Comics The many deaths of PHOENIX


nerd herder
May 15, 2005
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Aside from that amazing moment at the end of the original Phoenix Saga, where she kills herself using a laser beam (probably would be more powerful if updated to her using Cyke's eyebeams now), is it just me or is the whole killing Phoenix thing being overdone to death? Has it lost all meaning yet? I mean sure, a phoenix represents rebirth, but seriously, in comics alone, who all has killed her so far? Wolverine 300 times alone? Gambit killed her as "New Sun" if I read right. Doesn't Magneto have one under his belt? What's the deal with the Goddess of Creation being such a wuss?

Define dead.

In my book, she only really died twice. DP and Planet X. That's it.

I have somewhat of a problem counting Wolverine's go at it, since she kept picking herself up like two seconds later.

And keep in mind, I'm no PF defender. It's just that she didn't come back every two years or something. :whatever:
Yeah. And probably because the writers don't have any idea how to use Jean in a story without going to Phoenix mode.
"If i die and come back one more time, i might turn into some kind of walking cliché"

Jean Grey, Uncanny X-men #284

Define dead.

In my book, she only really died twice. DP and Planet X. That's it.

I have somewhat of a problem counting Wolverine's go at it, since she kept picking herself up like two seconds later.

And keep in mind, I'm no PF defender. It's just that she didn't come back every two years or something. :whatever:
ITA. Jean dying is not overdone; its overexagerated
ITA. Jean dying is not overdone; its overexagerated

Thank you.

I mean, god, I'm no Jean hardcore fan and yes, her dying have been her most famous arcs, but damnit, it's not the only bloody thing she does. :whatever:

And while we're at it, what the bloody hell is up with people moaning about how she selflessly SACRIFICED herself in Planet X? :huh:

Huh? Mags IV just bloody murdered her where she stood. Plain and simple. She never saw it coming. I think the correct word is 'owned'. :woot:

Tragedy? Yes. Repeat of DS? God no.
ACtually in all good truth she only died in Planet X.
That's pretty much how I see it. Even though sometimes I like the pretend she died in DP too.

Although who are we kidding, in a year or two, Jean will be back, explaining to everyone how the other Jean was an imposter pretending to be Jean pretending to be Pheonix, while the real Jean has been hybernating in a cabin and perfecting her chess skills.
ACtually in all good truth she only died in Planet X.
yeah she did only die in Planet X but I dont mind counting DP when referring to her deaths bc thats how it was originally written and she was comic book dead as far as everyone was concerned for about 5 years. All these other "deaths" where she's back within the same issue are nothing.
while the real Jean has been hybernating in a cabin and perfecting her chess skills.

shhhhhhh damn it. Don't say these dumb ideas too loud, even if you are just joking. I heard that Brett Ratner patrols these forums. He'll make a movie out of anything!
...and having a daughter who is a spitting image of her mother, only younger AND more interesting, I don't see Jean resurrecting any time soon.;)

And the solid proof that Jean can be in an interesting book without going Phoenix-y: X-Men First Class.
Jean is the living(?) proof as to why you can't make comic characters too powerful, coz let them being all mighty only leads to three things- turning evil/go crazy, die, and no one knows how to bring them back without making them look like a joke.

It's time to let Jean get rid of Phoenix once and for all.
And for what they named Iceman now, he is a walking joke. Like you said a 'joke'. Their efforts to make Iceman look as somewhat a team player and not uber powerful makes you look like him like a coward and a joke. He can't even take down one sentinel during Civil War. Note to writers: If you really don't have any plans of making some go uber powerful on Marvel, just don't make them Omega, okay? I just can't read a current Iceman and not laugh at how pathetic they are making him out to be. Poor Bobby.

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