The Leader + another villain has to be next.

Leader and Abomination, of course!

I don't think Abomination should be a simple henchman trying to get revenge on The Hulk, however. I'd rather see his character take a similar course to the comic one, where he starts to regret his decision to lose his humanity and become the Abomination. As such, he could be working for the Leader under some promise by Sterns that he could cure him, or so on and so forth.
Leader and the Abomination.

Even though I would love to see Ravage in the films I dont think i twould work out. The general audience would feel it was a copy of Abomination. Granted you would get a closer connection between Banner and the foe (Remember Crawford was a teacher of Banners that he saught out), but the audience needs to see osmething new unfortunatly. :csad:

I would absolutely love to see Mad Man!!!!!!!! By far I think he is the most underused and underrated Hulk villian. By far my favorite. But I dont see this happening in the next film...maybe the third film. Unlike the game we need to remember that Mad Man has a IQ level that equals Banner if not the movie version of Sterns. And also remember The Leader is afraid of his brother and what he has become - thus the reason why he tried getting the Hulk to bring him down during the Countdown arc.

We really need to see the Leader in all his glory trying to bring down the Hulk. He is the opposite of Banner and great dynamics between the characters. I could definately see some minor villians adding to this adventure like Half Life (I know not created by Sterns in the comic but give it some leeway), Ogrees, Hot Shot, Jail Bait, Omnibus, etc.

MAYBE with the Leader in it we could create a way for a certain character named Rick Jones to make an appearance in the film (I was dissapointed about the Jim Wilson mention but not Rick least there was no Fred Sloan) as a happless victim of Leader's experiments.

But yeah going back to subject Leader and Abomination. Did you know out of all the villians Leader has employed or taken on to his side the Abomination was used only once????
I could see a Leader/Abomation combo or maybe have Leader solo with the whole mind control stuff. Heck even make a 'clone' Hulk to fight etc....
didn't the leader have an obsession with being the Hulk in the cartoons? Or at least controlling it?
didn't the leader have an obsession with being the Hulk in the cartoons? Or at least controlling it?

Yeah. He had the brain power, but wanted the Hulk's strength to compliment it so he could become, in his words, 'god-like'.
After thinking about it, I'm not sure that bringing Abom back is a good idea. We want a fresh villain to give the Hulk a lot of trouble, along with Leader naturally. OK, it's time to get those dusty comic books out and see the hulks worst nightmares :)
After thinking about it, I'm not sure that bringing Abom back is a good idea. We want a fresh villain to give the Hulk a lot of trouble, along with Leader naturally. OK, it's time to get those dusty comic books out and see the hulks worst nightmares :)
I know I'm not the first to point this out, but what is it with Tim Blake Nelson and making super-villains?****/tbn.jpg
That's not Nelson, that's John Glover.

The villains could easily be the the Leader and Abomination (maybe with enhancement). Samson could get juiced with the Super-Soldier serum along the way.
I would dig seeing The Leader and maybe a transformed Betty Ross as the Harpy. I think that would be cool.
It really should be the Leader... and there should be one or more other gamma-based mutants that Stearns creates from experiments using Banner's blood samples.

The motivation for the Leader is that he cannot re-create a creature as grand as the Hulk or Abomination. He wants to capture the Hulk and get more samples. He uses mind control, goons, and perhaps some advanced weapons that his mega-brain allows him to construct... whatever it takes. All the while, SHIELD was out looking for the Hulk also, as to have a sit down with Banner (to allow them to help him control the changes and be part of a super team).

So, there could be some team-up to face the Leader and his goons (could include IM, or just agents, or they just show up after the HULK SMASH is over). Of course the Leader gets away, however, via telepathy, or fancy bugging devices, or a mutate that is sneaky at listenning in, Stearns discovers where the Abomination is being held and begins plotting to break him out.
So The Leader is a given in the next film after last night's showing. Though, with given how action-packed the film was last night, the sequel will have to be on par so there has to be another villain/lackey thrown in there to have the Leader ordering around.

Ideas would be.

The Leader + Mad Man = Brothers who team together to kick Hulk's ass.

The Leader + Abomination = The Leader would somehow get him freed after the potential arrest after his beating from the Hulk and use his vendetta against the Hulk.

The Leader + Rhino = If Rhino is free game in terms of licensing, then I'd for sure use him if the chance was provided. It would provide a new villain that has some notierity and can go toe-to-toe against the Hulk.

The Leader + Wendigo (+ Abomination surprise twist at the end)= If this was the option, then I wouldn't have Wendigo as a lacky but as the first villain in the film that the Hulk crosses path with in the wild. Then when Banner comes back to society, he would match agaisnt The Leader. Abomination would show up at the end and take Betsy for a climatic third film of the trilogy where he kills her.

Anyway, wanted to throw these ideas out there since they have been lingering since the conclusion of the film last night.

Actually, all they would have to do is have the Leader attack Hulk exactly how he does in the comics. Advanced technoloy, his mental powers and his biological expiriments i.e. his Humanoids, Rock and Redeemer, Riot Squad.

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