The Official Atom Thread!!

Superman \S/

Dec 5, 2005
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As we know a new Atom series will be coming July 6 and to me, it seems many things are instore. Ever since Ray Palmer left Ivy Town new things have been going on......Enter Ryan Choi, the young hotshot professor who's filling the empty slot on Ivy University's teaching staff... and who inadvertently ends up filling the old Atom's super-heroic shoes! Can Choi make a difference in a town more creepy and mysterious than anyone ever realized? And can he live up to the towering legend of his predecessor?

This seems really cool and I like the new suit and i'm really looking foward to this Choi character. Cover looks great and i'm sure the art will be awesome!


Thoughts? Will you pick it up?
Nope. This, like Firestorm, is a case where they replace the guy people wanted to read about in the first place: Ray Plamer. This wont do too well, but gail's a good writer so it'll at least sell in the 70's or 60's.
The Batman said:
Nope. This, like Firestorm, is a case where they replace the guy people wanted to read about in the first place: Ray Plamer. This wont do too well, but gail's a good writer so it'll at least sell in the 70's or 60's.

Atom and Firestorm are different characters. Just cause this new Atom is not Ray doesn't mean it won't do well. Again, i disagree with you. :down Did you read the book? It didn't even come out yet. So i wouldn't judge the book. When it comes out, then you can make an accurate statement.
That costume is awful. Every time they overcomplicate the Atom's costume, it looks terrible. The simple, understated costume Ray wore was perfect.

Anyway, this looks like a really, really obvious attempt to simply take an established property and make it more PC by changing the character's ethnicity. I don't have a problem with expanding DC's ethnic composition, but I would've much preferred seeing a new Atom who's actually new, with a different career and stuff, than basically an Asian Ray Palmer. The guy's even got Ray's old job, for Christ's sake.

I'll buy it and see what it's like, but the concept seems lukewarm at best right off the bat to me.
TheCorpulent1 said:
That costume is awful. Every time they overcomplicate the Atom's costume, it looks terrible. The simple, understated costume Ray wore was perfect.

Anyway, this looks like a really, really obvious attempt to simply take an established property and make it more PC by changing the character's ethnicity. I don't have a problem with expanding DC's ethnic composition, but I would've much preferred seeing a new Atom who's actually new, with a different career and stuff, than basically an Asian Ray Palmer. The guy's even got Ray's old job, for Christ's sake.

I'll buy it and see what it's like, but the concept seems lukewarm at best right off the bat to me.

I agree. But meh, having just somewhat of an Asian Ray is cool. I like the idea. As for story wise and seems like it'll be ok even with Plamer's old job. I'll pick it up for sure and see if i like it.
i kust dont see why ray has to be replaced? and the cover is hilarious. look at his eyes, jeez the artist kinda took a bit to far there.
GoldenAgeHero said:
i kust dont see why ray has to be replaced? and the cover is hilarious. look at his eyes, jeez the artist kinda took a bit to far there.

Ariel Olivetti's art is great. :o
Superman \S/ said:
Atom and Firestorm are different characters. Just cause this new Atom is not Ray doesn't mean it won't do well. Again, i disagree with you. :down Did you read the book? It didn't even come out yet. So i wouldn't judge the book. When it comes out, then you can make an accurate statement.

I never said they were the same characters. I said the situation was the same: Atom, like Firestorm, was one of those characters who people wanted to see in a solo title. But, like Ray Palmer as Atom, people wanted to see Ronnie Raymond as Firestorm. DC replaced both with new characters. I'm sorry, wont do too well. Dont expect this in the Top 50 of comic sales. Thats a fair estimate.
I want Ray Palmer damnit, and it sucks that it seems like were never going to hear about him again.
Darthphere said:
I want Ray Palmer damnit, and it sucks that it seems like were never going to hear about him again.

DC and Marvel have been having this problem lately. Fans want a clasic concept or character, and then they both just revamp it until no one's interested anymore.
The Batman said:
DC and Marvel have been having this problem lately. Fans want a clasic concept or character, and then they both just revamp it until no one's interested anymore.

Yeah, its apparent with the new Blue Beetle, the new Ant-Man. Ray Palmer suffered a huge blow with Jean Loring and we still to this day havent seen his side of the story. But we get to see Elongated Man crying and moaning and attempting suicide. I just want to nkow what happened to Ray, and why he wont come back.
I hate the new costume.

I love Ray Palmer.

I hate John Byrne.

I don't see any reason for this change. There is no reason why Ray couldn't come back after effectivly 2 years on self-enforced exile to discover that his city has gone mental and he is becoming their hero once again.

But... we have to have a Asian Ray Palmer... I don't see the point.
Nope, and not because Gail Simone is writing..i'm not getting it because ray palmer isnt dead, we dont need an new atom, the less issues that sell the better, then they bring back the original.

If it aint broken dont fix it
Assassin said:
Nope, and not because Gail Simone is writing..i'm not getting it because ray palmer isnt dead, we dont need an new atom, the less issues that sell the better, then they bring back the original.

If it aint broken dont fix it

Maybe it'll explain why Ray isn't Atom?
I'll give it a shot. I'm not even a ray palmer fan... actually yeah i'm not. I'm jumping into this character with very little knowledge of atom.
The Batman said:
I never said they were the same characters. I said the situation was the same: Atom, like Firestorm, was one of those characters who people wanted to see in a solo title. But, like Ray Palmer as Atom, people wanted to see Ronnie Raymond as Firestorm. DC replaced both with new characters. I'm sorry, wont do too well. Dont expect this in the Top 50 of comic sales. Thats a fair estimate.

I see what you mean, but for what you say about the series not doing to well, we'll wait and see when it's out.
kiuju2k said:
I'll give it a shot. I'm not even a ray palmer fan... actually yeah i'm not. I'm jumping into this character with very little knowledge of atom. is your friend. :up:
No. I'd rather just read this and judge the new character and not try to make comparisons to the old atom(which i will do) which i was never really a fan of anyway.
Superman \S/ said:
Maybe it'll explain why Ray isn't Atom?

cuz some one at DC decided they need less white ppl?

He shrunk down after Identity crisis and get away from his life.

i'm sick of all the changes just so a company can be more PC

Chinese team of heros, Mexican Beetle, Asian Atom, Black Firestorm

The ones in Bold make sence because 1 the precessior is dead, or 2ndly, every country should have its own heros

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