The Mark of the Beast......


Enter The Sym
Sep 18, 2005
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We all are some what familiar with that term and what it represent.

My question is, would you accept it?

Keep in mind, without it you can't Buy or Sell... in other words... you can't buy clothes, food, medical care, a car or gas for that matter, own a home or rent an apartment, and etc... you get the idea.

What do you do?
Venom'sDad said:

We all are some what familiar with that term and what it represent.

My question is, would you accept it?

Keep in mind, without it you can't Buy or Sell... in other words... you can't buy clothes, food, medical care, a car or gas for that matter, own a home or rent an apartment, and etc... you get the idea.

What do you do?
Well, considering I am too poor to buy clothes, food, and medical care, have a suspended licence, and my credit is too bad to own a home or rent an apartment, if getting the mark of the beast allows me to do all that, its a step up so I say Hey, where do I sign up for one? :up: :up:
No. I know it sounds crazy, but if you accept the mark that means that you have just sold your soul to the devil for all eternity.
C-$ said:
No. I know it sounds crazy, but if you accept the mark that means that you have just sold your soul.
Well, I already owe my soul to the company store
Dew k. Mosi said:
Well, I already owe my soul to the company store

Well it doesnt' matter if you accept the mark or not because you're already screwed.
If something like that seriously happend I'd be in the militia againsts it .
Hell yeah. The Beast seems like a cool guy. :up:
Siva said:
No, I would simply steal what I needed.

OK...think about what i'm asking.... obviously, if this new system was put in place, they would have contingency against things such as theft and etc...... Seriouly.... think about it and how controlled it would be, but without it, you are an outcast, may even be persecuted....well weigh the two... now what would you do?
Sarge 2.0 said:
Hell yeah. The Beast seems like a cool guy. :up:

Thanks, Sarge, I like you too.


I think, Sarge was talking about me, my animated brethren.


Henry, we look like this now.


Are you joking? I am afraid I cannot tolerate such an abomination. I must take my leave.


C-$ said:
No. I know it sounds crazy, but if you accept the mark that means that you have just sold your soul to the devil for all eternity.
Sounds, and is.
Venom'sDad said:

We all are some what familiar with that term and what it represent.

My question is, would you accept it?

Keep in mind, without it you can't Buy or Sell... in other words... you can't buy clothes, food, medical care, a car or gas for that matter, own a home or rent an apartment, and etc... you get the idea.

What do you do?

Being raised in a Christian home I know alot about the antichrist,personally I would never let anyone put a tracking device in me.Just the thought of being tracked by the gov. doesnt make me sound like I want it!
Dew k. Mosi said:

Thanks, Sarge, I like you too.


I think, Sarge was talking about me, my animated brethren.


Henry, we look like this now.


Are you joking? I am afraid I cannot tolerate such an abomination. I must take my leave.


Disney Beast makes Hank look like a little girl covered in dyed cotton. :o
Darth Elektra said:
Being raised in a Christian home I know alot about the antichrist,personally I would never let anyone put a tracking device in me.Just the thought of being tracked by the gov. doesnt make me sound like I want it!

it's quickly happening....but my ? is what would you do, where would you live, how would you come and go..... life will be very different without it. That's the thought I'm trying to convey. WHAT, if anything, would you do?
If those damn tea pots and candleholders started singing I would melt them down and make some golf clubs!
C-$ said:
Well it doesnt' matter if you accept the mark or not because you're already screwed.

actually, you can still make it to heaven and be saved after the rapture. but you will have your head chopped off because you believe.
Dew k. Mosi said:
Well, considering I am too poor to buy clothes, food, and medical care, have a suspended licence, and my credit is too bad to own a home or rent an apartment, if getting the mark of the beast allows me to do all that, its a step up so I say Hey, where do I sign up for one? :up: :up:
Well, this explains why you vent your anger moderating a superhero foum ;)
I think the mark will be a microchip in the hand which contains all your personal details, including financial so you won't need cash or a credit card.
Well the anti-christ is never coming so this topic is pointless .
The iPod is clearly the mark of the beast.
Kevin Roegele said:
I think the mark will be a microchip in the hand which contains all your personal details, including financial so you won't need cash or a credit card.
Yeah, until I saw your hand off and use it to buy a giant TV.
OKay, this has been the most cryptic week EVER.

1. I studied Revalations in class this week.

2. I had 4 Apocalyptic conversations with 4 different people this week

3. I've daydreamed about God in some way, shape, or form in ALL of my classes.

4. Now, there's an Apocalypse thread on the Hype.

What is God trying to tell me?

As for the question, I'm Catholic and a firm believer so I'm not getting that mark. They'll just have to kill me. :up:
Sarge 2.0 said:
Hell yeah. The Beast seems like a cool guy. :up:

That is the scariest thing I've ever read on the Hype. Not "ghost" scary, but "I can't believe I just read that" scary.

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