What do you do for a living?

I club baby seals for their pelts and then use those pelts to choke orphans.

The pay is lousy, but it's rewarding work in its own way.
I am an attorney by education, but no longer practice law. About a year ago, I started an energy drink manufacturer, which gives me more flexible hours to care for my disabled son. We currently manufacture two drinks, with two more in development.

Not 4Loco, I hope. :cwink:
I club baby seals for their pelts and then use those pelts to choke orphans.

The pay is lousy, but it's rewarding work in its own way.
I knew something was wrong with you australians. :fhm: :cwink: Just Kidding Hound, I luvya & have nothing against your country!
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Ok so you're doing the Commissary thing eh? Can you really compare the prices at other local grocery stores to the Commissary? From what I know is that the Commissary would say their prices are better but they'll slap on the 'surcharge' to actually be competitive (GO FIGURE)?

yeah I work in the Commissaries. We sell at cost with a 5% surcharge. Not many know, but Commissaries are actually NPO's (non profit organizations) The surcharge actually goes toward store maintenance, building new ones, etc. Like our electric bill in one month is about $30k and we make over $100k in sales per day.

We are only allowed to sell name brand items (a lot aren't aware of this either) and some stuff you will find better deals at than other places. But I haven't found anywhere that is cheaper on quality meats, produce, milk, eggs etc than the Commissary
yeah I work in the Commissaries. We sell at cost with a 5% surcharge. Not many know, but Commissaries are actually NPO's (non profit organizations) The surcharge actually goes toward store maintenance, building new ones, etc. Like our electric bill in one month is about $30k and we make over $100k in sales per day.

We are only allowed to sell name brand items (a lot aren't aware of this either) and some stuff you will find better deals at than other places. But I haven't found anywhere that is cheaper on quality meats, produce, milk, eggs etc than the Commissary

Military brat here and I use to love my Commissary and BX priviledges. The price of enlisting to get them back after I turned 18 was too high IMHO, though.
yeah you wouldn't believe how many people come in and try to shop without id. it's a daily thing
yeah you wouldn't believe how many people come in and try to shop without id. it's a daily thing

I don't think I tried to shop without the ID. I did visit a girlfriend on her break (she worked of AAFS at the time) using my car's base sticker, but that's as far as I would ever go.

In the modern commissary, do you show ID to enter or just at checkout? I remember there being a difference between our commissary and BX. One stopped you at the door. That was many, many, MANY moons ago however. How is it now?
I'm a Media Monitor. I love it :yay:. I'm also a stripper. I strip newspapers. My parents are very proud.
I own my own clothing company called Coeval! Like it on Facebook :) We should be launched by spring
Deli clerk in a supermarket. It all goes to my grad school bills.
I work in a real estate investment firm investing in commercial real estate in Europe.
I club baby seals for their pelts and then use those pelts to choke orphans.

The pay is lousy, but it's rewarding work in its own way.

That's nothing. I sell drugs to the community.
In college as a English Major with a Creative Writing concentration.

When I am out of school I work for a contractor that sends me all around the country to inspect equipment in Paper Mills.

I also work odd jobs to make side cash during the semester when I feel like it.
Production Coordinator at a Studio in the Midwest. Also get to shoot which is a bonus. Have lots of corporate clients but get to do quite a few commercials as well. Our company also runs the video boards for two minor league sports teams.
Production Coordinator at a Studio in the Midwest. Also get to shoot which is a bonus. Have lots of corporate clients but get to do quite a few commercials as well. Our company also runs the video boards for two minor league sports teams.
I used to work in the hotel business, but I have been a stay at home dad for the past 4 years. Love every minute of it.
I work in telecommunications engineering for a utility company doing computer drafting/engineering.

My part time job is punting small infants through field goal posts!
I mooch off of my mom. It has its ups and downs.
I used to work in the hotel business, but I have been a stay at home dad for the past 4 years. Love every minute of it.

I have a few friends that worked in the hotel world for a while. They always had great stories about people checking in or things they found in rooms haha. I'm sure you might have a few stories yourself. I'm sure taking care of your kids is better.

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