yes, it isn't your quote. I think It was pretty clear that I was refering to the tone of your post.

You are a bold man. It's kind of an ass thing to do.

I know what meekness and fear means (talk about condenscension) My question was about the definition of "Witness" as you put it out. The verse you gave me had nothing to do with what you had in mind. The verse was about questions related to our Salvation/Jesus Christ (the hope that is within you).
You got offended at synonyms? How was I being condescending? And yes it did. That verse has everything to do with being a witness for the Lord.

Jesus didn't die because we differ in our ways (our may be that wasn't what you meant). At least we agree on that statement.
The bottom line is that Christians don't have the same faith as you said. Humans differ in opinion. This is why we have so many denominations of Protestants. It's why there is the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church. The same applies to us.

That's what you don't seem to grasp it's not about my opinion it's about what the Bible says. I think you remember when one of the younger members came here and asked us advice. I believe it was about kissing a girl outside of marriage. You gave him unblibical advice and the worst of all is that you didn't even care that you were leading him to sin. Even after I and other members gave you verses. That to me is very telling.
How is that relevant to this discussion? You still have a vendetta with me from that day? Let it go.

This conversation seems to be fruitless so I believe it's time to end it.
It's not fruitless. It illustrates that all Christians aren't the same.
You are a bold man. It's kind of an ass thing to do.

That's between you and the Bible if you don't agree with that.

You got offended at synonyms? How was I being condescending? And yes it did. That verse has everything to do with being a witness for the Lord.
Warhammer I'm starting to think that you don't really understand what you write sometimes. I don't know were you're from but "if you didn't already know" at the end of a sentence is a clear example of patronising.

The bottom line is that Christians don't have the same faith as you said. Humans differ in opinion. This is why we have so many denominations of Protestants. It's why there is the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church. The same applies to us.
Look up what those denominations believe in and compare it to what the Bible says (particularly on Salvation) and you will understand my point.

How is that relevant to this discussion? You still have a vendetta with me from that day? Let it go.
It is relevant because it accentuates my statement on why It would not be a good Idea for me to fellowship with you.

It's not fruitless. It illustrates that all Christians aren't the same.
No, it is fruitless because the main point is not how our personalities vary but what the Bible says. Of course we don't react the same during similar situations. We can argue but at the end of the day the word of God must be our final authority. But atleast we both agree that Jesus is the only way to heaven and that is the essence of Christianity.
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I am observing lent too. I'm eating no meat, eggs or dairy of any kind. Now my 4th day in, my brother made popcorn and I eat some, not realizing that it contained butter. Whoops. But I didn't kick myself over it. I'm simply doing the best I can and after 20 days so far that was the only accident that I am aware of. It is very hard since pretty much everything has some sort of meat or dairy in it. So I have to cook and prepare everything my self at home. If it was an accident I don't see you breaking your promise. Just do the best you can and Persevere you can do it. :word:

Yeah I see it as an accident, and it was at a wedding which is a religous event. Haha

LOL, the thing is my RCIA (Adult religious Ed for Catholics) said that it is only really worth it to give up something that would result in bringing you closer to God. He was telling us an amusing story about how he gave up smoking for Lent but he became such an a-hole from all the cravings even his wife told him to start again. Lent is individual to the person so there is no right or wrong, but you could ask the question -- did skipping soda bring you any closer to God? As opposed to maybe reading more Scripture or spending some time in a soup kitchen or trying to do one thing for someone else a day? That sort of thing might have been more instructive, lol, than skipping soda or even trying to quit smoking. :)

Getting rid of soda was a choice I had been wanting to make for a while and while I won't say that stoping it is something that has had an immediate affect on my personal relationship with God I see where you are coming from. With your advice I will now say a prayer asking God to give me strength to resist the urge to consume and waste money on such a frivolous pleasure. Sounds silly but this is actually a huge deal to me and with your knowledge and input it has made me see that I will finish out Lent in a much more Holy way than I might have before.
Would the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ stand and watch a homosexual be hung or stone... for simply being homosexual?

He wouldn't.He'd likely do as He did with the adulteress in that situation and protect them from death/abuse.And then to the person say, "Go and sin no more."That's how we ought to behave.As our Lord's example.
What happened? A few posts about homosexuality, and suddenly the whole thread explodes. People throw the word "hate" around", but no one said anything Fred Phelps-ish.:huh:

If you don't believe in it, then why do you even bother to visit a thread about Christianity? And why should unbelievers tell believers what is right or wrong? Atheist morality is something relative (I'm not saying that all atheists are horrible people)...one of my atheist family members says that gays are animals that should be isolated from the rest of the society, and that white people are superior to black people, while another one thinks gay marriage is beautiful and racism is wrong. Which one of them is right? There's no official atheist bible or ten commendments...there's no authority behind anything of it.

I don't "hate". I know some gay people (a neighbor, a family member), but I don't treat them like crap. You can love people even though you disagree with their lifestyle...you would still love your son or daughter, even though he or she did drugs or became a prostitute. Stop being so childish, unbelievers.

And that's the last thing I'll write about homosexuality.
We have someone here describing it as a vile lifestyle, but its the unbelievers that are childish for challenging that.

Come to the atheist thread and we'll discuss it there. We can't discuss it here.
So it's childish to want all people to have equal rights and opportunities to be happy and to be able live life without inciting undue wrath? Well, I guess I'm childish then.

Oh and did you really just compare someone loving someone with the same genitals to being addicted to drugs?
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What happened? A few posts about homosexuality, and suddenly the whole thread explodes. People throw the word "hate" around", but no one said anything Fred Phelps-ish.:huh:

If you don't believe in it, then why do you even bother to visit a thread about Christianity? And why should unbelievers tell believers what is right or wrong? Atheist morality is something relative (I'm not saying that all atheists are horrible people)...one of my atheist family members says that gays are animals that should be isolated from the rest of the society, and that white people are superior to black people, while another one thinks gay marriage is beautiful and racism is wrong. Which one of them is right? There's no official atheist bible or ten commendments...there's no authority behind anything of it.

I don't "hate". I know some gay people (a neighbor, a family member), but I don't treat them like crap. You can love people even though you disagree with their lifestyle...you would still love your son or daughter, even though he or she did drugs or became a prostitute. Stop being so childish, unbelievers.

And that's the last thing I'll write about homosexuality.

Christian morality is even more relative. You may believe that your morals come from the same place, but everyone seems to interpret it differently. You have people like Fred Phelps, Mother Teresa, the Lord's Resistance Army, etc. You have an example of two atheists with opposing views which would actually be more suited to two Christians. Look at how differently Christians practice their faith in this world. This thread alone is proof that everyone interprets the Bible in their own way.

The irony of you calling unbelievers childish is clearly lost on you.
I'm curious. I'm not trying to start a fight here, just get some answers. I'm wondering why so many Christians get hung up and vocal about banning same-sex marriages while at the same time, being so silent about banning divorce? Both are labeled as sins in the Bible. Divorce, even by Jesus, saying that those who divorce and remarry are committing adultery which, parts of the Bible say is punishable by death. Now, I know the story where Jesus called on the people without sin to cast the first stone but, you see what I'm getting at. The divorce rate in the US right around 50%! This is something that is truly destroying the sanctity of the institution. Especially when the only forgivable reason Jesus mentioned for divorce, infidelity, is #5 on the list of reasons for divorce! So, bottom line, why the uproar over gay couples getting married and not over straight couples getting divorced?
There's a thread where we can discuss this without getting infractions.
The Atheism Thread. Any time this thread deviates from 'apprecation and worship', people are told off.
The Atheism Thread. Any time this thread deviates from 'apprecation and worship', people are told off.
Ahh. So, any discussion about this sort of thing should be taken to a place where the people I'm asking won't go. Makes perfect sense. See you there.
Wow :dry:.
I'm a bit baffled to see a Christian make that statement. I really hope you don't tell homosexuals/lesbians that God thinks it's okay to be that way. Please read your Bible or ask your pastor what the Bible says about this subject.

Romans 1:20-27 (KJV)
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

1 Corinthians 6:9
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind

We should preach the Gospel to everyone and that includes homostexuals and lesbians.
Romans 3:23
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Jesus died for all our sins. I will be the first to admit that I do not deserve his love. But we should never compromise our fate. I feel like many Christians are afraid that they will be called "homophobes" or whatever words they use characterise those that don't adhere to that vile lifestyle. Some have even come to accept homosexuality as "normal". Please brothers (and sisters) in Christ I encourage you preach the Gospel with love and boldness. You might lose some friends make enemies or even worse. But it's better to obey God than man. We know our redeemer lives and he has given us eternal life. He will come back and judge the Nations.

Well said, Marvolo. Hating love is an odd thing to do.

Aaaaaand now I remember why I never come in here...
Well I certainly didn't plan on starting this whole debate again, sheesh. Look I don't think being Christian means you have to hate gay people. The end. Jesus never said anything about it one way or the other so you know, I can let it slide. I do know that the way the many churches have treated gays is horrible and inexcusable and I am certain it has caused a great many people to fall away which is the greater sin. But that's all I am going to say on it (besides mentioning that I know a great many Christians besides myself who think God made gay people the way that they are and that monogamous gay people are not in sin). I didn't mean to cause any sort of fight. :(
Actually, no. I do want to say one more thing. Why do I think the way I do? Because I have a gay kid. She outright refuses to read the Bible or even look at Christianity because when she tells people online that she is gay, all the Christian haters come out and tell her that she should kill herself and that she is going to burn in hell. Their hate is much more convincing that anything positive I have to say about God or Jesus. So for me, I see their hate as a much deeper sin than my acceptance of her "condition." If we love Jesus and want to do what he says, then we are supposed to be the better example and begin embracing and working with gays rather than spewing all of this endless hate in their faces. It just makes me want to cry, it really does. That is why I feel the way I do. I don't know that my kid will ever accept Christ now, not after the fine example of some of my fellow Christians. It just breaks my heart. :(
tell her that she should kill herself and that she is going to burn in hell. Their hate is much more convincing that anything positive I have to say about God or Jesus. So for me, I see their hate as a much deeper sin than my acceptance of her "condition." If we love Jesus and want to do what he says, then we are supposed to be the better example and begin embracing and working with gays rather than spewing all of this endless hate in their faces.

That's horrible!:csad: It seems to me that some loony Christians think that being straight will automatically get them into heaven...bullies like that should really watch out.

I agree with you that their hate is worse than just being gay. I won't change my mind when it comes to gay marriage, but I don't get why some religious people view homosexuality as the worst thing ever.
That's horrible!:csad: It seems to me that some loony Christians think that being straight will automatically get them into heaven...bullies like that should really watch out.

I agree with you that their hate is worse than just being gay. I won't change my mind when it comes to gay marriage, but I don't get why some religious people view homosexuality as the worst thing ever.
I don't understand it either, not when there is so much more healing work to do. We are to look out after each other, feed, clothe and love one another, not tear each other apart. I suppose Satan is having a really good laugh over it. :(
That's horrible!:csad: It seems to me that some loony Christians think that being straight will automatically get them into heaven...bullies like that should really watch out.

I agree with you that their hate is worse than just being gay. I won't change my mind when it comes to gay marriage, but I don't get why some religious people view homosexuality as the worst thing ever.

I think many let their own personal bigorty get in the way of the Holy Scriptures. While I believe that as a Christian we cannot support sin. (the act of homosexuality is sin) We shouldn't focus on one particular sin. It's not our job to change people. Why people think it is i'll never know.
Part of the problem is the overreaction (in this thread alone) whenever a Believer has the nerve to stand up and say,"you know,according to the Bible,this is wrong."No abuse or name calling happened in the thread whatsoever,but you still had people challenging Christians and defending the "honor" of Gay Marriage.

We have as much right to consider it immoral as you do to consider it "normal".
Part of the problem is the overreaction (in this thread alone) whenever a Believer has the nerve to stand up and say,"you know,according to the Bible,this is wrong."No abuse or name calling happened in the thread whatsoever,but you still had people challenging Christians and defending the "honor" of Gay Marriage.

We have as much right to consider it immoral as you do to consider it "normal".

Incorrect. The_Harvest called it a "vile lifestyle."

No one was defending the "honor" of gay marriage as you put it, they were defending someone's right to love whomever they want. You're twisting words to make it sound worse than it is. Nice. :whatever:
Oh no, a Christian posted something outrageous in the Jesus thread. Something about his faith...this looks like a job for The Flying Spaghetti-Man!
Incorrect. The_Harvest called it a "vile lifestyle."

No one was defending the "honor" of gay marriage as you put it, they were defending someone's right to love whomever they want. You're twisting words to make it sound worse than it is. Nice. :whatever:

The Bible calls it an Abomination.Would you've preferred that to "vile"?Means the same thing.

And again,I'm pretty sure most Christians are not too concerned over what people are doing in their private lives.It's the taking over of Marriage to mean something other than what God intended,that's the issue.
It also exists in hundreds of cultures that have never been beholden to your doctrine.
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