The Marvel Collection: Custom DVD Cover Art



Hi everyone...I'm a newbie to the board. Just thought I'd share some low-res previews of a Marvel set that I've been working on a bit. Since you all are Comic nuts, I'd try and get some feedback from you all. What do you all think?








There are more but there seems to be a limit to how many images I can post in a message....if others wanna see the resst of the set then i'll go and post them!
Im a bit torn. They are all good art. But as DVD covers, some, like DareDevil, are a bit too flashy.
Well I like the Punisher didn't like the Hulk one, why was Bana face green? The X-Men was kinda silly, looks like Wolverine is asking Magneto to check out his ass! :D And DD is too flashy. But why dvd covers? You selling bootleg tapes?
But why dvd covers? You selling bootleg tapes?

Nope....there actually exists a community of users on the net that specialize in the creation of custom DVD cover art. We use them to replace the often crappy studio deigned retail covers of DVD's that we have purchased. Many people use custom covers as a replacements for DVD's that come in snapper cases. Others make custom DVD covers simply as a way of showing their creativity. You'd be suprised as to how many people actually use custom covers.

I've created covers for a couple of other movies outside of the Marvel Collection. In fact, here is one for Hellboy:

Now I like that Hellboy cover :up:
Interesting didn't knew about that iCoty.
If I were to print these out, what size should I do it to?

Im not gonna, but I wanna make some for my own DVDs.

And do you type up the exact info that is on the back of the movie as well?
LOL The Punisher is rated: PG 13..!!
If I were to print these out, what size should I do it to?
Im not gonna, but I wanna make some for my own DVDs.

Well, the images posted are not suitable for printing. The correct size for a printable DVD cover should be 3240 X 2175 pixels at 300 DPI. all images on the cover should use hi-resolution images (300 DPI) so that when printed they look supreme. You should never use a low-res image and stretch it out to fit the cover as that will look like crap.

And do you type up the exact info that is on the back of the movie as well?

The legal info is all verbatim. However, I usally tweak the synopsis or use a different one alltogether. Also, you have to be sure to use the right logos and such.

Could you do a request DVd cover?

What's the is possible that i did it already.

LOL The Punisher is rated: PG 13..!!

Hey, thanks for spotting that one. I can't believe that I missed that! I've ulready uploadeed that Pun cover for download....I guess the admin missed that when he was checking my cover.

Well, here are the rest (some are still a work in progress):








Note: MIB, CONAN, and TOXIC AVENGER are all Marvel entities. Although they were not created by Marvel they are now owned by Marvel. I just wanted to give those who download my covers an option as to whether or not they wanted to use those covers with the collection.
I don't think Marvel has the rights to Conan anymore
The request is for my fan-made movie, so I'm pretty sure you didnt make it.
Why do you have The Man Without Fear on the Blade 2 cover? That is Daredevil's catchphrase. Nice work otherwise.
The request is for my fan-made movie, so I'm pretty sure you didnt make it.

If you can get me some material to use than yeah...I could make it! Do you want it to use the same template as my Marvel covers? Also, where can I see this fan movie?

Why do you have The Man Without Fear on the Blade 2 cover? That is Daredevil's catchphrase. Nice work otherwise.

I think you mean Blade 3....that's because when i made it, there wasn't a Blade 3 tagline released yet...I need to check if one has been officially released by New Line. Once I get it, I'll add it in.
The trailer was first he fought their gods then their demons and now something that I can't remember...
theres a guy who i get bootlegs off of and his covers are very similar to those, but the dont have the special features box on the cover
theres a guy who i get bootlegs off of and his covers are very similar to those, but the dont have the special features box on the cover

Really...would you mind posting an image of those cover(s)?
My movie's not done... will be done in October, but PM me and I can supply you withthe plot and some pics, etc.
You mean the Blade 3 and Toxic Avenger 1 synopsis?

Well, for Blade 3 it doesn't really matter for now since the film hasn't been released on DVD yet so I won't be releasing a hi-resolution version of this cover until the DVD is released. And, when i made this cover i couldn't find a synopsis for the yet to be released film.

And Conan...well, I only worked on it last night so it's still a work in progress.
well... i do enjoy what you have done here... BUT only if they would be "released" as a big box set. you have continuity through all of them which is good, but only if they are released togeter. i like the hellboy one alot. my other gripe is that most all of the covers are just the movie posters or released art. but i do commend you on your work. it is very nice. im not trying to knock you, just some constructive critisism.
Really good stuff. I don't like all of them but there are a few that I really love. Especially the Spider-Man and Hellboy covers.
Hi iCoty. I think your covers are fab. I tried e-mailing you and private messaging you, but I'm not allowed to. Guess your settings says you're not accepting PM from other users?

Anyway, I was wondering if you could make me two DVD covers. I'm lost when it comes to making DVD covers.. Will you please e-mail me?


Thanks :)
wow thats really awsome. i like them all, some more then others.

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