The Jesus Christ Appreciation and Worship Thread

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Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · Mar 25
"Jordan court rules women who don't wear hijab are '****s'."

Ariel Poliandri @ArielPoliandri · Mar 23
British law to allow Islamic wills denying women equality & excluding children born out of wedlock MT @RichardDawkins

Saif Rahman @SaifRRahman · Mar 13
If woman get raped in public shes at fault for seducing men! She shd be at home like a Muslim woman!~Prof Islamic Law

Saif Rahman @SaifRRahman · Mar 13
Malay Islamic Shaman Performs Ritual for missing plane with coconuts, ZamZam water & Fish hook …

Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · Mar 12
Muslims split on whether pre-stunning is truly Halal (via @Laurie5519). Oh NO, a deep "theological" dispute. Quick, consult a "scholar".

Ronald A. Lindsay @RALindsay · Mar 11
Of course, re sacrifice Xianity no better than Islam. No animal sacrifice n Xianity but core doctrine based on human sacrifice:the Atonement

Dee Rose @deedre · Mar 9
Iraqi women protest against proposed Islamic law in Iraq to allow 9yrd girls to marry & husbands to demand sex. …

Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · Mar 9
“Part of the 1400 year old feminist movement called Islam”. Seriously, it’s in someone’s profile. Is such wanton delusion humanly POSSIBLE?

Aki @AkiMuthali · Mar 10
@Futiledemocracy Islam *offends* me, so I fight it using Logic--which coincidentally enough, no religion has. #shocker ;) @RichardDawkins

Andrew Beckett @AndrewBeckett · Mar 9
@RichardDawkins You disagree with women being stoned to death for adultery? Must be an Islamophobe

Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · Mar 9
BBC1 Big Questions. Brave Iranian Ex-Muslim talking of his childhood in nightmare theocracy.

Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · Mar 8
Well OF COURSE it was the same religion in 1972. But in 1972 it didn’t have power over women’s lives.


Pakistani Atheists @PakistanAtheist · Mar 7
For how long will the British govt. stand by & allow homophobia,gender segregation by Muslim extremists in the name of 'multiculturalism'?

Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · Mar 7
Jihadist dirty tricks to take over Birminham schools: via @Whoozley (But yes, "cultural diversity" is what UK needs)

Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · Feb 18
Whence such savage hate in such young eyes? Indoctrination, yes, but the phrase “identity politics” also resonates.


Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · Jan 12
Student hero challenges religion-inspired, misogynistic sexual apartheid at UK universities
Who are those "Christians" you talk about? Have you ever attended a Bible believing church? Do you know what is taught and preached during the meetings. We hide when it comes to criticising Judaism and the Islam? You got to be kidding me.

You enter a thread about the worship and appreciation of Jesus Christ. You neither worship nor appreciate him (despite your previous claims). Your fellow atheists/agnostics don't believe nor study the Bible but yet they somehow claim to know what God wants. Most importantly you are not interested in the Gospel of Jesus-Christ but you're attracted like a magnet towards this thread hmm.......

Ah, no, wrong way around buddy. YOU'RE the one that claims to know what god wants.
How do you know the bible is the word of god given to men?

How can I be rebellious towards something that doesn't even evidently exist? Do you consider yourself rebellious towards Zeus?

Look, if you're going to be putting out ideas that others find offensive, but you're not willing to go to a thread where those ideas can be discussed and defended, I'm going to come to this thread to challenge those ideas because it doesn't sit well with me to have bigotry to be protected. I was fine and dandy with leaving people to their appreciation and worship thread until that thread took a turn into bashing homosexuals.
8 year old girl isn't feminine enough for christian school.


Love this comment...

WildwoodClaire1 said:
I can think of no greater gift to that child than to remove her from the presence of school administrators determined to instill self-loathing in any child who does not conform to their bizarre rules of behavior. They are not discernibly different from some Muslim fundies who demand that women wear burkas, and bar women from a host of professions, higher education, and participation in sports and other leisure activities. Ultimately, the goal of that flavor of Christian is to indoctrinate children into what is, essentially, a phallic cult that insists that children without penises are chattels of those with penises. 
How do you know the bible is the word of god given to men?

How can I be rebellious towards something that doesn't even evidently exist? Do you consider yourself rebellious towards Zeus?

Look, if you're going to be putting out ideas that others find offensive, but you're not willing to go to a thread where those ideas can be discussed and defended, I'm going to come to this thread to challenge those ideas because it doesn't sit well with me to have bigotry to be protected. I was fine and dandy with leaving people to their appreciation and worship thread until that thread took a turn into bashing homosexuals.

1) Partly out of faith but also because it has changed billions of lives since ancient times to our modern day era. Some minor proofs would be the book of Revelation which predicted in detail the destruction of Jerusalem. The book was written before that event. But mainly, faith. I Could go on into greater detail but that would literally require writing a book. :)

2) You ask how you can be rebellious towards something that evidently doesn't exist. Well, first I would start with what proof do you have that makes it evident God and the deity of Christ do not exist?
Don't you just love when people start talking about (read it with a British accent) "Zeus, Thor and Apollo" when you mention God? Or "unicorns and fairies"? How original:hehe:
It's an analogy. I don't understand why some christians pretend not to understand analogies. You don't get that there's no more reason to take Zeus seriously than there is to take your god seriously. It's an analogy, google 'what's an analogy' if you genuinely don't get it.

Still waiting for your acknowledgement that you were wrong about Dawkins and muslims, by the way.
It's an analogy. I don't understand why some christians pretend not to understand analogies. You don't get that there's no more reason to take Zeus seriously than there is to take your god seriously. It's an analogy, google 'what's an analogy' if you genuinely don't get it.

Still waiting for your acknowledgement that you were wrong about Dawkins and muslims, by the way.

I think it's silly to compare greek gods like zeus to the biblical God. For one, the greek gods were based off of humanistic appetities. Where as the biblical God rejected the society standards of the day. (Equal treatment of women, women teachers, respect for servants) all things which were unheard of and very controversial in that time. So while the greek gods were an extension of humanities own desires, the biblical God was a rejection of those things. Requiring change and betterment.

And while the greek gods eventually faded the biblical God remained strong and quite literally changed the world. If God does not exist, that makes Jesus a liar. If God does not exist then surely by now belief in a signless God would have faded centuries ago as faith in the signless greek gods did. In fact, like any of the other gods did.
1) Partly out of faith but also because it has changed billions of lives since ancient times to our modern day era. Some minor proofs would be the book of Revelation which predicted in detail the destruction of Jerusalem. The book was written before that event. But mainly, faith. I Could go on into greater detail but that would literally require writing a book. :)

2) You ask how you can be rebellious towards something that evidently doesn't exist. Well, first I would start with what proof do you have that makes it evident God and the deity of Christ do not exist?

Firstly, I'd like to remind everyone that isn't the appropriate thread to discuss this and I'm sure many of you here would prefer the discussion not take place here, so come along to another thread if you'd like this thread to remain about appreciation and worship.

All I ask for this thread, is a minimum of the 'homosexuality is vile and an abomination' stuff. Otherwise, I feel ethically obligated to challenge that.


1) That many people believe something is true isn't an actual demonstration that its true. For example, many people once believed the world to be flat, many people once believed that the sun revolved around the Earth, etc. And, there are billions of muslims, so billions that do not believe in the divinity of christ. And within christianity there are tens of thousands of denominations and a wide variety of interpretations and beliefs. Mormons believe you get to inherit your own planet after you die. So, how do we actually determine if these claims are true? Not by appealing to popularity. There are other explanations for why an idea is popular. With religion, there is community and tradition, what religion you are is largely simply a coincidence of where you happen to be born.

Prophecy - there are multiple problems with biblical prophecies, I'll focus mainly on specificity. The problem with predicting the fall of a city is, its a 'prophecy' that's almost sure to happen regardless of where you're talking about, nothing lasts forever. And the region has been troubled for centuries, anyway. John would have been aware of this when writing revelations.

2) This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the burden of proof. If someone claims god exists, they have a burden of proof, I'm not obligated to prove them wrong. When I said "evidently doesn't exist", I mean there is no evidence, no convincing evidence has been presented that god exists, so I have no reason to believe.
Firstly, I'd like to remind everyone that isn't the appropriate thread to discuss this and I'm sure many of you here would prefer the discussion not take place here, so come along to another thread if you'd like this thread to remain about appreciation and worship.

All I ask for this thread, is a minimum of the 'homosexuality is vile and an abomination' stuff. Otherwise, I feel ethically obligated to challenge that.


1) That many people believe something is true isn't an actual demonstration that its true. For example, many people once believed the world to be flat, many people once believed that the sun revolved around the Earth, etc. And, there are billions of muslims, so billions that do not believe in the divinity of christ. And within christianity there are tens of thousands of denominations and a wide variety of interpretations and beliefs. Mormons believe you get to inherit your own planet after you die. So, how do we actually determine if these claims are true? Not by appealing to popularity. There are other explanations for why an idea is popular. With religion, there is community and tradition, what religion you are is largely simply a coincidence of where you happen to be born.

Prophecy - there are multiple problems with biblical prophecies, I'll focus mainly on specificity. The problem with predicting the fall of a city is, its a 'prophecy' that's almost sure to happen regardless of where you're talking about, nothing lasts forever. And the region has been troubled for centuries, anyway. John would have been aware of this when writing revelations.

2) This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the burden of proof. If someone claims god exists, they have a burden of proof, I'm not obligated to prove them wrong. When I said "evidently doesn't exist", I mean there is no evidence, no convincing evidence has been presented that god exists, so I have no reason to believe.

1) This is true. Expect his descriptions of the events were spot on. Right down to the mass of bodies in the sea who had tried to flee from Roman soldiers. To much smaller details as well.

2) Except that I am under no bruden of proof because I have nothing to prove. I am not defending my beliefs. I am stating what I believe. You intitated the argument on the existence of God, I am replying. I am under no delusion that I can force anyone to believe anything. I think that's perhaps the problem...many people believe that we as Christians are required to prove our belief. But our teachings never once say that is our responsibility.
That is what we call "faith"

Okay, so maybe you can get off your high horse and stop questioning the faith of other people in this thread, when their beliefs in christianity differ from your own?

One would think that you'd ignore something "that doesn't even evidently exist".

How can I when it affects every facet of society?

Your statement is contradictory. If we really appreciate and worship Jesus we will also take heed of to his Word and that includes passages codemning homosexuality.

1 Timothy 3:16
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

Homosexuals/Lesbians like, adulterers, thieves, liars, prostitutes, fornicators etc. can and will be saved if they believe upon the name of Jesus. The Bible makes it's clear that "All men have sinned". The issue is if they don't believe they are sinners before God they won't repent. You and the current society are telling them it's okay to live that way. To the point that you want to redefine marriage, (a divine insitution) and force those that do not agree to accept it.

The very fact that you don't have an appreciation for how harmful this kind of shaming is, is the very reason why its being challenged.

I asked you why you believe the bible is god's word given to man, and you said faith.

That's personal, it doesn't give you a right to dictate to society that they are sinners bound for hell if they don't share your faith.

And there are people that study theology, who think the bible doesn't even have a lot to say about marriage.

The argument about 'redefining' marriage doesn't make sense; it used to be that people could have multiple wives. Who cares if its 'redefined' so two men can marry each other? The point is that it doesn't affect you. It doesn't affect you whatsoever. You aren't being forced into anything at all.

How can you not see that this hard headed attitude is a large part of what drives younger people away from christianity?

Evolve, or be left in the dust as the rest of us progress.

I'm really sorry about what yourself and your daughter have to go through. Being gay shouldn't have to have any sort of negative connotations whatsoever. Being gay is perfectly fine, there shouldn't be any shame in it at all.

I just don't think people here get that. I don't think they get how shaming the language they use is.

I feel sad for them, really. I feel sad that they use religion, the bible, to shame people and 'beat up' on people that aren't harming anyone. I wish they could realize how divisive and unacceptable this stuff is in the 21st century.

No one deserves to be called vile or an abomination for being who they are. Sure, as an atheist, I think the whole concept of sin as christians understand it is made up, its a way for people to beat up on themselves for being born a sinner and for failing to avoid the hundreds and hundreds of traps of what could be considered sin. I don't think these concepts have any place in the real world. It's there to keep people in the religion. In the real world, we understand that you can't progress a civilization without some understanding of "I won't harm you if you don't harm me", the bulk of our moral progress is centered on understanding what benefits people and what harms people. Slavery harms people. I'd challenge the christians here to actually find anything Jesus said that condemns slavery. We figured that one out WITHOUT the bible. Despite the things the bible says, even.

Homosexuals aren't harming anyone. Consensual relationships between adults aren't anyone else's business. They do not affect anyone here personally. What they do in their home does not affect you. It makes no logical sense to expect people to take you seriously just because you quoted the bible. And when some christians are judging and condemning others needlessly, people like myself will be there to call you out on it. The christians that insist on making this an issue can either evolve on it or be left in the dust as the rest of us progress.
Thanks, I appreciate your kind words. It is true that harsh words have never truly brought anyone to the Lord with genuine faith and love, not in my experience anyhow. I still have hope that one day your kind heart will open to the words of Jesus and that you can grow to love Him as I have. :)
Thanks. I appreciate that squeekness.

I think I'll leave you all to it. I've said my piece and I think I'll just be belabouring the point if I continue and people will just be talking over each other.
I think it's extremely childish to use the word "homophobe". It's no different than "Islamophobe". A bully tactic.

I wonder if "Christophobe" is a word?
It describes what it is. It's childish to censure its use when it economically conveys a recognised concept.
Enough is enough. Closed.
Just asking for everyone to keep me in prayer. Having a real stressful time and just need prayer.
Didn't know that they made a movie based "Heaven is for Real". But I doubt they'll show it in my country.

I hope we'll see more movies like that in the future.
My brother & sister saw Kari Jobe in concert recently.I'm not really into Christian contemporary music,but she does some nice worship music like this one:

Just asking for everyone to keep me in prayer. Having a real stressful time and just need prayer.
Will do.

And always remember, God is like a cake. The individual ingredients may taste bad on their own, but when all mixed together into a cake, they all taste wonderful. This is true with God as well. There may be some things that happen in life that seems like God is absent or purposely doing something negative, but in the end when combined with his overall goal, they will be like that cake, they will all be something wonderful.
I'm really feeling screwed up tonight and I'm hoping someone here can be a messenger.

1.Why won't God talk to me? Or even skip me and talk to my agnostic friends that I pray will meet him? He's the most powerful being in the universe, I just don't get it. I've sat in darkness for a while, literally, just me and darkness, hoping to be joined by an everlasting light and while I know he's omnipresent, he didn't speak, or put his arm on my shoulder or anything. I don't get it.

2.Why do bad things happen to good people?
And I know, it's a sinful world, bad stuff will happen. And I also know that rain makes us grow, not sunshine. But still. A man who loves and serves God for his entire life is faced with cancer? Or his wife dies in a car wreck? Or his adopted children get taken? It's not fair and God could prevent it so easily. I'm so broken and desperate right now with these things.
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