Here's what needs to happen for the next movie

The Burier

Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
First off lets get the title right..."The Incredible Hulk"

We take off basically from where the first movie left. Banner is keeping a low profile in south america and trying to find a cure for his condition. He'll Hulk out a couple times when pushed (this is to keep all the A.D.D patients satisfied before the real action starts) though he'll never Hulk out intentionally...and he'll always try to resolve issues as calmly as possible.

Side note: Someone posted here that they didn't get why Banner was getting mad in the first movie and that it seemed that Banner had some anger management issues as he would overreact to things normal people would be able to take in stride...To that I say...DUH

Thunderbolt has resigned to the fact that there was no way Bruce could have survived the blasts even though deep down he thinks there could be a possibility....Oh and he's deep in the doghouse as far as the military is concerned due to the incompetance he displayed with the Angry man situation.

Back in south America Banner encounters the leader...(not sure on the leader's origins so fill in the necessary facts here)

The leader does his homework and finds out/already knows about the "Angry Man" fiasco and sees this as a great opportunity to take over the world or whatever sinisterly over-the-top scheme works...The leader delivers this information along with a plan to destroy the Hulk to Ross who is eager to get back at banner for ruining his career and his relationship with his beloved daughter betty....that's when **** hits the fan.

Ross goes to see his superiors with his tail between his legs with evidence that The Hulk lives!! He promises that he has the technology to destroy the Hulk but he needs the full resourses of the United states military to pull it off....After getting clearence from The President who has seen what the Hulk can do and desperately need to be assured that the creature is destroyed. Ross and the Leader to go to work.

The Leader and Ross launch a seak and destroy mission on Banner. The leader designes a small army, ney MASSIVE army of super hi-tech mechs especially for destroying the Hulk...

Ross uses Betty as bait to draw banner out of hiding for and the most ridiculously heart bounding action ever captured on film commences ending with the final showdown beatween the Hulk and giant Robot made of adamantium ( or Something like in nearly indestructible metal) Piloted by THE LEADER..Who turns on ross because ross expresses that "he signed on for killing that monster...NOT WORLD" Ya see the Leader doesn't want to destroy the Hulk at all...he intends to capture the Hulk and use his emence power for total world domination...Setting up Hulk three.

Thunderbolt Ross and Banner join forces (reluctantly) to defeat the leader and his newest project...


The plot is thin and that's exactly what we want...easy linear story with tons of Hulk smash.

The back story is already in place so the rest writes itself.
-They need to get rid of the CGI Hulk and go for a guy in a suit like the Thing in FF.

-The characters in the first movie didn't have any chemistry with each other.They need to fix that.

-the story was long and boring.They need to make it shorter and more exciting.

-They need a better villain for Hulk to fight.

-They need to get rid of the super high jumps that Hulk did in the first movie.

-They need to show Bruce Banner traveling the country as a drifter helping people in the towns that he goes into.

-And the t.v. show song at the end of each episode should be put into the movie.

-They need to show a better transformation when Bruce turns into the Hulk,make it slower.
The Burier said:
First off lets get the title right..."The Incredible Hulk"

We take off basically from where the first movie left. Banner is keeping a low profile in south america and trying to find a cure for his condition. He'll Hulk out a couple times when pushed (this is to keep all the A.D.D patients satisfied before the real action starts) though he'll never Hulk out intentionally...and he'll always try to resolve issues as calmly as possible.

Side note: Someone posted here that they didn't get why Banner was getting mad in the first movie and that it seemed that Banner had some anger management issues as he would overreact to things normal people would be able to take in stride...To that I say...DUH

Thunderbolt has resigned to the fact that there was no way Bruce could have survived the blasts even though deep down he thinks there could be a possibility....Oh and he's deep in the doghouse as far as the military is concerned due to the incompetance he displayed with the Angry man situation.

Back in south America Banner encounters the leader...(not sure on the leader's origins so fill in the necessary facts here)

The leader does his homework and finds out/already knows about the "Angry Man" fiasco and sees this as a great opportunity to take over the world or whatever sinisterly over-the-top scheme works...The leader delivers this information along with a plan to destroy the Hulk to Ross who is eager to get back at banner for ruining his career and his relationship with his beloved daughter betty....that's when **** hits the fan.

Ross goes to see his superiors with his tail between his legs with evidence that The Hulk lives!! He promises that he has the technology to destroy the Hulk but he needs the full resourses of the United states military to pull it off....After getting clearence from The President who has seen what the Hulk can do and desperately need to be assured that the creature is destroyed. Ross and the Leader to go to work.

The Leader and Ross launch a seak and destroy mission on Banner. The leader designes a small army, ney MASSIVE army of super hi-tech mechs especially for destroying the Hulk...

Ross uses Betty as bait to draw banner out of hiding for and the most ridiculously heart bounding action ever captured on film commences ending with the final showdown beatween the Hulk and giant Robot made of adamantium ( or Something like in nearly indestructible metal) Piloted by THE LEADER..Who turns on ross because ross expresses that "he signed on for killing that monster...NOT WORLD" Ya see the Leader doesn't want to destroy the Hulk at all...he intends to capture the Hulk and use his emence power for total world domination...Setting up Hulk three.

Thunderbolt Ross and Banner join forces (reluctantly) to defeat the leader and his newest project...


The plot is thin and that's exactly what we want...easy linear story with tons of Hulk smash.

The back story is already in place so the rest writes itself.

I see that working very well. Thanks for that.
One thing that would to need to be changed in this story would be Ross Thunderbolt. He dosen't seem to be the same Thunderbolt from the first film.
Why would he resign? He did a good job of comanding the military and stopping the Hulk.
And He dose not need to team up with the Leader. He has the military intellgence to find information. He can also come up with a plan to destroy the Hulk by himself. He is a military officer of high rank for a reason.

The Leader is also very smart, so he does not need Ross.
Thunderbolt is not the same in this story. He's a defeated old man.

He may have done a good job stopping the Hulk but the United Stated government doesn't think so. All they remember is a huge green moster breaking millions upon millions of dollars worth of helicopters and tanks, a nuclear bomb and the toppling the ricearoni trolly. Not to mention the mass hysteria, conspiracy theories etc.

So thunderbolt takes on the leader because:

1) He's desperate, He want's revenge and his life back

2) If he's going to destroy the Hulk, he knows first hand that the military does not possess the necessary technology to do the job

The leader takes on Thuderbolt because:

1) The leader is smart but he's not a trillionare...Or at least not in my idea for the movie. He's needs Thuderbolt at an in to the militaries financial resourses.

2) Thunderbolt is the Link to betty...The only real bait to draw the Hulk out for this monumental showdown.
He may be old but is not easily defeated. He is strong willed and determined even if the US government blames him. He would not be desperate enough to be outwitted into helping the Leader to build better technology that could be pontentially dangerous and could be used without permision of the military.

He may be tough, but is he still a good man and a good father that would not put his own daughter in harms way. He does have honor and respect.
How about this. The Leader kidnaps Betty and blackmails Thunderbolt into helping him.
Could work but I think its a stretch.

The leader had to find betty kidnap her and then hold here through out the majority of act 2 while Ross is getting back in with the Military and everything.

Kidnapping on one hand is a tried and true way to get people to do things but on the other hand it seems a little elementary for a sinister villian like The Leader.

I think the fact that Ross is not easily steered only helps to get the Leader over as a true Supervillian when he does manipulate Ross.

Any other thoughts welcome.
They need to start the franchise over with a remake.
GoldGoblin said:
-They need to get rid of the CGI Hulk and go for a guy in a suit like the Thing in FF.
I'm sorry, you have seen the Fantastic Four, right?
GoldGoblin said:
-They need to get rid of the CGI Hulk and go for a guy in a suit like the Thing in FF.

I don't like that idea. they should stick with the CGI hulk.

The Leader storyline posted was pretty damn cool.
GoldGoblin said:
-They need to get rid of the CGI Hulk and go for a guy in a suit like the Thing in FF.

-The characters in the first movie didn't have any chemistry with each other.They need to fix that.

-the story was long and boring.They need to make it shorter and more exciting.

-They need a better villain for Hulk to fight.

-They need to get rid of the super high jumps that Hulk did in the first movie.

-They need to show Bruce Banner traveling the country as a drifter helping people in the towns that he goes into.

-And the t.v. show song at the end of each episode should be put into the movie.

-They need to show a better transformation when Bruce turns into the Hulk,make it slower.

Augh! No connections to that half-arsed TV show please. I suspect that is the main reason the Hulk did not talk in the movie. The jumps were actually one of the few things they got right. (Which the comic...NOT the TV show.)
JeetKuneDo said:
Augh! No connections to that half-arsed TV show please. I suspect that is the main reason the Hulk did not talk in the movie. The jumps were actually one of the few things they got right. (Which the comic...NOT the TV show.)

Yeah we need to leave the TV show out of it. The jumps were perfect words do not express how angry I was to hear people saying.."I never knew the Hulk could fly. I never saw him fly in the tv show"

come the **** on!!!

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