The Official 2012 SHH! Movie Awards Discussion Thread

Mrs. Sawyer

Mar 11, 2009
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It's that time of year again! The Official Superherohype Movie Awards are coming. Nominate and vote for your favorites in each category (not in this thread though). This thread will only be for discussion.

Movie of the year - Vote for your favorite movie of the year

Inaugural 2010 winner: Inception

2011 winner: Drive

Best actor - Vote for your favorite acting performance

2011 winner: (Tie) Jean Durjardin, The Artist and Ryan Gosling, Drive

Best actress - Same as Best actor

2011: Rooney Mara, Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Best Comedic performance - Vote for the actor who made you laugh the most, or your favorite character in a comedy.

2011 winner: Ryan Gosling, Crazy Stupid Love.

Best Comedy movie - Vote for your favorite comedy movie.

2011 winner: Tie: Bridesmaids and Horrible Bosses

Best Blockbuster - Vote for your favorite big budget movie.

2011 winner: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Badass of the year - Vote for your favorite badass.

2011 winner: The Driver (Ryan Gosling) - Drive

Best Indie - Vote for your favorite independent movie

2011 winner: Tree Of Life

Superhero Movie Lifetime achievement award

2011 recipients:
Christopher Nolan
Christopher Reeve
Richard Donner

(vote for anyone who had to do with the development of the movies. Directors, Writers, Producers in addition to Actors are eligible) - This is for all time, and not just 2011.

Favorite scene/moments

Vote for your favorite scene or moment of the year, whether it be the funny, awesome, or surprising

2011 winner: Caesar yells No! - Rise of the Planet of the Apes

The schedule will be released at a later time, but the awards will start December 23rd.

Six new categories have been added:
Best Song
Best Score
Best Villain
Best animated movie
Best Visual Effects
Best Cinematography

Here is what the schedule will look like:

And I should remind people there shouldn't be any nominations in this thread. Each category will have its own thread. You will have two days for nominations, in which you nominate the top three of your favorites and two days for voting (a poll of the top three will be added for each thread).

December 23rd - 25th Nominations; 25th - 27th Voting

Best Animated Movie
Best Indie
Best Comedic Performance
Best Comedy
Best Blockbuster

December 27th - 29th ; December 29th - December 31st

Best Visual Effects
Best Cinematography
Best Song
Best Score
Badass of the Year

December 31st - January 2nd ; January 2nd - January 4th (All 5 nominees!)

Best Villain
Best Actor
Best Actress
Favorite Scene
Superhero Movie of the Year (No Nominations, just a poll)

Open until January 7th:

Superhero Movie Lifetime Achievement - Nominate anyone who's involved in more than one superhero movie (since this is a young category I believe people who have been involved with multiple ones should be put in first and this will be the last year of this stipulation). Any one individual (actors, directors, producers, even an extra) is eligible.

There will be only nominations but no voting.

2011 Inductees:

Christopher Nolan
Christopher Reeve
Richard Donner

January 4th - 7th ; January 7th - January 12th (5 Nominees)

Best Picture
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I am also thinking of adding Best Villain and keeping the SHH! Lifetime achievement award open throughout (but not locked).

For best Comedy, I can see it coming down to 21 Jump Street vs. Ted.
Where Can I actually create my own A candidates or are you running this award show.

I used to run something called The Golden Light Saber awards but I am thinking the Smaug Awards sounds better.
I usually run it every year. It's the third year I'm running it.
Man, Caesar yelling "no" was awesome...

I assume "puny god" will be the best moment of this year.
I vote for more categories such as Best Villain, Best Visual Effects, and Best Score.
Best song and best score will be added, but I'm also thinking of best villain.

The thing is I am only able to have a max of 2 threads stickies at once so I try to keep the number of categories down.
Villain would be a great category. I love villains! :D
When are we nominating?
I'll PM myself my votes
Including best villain
What about Best Animated Film?

Or Best DTV? :o
Best animated film seems like a good choice too. I'll add that in there too.
How about Best Scene?
If this is for discussion, where can we vote?
Best Smackdown Award best be on here and Hulk crushing Loki has to be nominated and win. Although Bane Breaking Batman Back was good too.
The threads won't be open for nomination and voting until next Sunday, though honestly it may not be best new song and best score that goes first because of Le Mis. Most likely best animated movie and best Indie movie will go first.

I wanted this thread to happen early in order to open up discussion, which lead already to four more categories being added, and I may add just two more on top of it.
Best Smackdown Award best be on here and Hulk crushing Loki has to be nominated and win. Although Bane Breaking Batman Back was good too.

It's best to keep things streamlined so that's what favorite scene/moment is for.
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With Ryan Gosling do dominating last years awards, taking home 3 Hype award himself and having his movie Drive win best picture, what are some predictions of what will dominate this year?
TDKR's bat-break, and Silva's entrance. I am willing to be those two win some kind of award.
Cap calling out orders to the avengers or that epic tracking shot must win something. Best moments of the year
Things from TDKR and The Avengers should dominate, not only because of the context of this forum, but also because they were great films.

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