The Amazing Spider-Man The most implausible thing in ASM


spins a web any size!
Sep 30, 2004
Reaction score
A man who has the powers of a spider?
A Giant Lizard?
A cranes that line up perfectly?

No, it's Peter using BING as a search engine. Does anyone on this entire forum use BING? Serious question.
A man who has the powers of a spider?
A Giant Lizard?
A cranes that line up perfectly?

No, it's Peter using BING as a search engine. Does anyone on this entire forum use BING? Serious question.

That was the first thing I thought when I saw this too! hahahaha

What's wrong with BING?

My god it's awful! Maybe not for casual use but my junior year when my High School switched to Bing as the default engine from Google, the first thing our teachers would always say was "go to Google this website doesn't show up on Bing". Google/Yahoo are much more practical, Bing really sucks hahaha!
Peter was searching for his missing parents, with his search engine of choice being Bing it's no wonder he never found them.
A man who has the powers of a spider?
A Giant Lizard?
A cranes that line up perfectly?

No, it's Peter using BING as a search engine. Does anyone on this entire forum use BING? Serious question.

Peter was searching for his missing parents, with his search engine of choice being Bing it's no wonder he never found them.

lmao hahahahahahaha!!!
Haha, the Bing thing actually bothered me too.

I do know some college kids that still use Yahoo though and it kind of freaks me out that Google is not as universal as I thought.
Hahaha yeah, the product placement was lame. And nobody I know uses Bing. Nobody. I've tried it, Google is better. :oldrazz:
Haha, the Bing thing actually bothered me too.

I do know some college kids that still use Yahoo though and it kind of freaks me out that Google is not as universal as I thought.

i use yahoo for the main page but i have to make a conscious choice to go there google is pure habit.
bottom line though, is Bing is no worse than Google these days. Maybe 4 years ago it was. I don't blame Peter for using Bing.
Bing is just...sloppy

Google narrows down better results
I checked out Bing after seeing this movie. That product placement worked with me :o
Everyone here is talking about Bing. Guess it worked for them too. ;)
Wow... really? Haha this thread gave me a nice laugh :)
He used Bing because something inside of him didn't really want to know.

"Well, I guess I tried.."
Now if he had been using AOL we know something is wrong.
I use Google Chrome. I have no excuse to use anything other than Google. I don't mind Bing whenever I'm on a friend's computer, but I like to urge them to use Google Chrome :whatever:
A man who has the powers of a spider?
A Giant Lizard?
A cranes that line up perfectly?

No, it's Peter using BING as a search engine. Does anyone on this entire forum use BING? Serious question.
Google,Bing Yahoo what does it matter what search engine he uses lol. :spidey:
I thought Peter was supposed to be dead can he even afford the internet? :o

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