Justice League The Manhunter of Mars Thread

Steve Holt

Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
What are your thoughts, of J'onn, how they should introduce him, he he should be portrayed, who should play him etc

My thoughts this morning are what if he actually in:
the ship from MOS, would explain how he got to earth.
There's already theories that Kara's in there, but what if a Kryptonian outpost was on Mars at one stage when it was habitable, something terrible happened and they fled to Earth with the last Martian, He could be in one of those pods, maybe gotten woken up in the midst of all the chaos and went exploring, or maybe he's still in one of them.

Whatever story threads come of it, the main point was what if he was in a pod on the ship
After rewatching some Justice League episodes, I was reminded that J'onn is one of my favorite members of the team, especially how he's portrayed on that show. I'd be very disappointed if his spot is taken by Cyborg.

He could easily show up in any films leading up to a Justice League film, preferably in disguise, only to be revealed as a Martian in the JL film.

Oh, and he should be played by Lance Reddick...

thing about J'onn is he could be played by anyone, or everyone lol

But yes, Lance Reddick is awesome
I've posted my take before, but here it goes again. J'onn should ideally get his own film. Even though he has similar powers to Superman I don't think he needs the scifi epic treatment. My druthers would be a film inspired by the sections of NEW FRONTIER that focused on The Manhunter. Have the early goings of the film be about J'onn on Earth in the 50's, hiding in an America that is paranoid and on the lookout for spies and "subversives" every where. We follow J'onn through the years and follow American/world culture as it changes around him. By the time we get to the 70's/80's we learn with J'onn that there are White Martians on Earth and that they have been here for some time. J'onn must battle in the shadows against this threat across the years. He defeats (or seems to anyway) the Martian threat to Earth. Finally we come to the present and J'onn is maybe finally feeling at home here on Earth though he is lonely. He's watching his favorite detective/cop show when General Zod's message begins it's broadcast. He is not alone on Earth.
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For some reason I think the Martian man hunter will become the jl's biggest star for some reason. I guess because not a lot of people have heard of him.

He could be the JL's hulk in the sense that he's the breakout star
That's a huge possibility.

I would be stunned and fascinated if he is, then WB gives him his own film. If Marvel can greenlight Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Dr. Strange and a SHIELD tv series...there's no reason why WB/DC can't eventually pump out films for Lobo, Martian Manhunter, Teen Titans, Shazam and a Suicide Squad tv series/movie.
absolutely, J'onn is also a very likable character, I really hope that the movie version will have his obsession for Oeros lol

As for who should/could play J'onn.....I've said it in so many other topics on this site and many others. Literally anyone and everyone can play J'onn, he's a shapeshifter, it makes no difference who plays him, the only thing I hope is that they get a actor, not some model or whatever, but an actor who even if its not a big big star, but is able to own the role, someone who's proven that they are capable of some good acting.....I'm wording this wrong cause I'm typing when I should be sleeping lol but some of you get what I'm trying to say (I hope :p)
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LOL that's some product placement right there.
J'onn was awesome in the JL animated series, if he's in a JL movie, I hope he's half as cool as he was in the cartoon.
I know that I'm gonna get rapped on the mouth for this but... Vin Diesel for "Martian" J'onn? Sure, anyone can be J'onn in disguise. But in his green skinned form how's about NYC's own VD? He may be popular in the FF franchise but his track record outside of that has been very spotty. I like Vin though. He has a natural screen charisma. And J'onn could be a good role for him if instead of playing up "alien badass" they went with a more "Gentle Zen like wisdom" characterization. A person looking at human society and being more bewildered and fascinated than judgemental. And Oreos are a must. Must. Have. OREOS!
Vin Diesel would've been my choice in like 2000. I don't think he should do it now though. The only similarity between the characters Diesel plays and MM is the baldness
I think someone who can do laid back but still have a strong sceen presence and charisma/charm. Diesel has that to me. Even if it's not Vin I think a more Zen like take is what sets him from other heroes. Also that he is not like Superman, in that he came here as a fully formed adult from another culture should be key. I vote for a film before JLA. The continuation of the White Martians on earth could be the plot/threat for a 1st JL film or a sequel down the road.
Thats why Lance Reddick is perfect. His creepiness but stillness in LOST was perfect. Especially since it was a sci-fi show and you don't know WHAT the **** this guy was all about.
What sort of overall design do people think should be the inspiration for a live action Manhunter? Myself, I really liked the look he had in CRISIS ON TWO EARTHS and DOOM. The blue out fit and angular yet rounded head design looked very cool. I am a traditionalist by nature but I think that look would work better on screen standing alongside a Henry C. Supes. What do y'all think?
What sort of overall design do people think should be the inspiration for a live action Manhunter? Myself, I really liked the look he had in CRISIS ON TWO EARTHS and DOOM. The blue out fit and angular yet rounded head design looked very cool. I am a traditionalist by nature but I think that look would work better on screen standing alongside a Henry C. Supes. What do y'all think?


or these

The Martian shouldn't be in JL he should be in another team the JLA the team recruited by the gov't to counter the JL just in case they go rogue. He's the counter Superman so no Martian and co. until JL3 at least.
Not a fan of that idea AT ALL. Martian Manhunter would be far more willing to work for a band of outcasts and aliens like the JL than to work for the US government.

If Martian Manhunter is in JL, I'll be ****ing pissed if he's not on the team. MM has such a good place on the team. He's one of my favorite characters.

I really hope that at SDCC Wb announces solo films for characters like Flash Wonder Woman and a Batman reboot, maybe do a World's Finest too. Then, when JL comes out, you can introduce Martian Manhunter, new Green Lantern, and Aquaman, and it wouldn't take up too much screen time, because Flash, Wonder Woman and Batman already got their intros out of the way.
Im at a point where I cant think past the 1st JL film. Goyer doesn't work that way anyway. He's learnt from Nolan to put everything into the film they're working on. But I cant wrap my head around more than 5 characters right now.

I think the focus should be entirely on Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Lantern. In that order. I cant really think too much about Aquaman, Martian Manhunter or Cyborg right now.

J'onn could have a tiny role in the first or a big one in a sequel, if that were to ever become a reality. But I don't feel MM should be a part of the team in the first movie, a part of marketing, posters, trailers, merch, nothing like that.

Im content with just the main 5 members. Put everything into that. Martian Manhunter may or may not have his time to shine, but they shouldn't worry about it.
I'm not even sure that he has to be included specifically for the JL. I wouldn't mind him being used similar to the way he was in Smallville. He was sort of a guide for Kal-El. Doign that in MoS2 would be a great intro. This would show that he's in the universe, but doesn't necessarily need to be part of the JL. If he's a hit with the GA, keep him in for future movies. If not, skip him for JL and focus on other characters.
Not a fan of that idea AT ALL. Martian Manhunter would be far more willing to work for a band of outcasts and aliens like the JL than to work for the US government.

If Martian Manhunter is in JL, I'll be ****ing pissed if he's not on the team. MM has such a good place on the team. He's one of my favorite characters.

I really hope that at SDCC Wb announces solo films for characters like Flash Wonder Woman and a Batman reboot, maybe do a World's Finest too. Then, when JL comes out, you can introduce Martian Manhunter, new Green Lantern, and Aquaman, and it wouldn't take up too much screen time, because Flash, Wonder Woman and Batman already got their intros out of the way.
In the new 52 he's the most powerful in the new JLA recruited by Steve Trevor(WW's ex),he's their anti Superman,he's not raise on Earth by humans so his view of Superman is more alien like,he wants to be top dog and he will take down the Kryptonian in the new JLA along side Catwoman(Batman)Green Lantern Simon Baz(Hal Jordan),Hawkman(Aquaman),Katana(WW).Each member of the Justice League of America is intended to be a counterpart to the members of the Justice League, in case the Justice League would ever go rogue.
So...should we see the destruction of Mars during a JUSTICE LEAGUE film? Maybe as part of a Darkseid storyline? (Part of me thinks it would be cool if somehow the Martians were mutated into White Martians and slaves to Darkseid).

Or just have it hinted at as occurring in J'onn's past and creating more resonance that way?
In the new 52 he's the most powerful in the new JLA recruited by Steve Trevor(WW's ex),he's their anti Superman,he's not raise on Earth by humans so his view of Superman is more alien like,he wants to be top dog and he will take down the Kryptonian in the new JLA along side Catwoman(Batman)Green Lantern Simon Baz(Hal Jordan),Hawkman(Aquaman),Katana(WW).Each member of the Justice League of America is intended to be a counterpart to the members of the Justice League, in case the Justice League would ever go rogue.

I'm aware of the storyline, I didn't bother to read it though because I hate the idea. I love the first New 52 story arc for JL, with Darkseid, that should be adapted into a movie, not this government contingency plan with MM against the JL...

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