The Official Chloe/Allison Mack Thread


Jul 24, 2004
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The character of Chloe Sullivan, first introduced on Smallville, will be headed to comic books in the new continuity following DC Comics' Infinite Crisis.

Reports from the Wizard World convention in Los Angeles reveal that Superman comics editor Matt Idelson says that there are plans to incorporate Chloe into Superman's four-color world.

What could this mean for Chloe on Smallville? The idea that "she dies before the end" could finally be put to rest, for one thing...

We'll let you know when and if we hear more.

Head to for this link. I for one am thrilled I really like this character :) Plus what a great way to honor the impact of Smallville on the Superman mythos!
that is quite awsome, DC is making some very good moves. I'm so glad Smallville has been so influentiual on the superman mythos.
Now who out there was saying the other day that Smallville wouldnt leave an impact on the Superman Universe. ;)

This may also put to rest the notion that Chloe has to die before Smallville ends.

Great news for the team!:up:
Great new Chloe will be apart of The SUPERMAN Mythology. Now we see Adult Lois & Clark with Chloe. I think this is a great idea. I don't see anything bad coming out of this. It's not like Chloe is going to end up with Clark. He's already married to Lois. {That will never change.} So I look forward to seeing Chloe added into The Superman Mythology.
maybe it will finally end the chloe becomes lois rumors.............hich would be the best thing
Kaboom said:
maybe it will finally end the chloe becomes lois rumors.............hich would be the best thing
I agree I think that is a misguided attempt of people who love the Chloe character. If those people feel more secure hopefully that will die off.
Kaboom said:
maybe it will finally end the chloe becomes lois rumors.............which would be the best thing

Yeah, I hope so...

I love Chloe and I hope this provides hope that she won't buy it before the end.

...............unless chloe still becomes lois...but lois changes her name to chloe! let the rumors live!
AgentPat said:
How did I miss this thread? :confused:
me too :confused:

Chloe's a good character, but she also is a cheap copy of lois and steals what little significance lana had in clark's early years, maybe even make pete ross less important. Now we are going to get that crap in the comics, go figure. Not only does it have a rushed/sloppy feel to it since Chloe wasn't in birthright (an official origin without a character that's supposed to exist during that time?) but I am also willing to bet DC is using this in hopes of getting some of the young teens that love chloe so much to read comics now because their favorite character is in them

I hope the dc writers make her their own (have her as an adult reporter who briefly knew clark kent and doesn't know about his powers).
Tomwelling4sups said:
me too :confused:

Chloe's a good character, but she also is a cheap copy of lois and steals what little significance lana had in clark's early years, maybe even make pete ross less important. Now we are going to get that crap in the comics, go figure. Not only does it have a rushed/sloppy feel to it since Chloe wasn't in birthright (an official origin without a character that's supposed to exist during that time?) but I am also willing to bet DC is using this in hopes of getting some of the young teens that love chloe so much to read comics now because their favorite character is in them

I hope the dc writers make her their own (have her as an adult reporter who briefly knew clark kent and doesn't know about his powers).

i heard birthright was being wrtten out of cannon as if it never happened
Tomwelling4sups said:
me too :confused:

Chloe's a good character, but she also is a cheap copy of lois and steals what little significance lana had in clark's early years, maybe even make pete ross less important. Now we are going to get that crap in the comics, go figure. Not only does it have a rushed/sloppy feel to it since Chloe wasn't in birthright (an official origin without a character that's supposed to exist during that time?) but I am also willing to bet DC is using this in hopes of getting some of the young teens that love chloe so much to read comics now because their favorite character is in them

I hope the dc writers make her their own (have her as an adult reporter who briefly knew clark kent and doesn't know about his powers).

Are you Gancos on BT?
Kaboom said:
i heard birthright was being wrtten out of cannon as if it never happened

Nope, its officially the new superman origin.
KalKai said:
Are you Gancos on BT?

No, I just liked what he said and copied it then pasted it here . . . ;) :D

and btw, Its Gancsos :p
Kaboom said:
maybe it will finally end the chloe becomes lois rumors.............hich would be the best thing

In my dreams.

But I wouldn't hold your breath for the demise of that theory simply because Chloe gets her place in the comics.

It's never been about Chloe securing her place in the Superman universe (even though they would have you believe it is because she is such a great character she deserves have a place in the mythos by becoming Lois).

Chloe simply getting her place in the comics won't satisfy most Chloisers because it still doesn't give them what they ultimately want...Chloe being Lois so she can end up romantically with Clark. There are a few who like the theory because they just dislike Erica Durance's Lois so much and some who support it because they are big Chloe fans but the majority are Chlarkers who want to see Chloe and Clark together.

I think Chloe is a great character and think her introduction into the comics could be great. The cousin bond could be fun to play out in the comics if they keep the basic facts about Chloe the same as well as giving Clark a much needed best friend from his past. The dynamic between the three works very well without bringing any triangle into play and I could see them building that kind of rapport in the comics. I could see lots of potential for some great stories involving the three of them together.

If introducing Chloe into the comics does kill a certain theory, well, I won't cry any tears, but I'm not holding my breath either.
Kaboom said:
...............unless chloe still becomes lois...but lois changes her name to chloe! let the rumors live!

Don't even go their, :o

Get it thought your head Chloe is not Lois Lane & She'll never will be.
Just Accept Chloe Sullivan for Who she is. Not for who you want her to be. Chloe's is a great character, She's fine just the way she is.
Tomwelling4sups said:
No, I just liked what he said and copied it then pasted it here . . . ;) :D

LOL! KalKai, meet Tommy, aka Tomwelling4sups, aka Gancsos.

Pixiedust said:
...Chloe simply getting her place in the comics won't satisfy most Chloisers because it still doesn't give them what they ultimately want...Chloe being Lois so she can end up romantically with Clark. There are a few who like the theory because they just dislike Erica Durance's Lois so much and some who support it because they are big Chloe fans but the majority are Chlarkers who want to see Chloe and Clark together....
"Chloisers?" LMAO!! Is it really *that* pervasive a theory? Jeeze. I like Chloe as much as any other fan of hers, but seriously... they need to drop that silly Chloe becomes Lois nonsense. I admit that it did make sense *before* Lois showed up. Chloe's letter to Clark in Fever was definitely an eyebrow raiser. But now that Lois is on the show, every chance the writers get to hit us over the head with Clark/Lois foreshadowing they do. "The best ones always start out that way." "I had a nightmare once - a guy wearing a red cape." "Mom, I can't imagine loving anybody else" [said as Lois shows up in her car, right on cue.] Shall I go on? LOL Don't they (the "Chloisers" - jeeze, that cracks me up) see these things? Are they blind? :rolleyes:

Anyhoo... Here's one of my favorites, just for the Chloisers:

Kal-El 8 said:
Don't even go their, :o

Get it thought your head Chloe is not Lois Lane & She'll never will be.

i was prodding the fires....holy mixed metaphors batman.

in all my posts im anti chlois....

but even if i was a chlois supporter....."get it through my head" that seems an awfully rude thing to say simply because a person may have a viewpoint tha doesnt coincide with our own.

Asked of Chloe from Smallville will ever appear in the DCU,

Didio and Superman editor Matt Idelson had different responses. Didio said there were no plans, but Idelson followed his response and said there actually were some plans.

I guess this means DC comics is waiting to see What happends to her in 'SMALLVILLE" before they buy her.

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